4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 292: Intrusion


The roar of the explosion continued, and the world of stars called the Star Bus was filled with countless black spears. <

These spears hurt its surface and unleashed a myriad of squares that began to indiscriminately as soon as they appeared, launching their own light beams anywhere in the field of view.

But their attacks are just doing the same. These blocks are running in the light of their own explosions. Their purpose is only one... find the way to the core.

"Stop the spear...?"

The stellar bus and Lin are watching the surface, and Lin now feels some nervous emotions in the stellar bus.

Interrupting the spear, the stellar bus called it something that was inserted on the surface. According to the Star Bus, it can exert a certain influence on the environment around it, so that the black metal cannot be directly transmitted to its surface.

However, this kind of spear can offset this effect, so black metal can send a large number of troops to the vicinity of the spear.

However, this is limited. They can only send small units of the individual, so the squares that Lin sees are basically only about ten meters.

So black metal uses the amount to supplement the lack of strength, and they have sent thousands of troops near the place where a lot of spears are pierced.

"If you deal with them here, you will consume extra energy..."

The stellar bus seems to be in a state of hesitation. It doesn't want to deal with these small squares, but if you let them run around, it will be troublesome if you find the route to the core.

"Let me deal with them."

After Lin finished this sentence, the pompons began to act.

"What are you doing?" The star bus surprised and sounded. Because it found out. A large number of pompons appeared in the underground acupuncture forest.

These pompons are attached to those spiked plants. The attached spiked plants will soon wither and the pompons will quickly expand.

"Are you killing them?" The star bus became angry: "Hurry up and stop!"

"They will die with you." Pompon said: "In this case, it is worthwhile to let them die. If you know Artlan's ‘values, you should think so.”

"..." The stellar bus entered a state of silence.

Lin didn't stop. The large number of pompons that were originally used to explore began to swallow the plants quickly. These plants were cell organisms, and Lin was able to quickly obtain nutrients.

Pompons that get enough nutrients start to change internally. A variety of different arms are formed, while some pompons begin to dig the ground, and there are many suitable nutrients and ‘materials’ in the ground.

Lynn needs to build an army in a very short time...

The stellar bus seems to know Lin's thoughts, and it doesn't stop it, but even then, Lynn can't be sure whether it can create a force against the block army in such a short period of time.

Because the pompons here are almost all for exploration.

"They seem to be close to the target area."

Through the tentacles of the stellar bus, Lin found that some of the squares that ran around the surface were close to the areas that Lin had dug, and there were holes that went straight to the underground refuge.

They must be prevented from passing through that place... Lin found that dozens of squares are rushing to the area in a rushing way.

'Snapped! When the squares approached the refuge, they suddenly stopped moving, as if they were hitting a transparent wall and could not move on.

And look carefully. The squares didn't hit things, but their legs seemed to suddenly get stuck.

Because the legs of the square are mechanical. The parts inside seem to have something wrong. Of course, Lin has never seen anything wrong with black metal. It should be what the stellar bus did.

At the moment when the block was stuck, Lin felt a special brain wave, but it was not obvious, perhaps because of the relationship in the ground, and on the ground, this brain wave has a great influence on the black metal.

"I stopped them." When Lin thought about it, the stellar bus said to Lin: "If I want to completely destroy them, I need to consume too much... energy. If you can help me destroy them, it is the best. Happening."

"I will increase the speed." Pompon said: "But how long can you stop them?"

During the stellar bus talk, those small squares are constantly trying to move forward.

But the most important thing is that after they were blocked, the small squares that were originally scattered in other places all gathered in this place.

"I don't know." The star bus gave Lin a reply.

"But from the beginning... I didn't want you to help, you have done a lot, and no matter how things progress, they will be destroyed with me."

At the moment when the Star Bus said this, the earth shook again. The running blocks felt shocked and their speed slowed down.

However, they did not stop, and the blocks that were originally blocked at the beginning began to move forward at a slow speed, and some of the blocks were already close to where the refuge was.

There is a huge pothole in the pothole. There are a lot of old Atlantan things in the pothole, such as buildings and transportation. There are many caves in the pit. Some caves go straight to the underground shelters and arrive at the shelter. Down to this underground acupuncture forest.

However, the road in the middle is very 'rugged', so Lynn thinks that they are not so easy to go underground, but now more and more squares are gathering, it seems that as their number increases, the blocking effect of the stellar bus becomes more and more The weaker it is.

As it weakened, a large number of squares ran to the potholes that Lin had dug, and scattered there to explore.

"That is……"

Lynn noticed that the caves that could have been to the depths of the underground were gone.

The squares were constantly searching for them. They ran into the ruins of Atlan, turned their vehicles, and drilled in the building, but could not find the way to go.

It seems that the stellar bus has made the holes on the ground disappear? Does it have this ability?

Lin feels that the stellar bus should be unable to control these more detailed parts and can only control large-scale ground operations, but it seems that it can do very small things.

But... those blocks obviously won't give up. Since there is no access, they plan to make their own paths. These creatures start to dig quickly on the ground.

They first bombed with their own light groups and continued to dig there, and the excavation speed was fast.

Lin still doesn't know if the stellar bus has completely blocked the tunnel, but it can still be delayed, so that Lin can quickly create more troops.

Lin has already created some troops. They are still the appearance of pompoms, but there are no small changes in them. These pompons quickly flew to the exit of this underground jungle and flew along the passage to the road leading to the ground. .

At the same time, Lin also saw that the squares had been dug to the underground refuge. The stellar bus seemed to only close those holes close to the surface, but the underground passage was still there, and the channel dug out was... It leads to the No. 13 Refuge, the refuge that Lin originally found.

After the tunnel was dug, a large number of squares quickly entered the underground, and the tentacles of the stellar bus did not follow their progress, so Lin had to observe it.



Here is the dark space underground, where small sounds echo.

Pompoms hiding in the dark have already seen...

In the rocky passage in front of you, a small group of squares are crawling quickly.

They are much smaller than they were before, each one is only one meter, and they were originally those ten-meter squares.

When approaching, Lin discovered that the ten-meter square was actually composed of ten squares, and after reaching the narrow passage, they spread out.

They are now reaching depths where the mentally degraded Atlan lives, and the results of both encounters are easy to know.

Therefore, Lynn told the Star Bus where the box is: "They are here, you should be able to easily bury them." Now only the Star Bus will collapse the cave, and they will all be buried underground.

"This can't be done."

The stellar bus directly told Lin: "There are some caves in the depths... that are uncontrollable. If you force the passage here, other places will also affect it, which may cause the entire underground environment to collapse."

Lin understands... The stellar bus does not directly control these tunnels. Instead, it uses other structures deep underground to drive the entire underground operation, so it is uncontrollable in some places.

So... Lin only has to fight herself.

'boom! ’

After a loud explosion, a large number of rocks fell from the top of the cave, and the square running in the front was suddenly hit by a large number of falling rocks and buried under the stones.

The back squares all stopped in an instant, and they quickly dig up the fallen stones.

Is this how they face collapse? It feels very...


Lin suddenly saw that after the stone was dug, the squares were combined again, one behind the other, and then proceeded deep into the passage.

What do they mean by doing this?

While Lin was observing, a large number of pompons also flew to the location of the underground refuge, and a small number of pompons in the passage have been observing the squares.

Just wait until these blocks go somewhere and they will be completely destroyed.

The stellar bus does not seem to be paying attention here.

It pays attention to the void... it is very close to its goal. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~o Shangguan Phoenix o~ 1000~~!

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