4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 62: Sea of ​​disaster

what happened?

The tentacle looked at the black circle of cockroaches. They seemed to be cooked in an instant, but the tentacles didn't look at it. Lin didn't know what happened.レ私露 ke♠思与hearts;路&c露bs;客レ

The brain-reader and the controlled cockroach are located in the center of this circle, and it seems to have become a pile of dust.

What is so powerful?

Although I didn't see it, but if I listened to the feelings of hearing and reading before the death of the brain, the high temperature of that moment, and the extremely dazzling flash, seems to be... lightning?

If so, this feeling is really terrible...

After that, Lin had another barbecue. At the same time, Lin also did a new experiment: Lin put a brain-reader under the clouds of lightning to generate electricity, and like the control of the cockroaches at that time, let the readers continue to release Some current is drawn, and then several eyeball tentacles are placed around it for observation.

The thunder of the air surged, and the clouds shimmered in the snow. Suddenly, with the bang, Lin clearly saw the sky rushing down a bright light, accurately hitting the position where the brain was read, and instantly changing it. For the blackened barbecue.

Sure enough, it was really done by lightning. Lynn had never thought about this.

Later, Lin experimented with this ‘attraction of lightning’ several times.

The power of lightning is not necessarily, sometimes small, sometimes quite horrible, but it is much stronger than the electric shocks released by Lin's arms.

If the height is higher, the chance of attracting lightning is greater. When lightning strikes with high temperature, it is likely to cause terrible disasters such as flames.

but. Lightning has never happened to burn the twisted jungle, twisting the tree even when it is sleeping on this cold day. They are still resistant to lightning. If the reader is placed in a twisted bush, it can't attract lightning, basically only at the foot of the empty mountain.

But it is really fun to attract lightning. How should this be used? There may be no chance now.

However, this kind of readers now have a lot of problems, and they need to transform their brains.

Lin's research is still going on. Lin believes that attracting lightning may be too thin for the brain, and most of the discharge tentacles are exposed. Lynn needs a brand new brain reader... a kind of brain reader who can drill into the opponent's body.

That's right, drilling into the body and directly replacing the other's brain. This kind of privacy is much more powerful than before, but it can be very troublesome to implement. It is mainly difficult to get through the whole without hurting the creature. If you only let some The filaments are drilled in. Then it takes a lot of time to slowly proliferate inside, there is no way to control it.

Therefore, Lin returned to the previous point of view.

Lin wants to control the brain directly, instead of replacing brain control, but before that, I tried to force extra current. It usually causes problems with biological nerves, making it easy to kill or mad.

For this, we have to study slowly, and the research method is quite simple. It is to try to send a variety of electric waves to a biological brain.

Leviathan is located within the lake. At the bottom of the lake, Lin established several cage structures consisting of shells. Used to trap those creatures that have been tested.

Now Lin is experimenting with a common cockroach here. Although this cockroach is not the same as the hot spring, it is also very similar. The length and weight are similar.

Why do you always like to use it? Because they are thin, so they can get in.

Lin read the brain and hugged a skull in the cage, then pierced the tentacles into his brain and sent some current signals to it.

Suddenly reacted, it kept rolling over the body, and then the brain cells began to pile up to death...

Is that the case?

This is really hard to do. What Lin can do now can only release some information, let the creatures produce various emotions, like anger and excitement, but it is impossible to direct the body through their brains. .

Lynn is not sure what kind of current is the brainwave in their thoughts. This is hard to feel and difficult to imitate, so it is difficult to make progress in this research.

Slowly, Lynn slowed down the study. There aren't too many experimental creatures to kill it, and it's a waste to kill them for this experiment.

Under the intermittent research, time is so slowly...

On this cold day, everything seems to be boring. Only the hot springs at the foot of the mountain gather more active creatures. Other places are covered by snow and ice. The sky is grayed out most of the time, even if it occasionally shines. Also can't dissolve the thick snow.

In this case, Lin’s green carpet received no more nutrients than the daily activities of the arms. Many units needed to shovel the snow for the unexpanded flash forest. They would consume a lot of food. In this case, Lin created a new green carpet, the green carpet ball, which is covered with a green carpet, and its spherical body is filled with floating gas, which can float to the clouds to absorb light.

In the sky, it is impossible to absorb all kinds of nutrients in the soil, so the rate of nutrients is still relatively slow, but at least it can maintain the food demand in this cold moment.

At the same time, Lin is also thinking, is it possible to create a huge piece of floating green carpet?

Although I think so, it will be very troublesome to implement, so Lin plans to wait until the end of the cold.

While living on the boring day under the cold, Behemoth also flew to the east of the mainland in the southeast, has traveled for ten days and nights, and the surrounding area of ​​Behemoth is still a vast ocean.

This world... is really quite big.

The sea here is not so dark, but only relatively speaking, the total is still black. Every time I fly, Behemoth will cast a 'exploration ball', which will sink to the bottom of the sea and observe the surrounding situation.

The bottom of the sea is basically a desert, a cracked trench, and a dead coral reef, as well as a skeleton and a corpse. It flies so far, and Lin basically sees this.

The impact of the disaster is really quite big. Does the ocean really have no living creatures to survive? Lynn only discovered that a few single-celled organisms are decomposing those corpses and the tibia.

I haven't seen any multicellular organisms, even a minimal trilobite.

Now, when it’s time to drop the ball, Behemoth drops the ball wrapped in the shell under the height of hundreds of meters. It quickly falls into the sea and it splits when it touches the sea. A fish-like unit will swim into the sea.

When Lin thought that the sea floor here was the same as before, he found that there were different scenes here.

Although it is not a creature, it makes Lin very familiar. On the seabed, there are huge stones everywhere. These stones are not the things of the seabed itself, but the boulder that Lin had encountered since the escape of the disaster. .

Has it already reached this position?

Exploring the ball and watching these boulder, Lin began to think about where these stones came from.

These stones are more than tens of meters in diameter, and the weight doesn't know how many tons. Lin believes that there is no power to throw them into the air now, whether it is a tsunami or something, let them roll at most.

However, Lynn’s knowledge may not be wide enough. Is it really possible that this power can throw them up?

The explorer approached these boulders and began to explore and research, releasing some tiny arms that plunged into the cracks in the rock surface.

The most likely idea for Lynn to be on these rocks is... maybe they fell from the stars in the night sky.

The location of the starry sky is quite far away, and there is something there, and Lin is completely unclear, so what is happening there is not surprising.

Moreover, the structural components in the stone are quite strange, unlike the common rock components on the land or the sea floor, it can be seen that they come from quite a distant place.

Now that you have reached this rockfall area, it is not far from the original settlement.

Now that the weather is snowing, Behemoth speeds up the flight, and Lynn feels that she will see the place.

But the weather was still fairly stable, and the sky suddenly began to make a violent wind. These strange airflows seemed to pop out, and countless waves were picked up on the sea.

The climate on the sea is very weird, although it doesn't feel like it in the sea.

Lin feels that this airflow seems to be spinning all the time. Lin sees a few hundred meters in front of it, and there is a weird phenomenon. It looks like a huge cloud column rotating at high speed. The cloud column that keeps swirling is ten wide. Domi, its rotation even **** up the sea, this phenomenon seems to be the main reason for the rotation of the airflow.

Moreover, it is spinning towards Behemoth at a very fast speed!

This phenomenon, Lin's thoughts called 'tornado', is a very powerful phenomenon. Behemus immediately opened the air vents and unloaded all the gas in the body to the sea. Before the other party arrived, Behemoth sank into the sea and quickly sank under the sea.

Although the sea was choppy, it was very calm on the sea floor, and there was no external storm or huge waves. In this calm sea, Lin continued to move toward the goal.

It should be here...

After swimming for a long time, Lin found a large visor of fish in the seabed. Here is where the sea is getting hot and they start to die a lot.

Most of the bodies of these helmeted fish have bones left. It seems that there are still creatures to eat them, but the water toxins here are much more serious than the coast of the northern continent. It is a 'hardest hit'. It is estimated that not many multicellular organisms are eating. These helmeted fish may be some fungi that are not afraid of toxins.

There is a feeling of 'lost', isn't the ocean always like this?

Behemoth swims through this large skeleton, and Lin believes that it should be able to return to the original place, but it found that behind the sacral team of the helmet fish, a huge rock wall appeared.

This rock wall is several kilometers wide and rises directly above the sea. It is like a cliff that suddenly rises in the sea. I have never seen this kind of thing before.

Ps: Thanks ~ soul seeker ~ three-legged witch crow ~ rewards ~

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