4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 401: What should I do?

"No." This is the first word that Maya replied to the Master's plan.

"What? Why not?" The response of the priest to Maya was a surprise.

“Can your slow brain not feel the risk?” Maya said: “Modify the information? How to modify it? How can it reveal the core and not send it to the sea of ​​creation?”

"So, this is what we will do next." The instructor said: "I will tell you..."

"No, the next thing is very simple." Maya said: "Destroy the information sending device here, it is easy, efficient and risk-free."

"No, Maya! This is a good opportunity to find the brain!" The instructor said: "It is too difficult for Lin to find them from various clues in the void, and it is impossible to simply destroy them in the dream world. Only this method You can discover their core in one fell swoop, completely destroying this creature in one go! As long as the core is destroyed, the dream world on which they live depends on the whole collapse! More than 98% of the brains will die instantly, without dreams, only They can be trapped in the biological brain and machinery without any threat!"

"The calculation is incomplete and the action is too ignorant." Maya said: "I can't be with you."

"But you..." The Master still wanted to say something, but it suddenly stopped.

‘Hey! There was a sound in the base suddenly, and at the same time a lot of noise, w"ww.'s footsteps rang, it seems that something went out.

"After further, they will notice us." The instructor said: "I will give you a 'send' method of how to modify the creator's sea information... Remember, Maya, this is the best way to destroy the brain. ""

Finished. The Master put the Maya behind the three semi-circular transmitters. Then I went out myself.

"Discover them..."

Maya looked at the few transmitters. It seems that I am thinking about something.

After thinking for a while, it looked at Mktu around him, Mktu was still in a coma, and was sleeping... It seems that after he woke up, he had to say this to Muktu.

What would Mktu think?

They have different personalities and will think how things are done, so... Maya feels a little... hesitant.

It really wants to solve this group of brain spirits, but it is related to the pompon... If the brain spirit wants to completely destroy the creatures on the pompons and send information. Even if the information is changed successfully, when Lin comes back, is there only them left?

Or, they do something in the brain-minding base, so that the brain is defeated and forced to send information directly...

In this way, there are also some problems...

However, Maya is most concerned about what to do if the Master’s plan fails. If the information is sent to the sea of ​​creation...

............ At the same time, on the other side............

"Blow up those towers! Go!"

A fleet is sailing above the icefields. With powerful drive tools, they are able to move on almost any terrain. And those terrains that can't move... just blow up a road that can move.

The fleet of Xiaolong and Jade Dragon has reached the 'brain-contaminated area', where the ground still looks like it is covered by ice and snow, but they have already found the location of the tower through the map.

'boom! ! ! ’

The explosion has created countless potholes on the ground.

The pterosaurs in the sky flew quickly, they cast a lot of explosives, and the roaring sound completely revealed the hidden things in the snow...

"The towers are inside!" After the explosion, a black tower appeared in the hole that could be seen from the sky, and the troops in the sky dropped the explosives again. The explosives that flew into the cave quickly became Smash everything inside.

"Now we still haven't suffered a counterattack." Susumi looked at the sky and bombarded the tower buried in the ground and said: "Is this a trap? Are they going to take the opportunity to attack us?"

“Most likely!” said the scholar: “Because of delayed transmission, they are likely to appear at any time, but the location of delayed transmission is generally in the air, so it will not appear directly in front of us. Just pay attention to the sky. !"


Suddenly, the scholar felt what he heard, and at the same time he felt that he had received a lot of information...

"What is this?" And the Susumi next to him, as well as the surrounding emerald dragons, seem to have received them, and they all lie in the same place.

“Is this...the city?” The scholar found that the information in his head showed a...city.

The city is very similar to the virtual people. There are a lot of metal buildings. Their shapes are also various, but the most important thing is that they are all black, and there is a dazzling reflection in the sunlight.

“What is going on?” Susumi said to the scholar: “It seems like there is a scene in a certain place in the brain. Do you know where it is?”

"This information...may be sent by Maya." The scholar said: "I have received it before sending brainwaves. This feeling is very similar..."

"This seems to be the base of the brain, but it is too big..." The scholar pointed to the distance: "The direction is in that direction, maybe Maya intends to tell us the location of the base... Is it now at the base?"

"No matter what, it seems to be our goal." Susumi said to the surrounding troops: "Go forward! Go to the place that just appeared in your mind, our enemy will gather there!"

"Hey! I understand!" All the emerald dragons no longer worried, they quickly maneuvered the battleship and sailed to the distant target.

"Wang! It's windy!"

And when they first started to act, the surrounding cold wind suddenly became fierce.

"It seems that there is still a war to fight before going there..."

Not far from the front of the fleet, countless ice and snow continually circling, it formed a huge storm, and there were a large number of Atlan troops around the storm.

These Atlanes are riding a special kind of means of transport, they are moving quickly on the snow, close to where the fleet is...

"Those Atlan seems to have upgraded the equipment." The scholar looked at them with Wang Yuanmu: "It is not easy to distinguish the commanders among them now."

"It doesn't matter..." Susumi said: "We should also use our new weapons, and our reinforcements will soon be coming... These troops, and those storms will not be our opponents!"

"Go! Fight for the future of Emerald Dragon!"


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