Ps: Watch the exclusive story behind "The Evolution of 4.6 Billion", listen to your suggestions for the novel, pay attention to the public number (WeChat add friends - add public number - enter dd), tell me quietly!


The war is spreading on the snow. ↖

The guns on the ship slammed arrows into the distant black city with the roar.

'boom--! ! ! ’

A black tower with a height of tens of meters fell under the impact of the arrow. At the moment when it turned into pieces, a large number of Atlan underneath also made a scream.

"Even if it is a copy, it will scream at the moment of death..."

Dozens of ships have flown to the distance of only 100 meters from the city of Brains. Under such a close distance, their weapons can arbitrarily hit any target outside the city.

Susumi looked at the distant city on the flagship. A large group of Atlan is on the edge of the city. They use their weapons to continuously shoot the ship.

The tiny **** of light emanating from their weapons made an overwhelming barrage, flying like a storm to Susumi’s fleet.

This kind of light ball can easily dissolve any soldier's body, and can also make big holes on heavy metal, but Susumui has already had a way to deal with them.

"Hold the ash shield!"

The emerald dragons on the edge of the ship raised a large shield that could cover the body. This shield, like its name, appeared to be covered with a lot of dust.

At the same time, the ship's own outer shell is also the 'ash shield'. Before the attack. Susumi has equipped all the ships with this kind of outer casing.

This makes the whole boat look like it is covered with dust. Although not good-looking, it is very effective.

Atlan's small ball of light flew in an instant, hitting the outer shell of the ship, and the shield on the deck of Atlan, and it sounded very dull at this moment.

However, there is no light ball that can penetrate these ash-shaped shields.


A cannon shot a huge arrow with Susumi's command, and it instantly hit another building on the edge of the city, as if the dead wood was hit by a huge hammer. The square building was covered with cracks in an instant, and the whole collapsed. The debris scattered by it caused the Atlan underneath to be hit hard.


When Atlan dies, they will make a very loud scream, even if they are 100 meters away.

However, these Atlanes are not afraid of death to avoid the falling pieces and flying arrows, they are like unconscious things, constantly shooting against distant fleets.

And their energy reserves are limited, and after the violent barrage lasts for a while, it slowly becomes sparse. It’s like heavy rain turns to light rain, and the rain turns

"It should be almost over."

Watching the disappearance of the barrage. Susumi shouted: "The air force, all of them are bombarded!"


In the clouds of the sky, a lot of pterosaurs suddenly flew down, and these pterosaurs had almost no riders, and only one of them was a rider.

Because the pterosaurs carry the emerald dragons, they become dull and inflexible, and they can't carry too many other things, so Susumi came up with this way, only let an emerald dragon take the leader in the pterosaur group. And it is used to command the pterosaur leader, and then the leader will command other pterosaurs.

This requires very complicated training, but it is not impossible.

"Hey!" The rider of Jade Dragon took a sling of the pterosaur under his body. The pterosaurs screamed and the surrounding pterosaurs reacted. They used some of the things tied to their feet. release.

These things fell to the cities below, because Atlan had exhausted their energy and they could not stop the offensive.


Seeing that the edge of the city was submerged by the fire, Susumi ordered the troops: "Now, be prepared to move forward!"

‘Hey! Suddenly, Susumui discovered that the scholar had sent a message. It looked outside and then walked in the direction of the cabin.

“What happened?” Susumi saw the scholar looking at the imaging device in the cabin.

"We received the message from Maya!" The scholar looked inside the cabin and said: "Be careful of some of the buildings here. Some of the buildings here are used to produce weapons, and some are used to produce replicas. Lan, some are used to... shape the storm."

"Wang! There is a strange scenery outside!"

Suddenly, Susumi heard the soldier’s report, and it immediately ran up the deck, and the scholars ran along.

"this is……"

Susummi and scholars saw that in the black city ahead, there were countless ... light spots.

These spots emit red light, like glowing insects that fly out of the city, filled with Susumi, and the vision of all dragons and scholars...

Because the sky is now close to the night, these spots can be seen very clearly. They are now drifting in the direction of the fleet at a slow speed. At the same time, there are countless spots flying up, close to the pterosaurs of the sky.

“What exactly are those?” Susumi looked at him: “It seems like a large group of glowing bugs?”

"These are..." The scholar took out the video device and looked at it: "Yes! These should be ‘煋!’”

“Hey?” Susumi wondered: “Is it one of the creatures you said last time?”

"Yes... but it shouldn't be so much... In short, you must let them retreat first! Otherwise it might..."

The scholar’s ​​words have not been finished yet, ‘call –! 'The sky suddenly burst into a burst of sound, and the city’s sky suddenly ignited an extremely dazzling brilliance. I saw that the cockroaches around the pterosaurs suddenly turned into raging fires, and the intense heat wave even the location of Susumumi’s location. It feels like all the pterosaurs are surrounded by flames.

"Hey! That's the vortex of fire!" The emerald dragon below screamed and saw the sky flames continually spinning. All the pterosaurs around it will be imprisoned. After a few seconds. A large number of blackened bodies were thrown from the air to the ground with the smell of burnt...

The flame vortex of the sky disappeared, and only the heat waves that had not dissipated in the air proved what had just happened.

"Those things... will burn up in an instant!" Susumi said: "Come, be prepared to deal with them!"

‘Call...’ When Susumi just finished, it suddenly found that the wind in the distance became strange, because the sky was floating, so it was very clear.

"Is it the kind of storm that will happen again?" Susumi was thinking about it, and it saw some distant cockroaches suddenly gathered like a whirlwind and began to spin.

These cockroaches did not produce a flame, but when they were rotated a lot. It also looks very similar to the vortex of the flame, and they fly at an extremely fast speed.


A smashing arrow hit the rotating scorpion directly, but the smashing arrow passed through its center, and the scorpion then hit a ship next to Susumie.

'call! At the moment of the hit, the fierce flame blasted on the ship and rolled all the jade dragons on the boat.

In addition to hiding behind the ash shield, the jade dragons that were engulfed by the flames all succumbed to the ground and fell on the ground.

At the same time, Susumi saw the ripples in the sky as before, and they gathered together for a roundabout. Then he flew to the fleet at a very fast speed.

"Pay attention to those fireballs!" Susumi shouted: "Block them with explosive arrows! And..."

'boom! A group of flames suddenly flew to the front of Susumumi, and Susumi immediately jumped into the cabin. I avoided the fire that broke out on the ship.

Susumumi quickly walked out of the cabin. It looked into the sky. Although these flames were not as big as Atlan's small ball, they seemed to be very difficult to intercept, although there were many flames because the arrows exploded in the air. But there are more flying to the ship.

‘Call...’ At the same time, Susumi suddenly felt that the airflow had become more weird.

“Is this...the big storm?”

When Susumi appeared in this idea, he suddenly saw the edge of the distant city. The fragments of the buildings that were destroyed by them began to spin rapidly, and they gathered together to form a huge storm.

The storm whirls, rolling all the debris on the ground and the surrounding cockroaches into it, making it look like a whirlwind of starlight, and its shape is what Susumumi has seen. The biggest storm...

Its diameter reaches 100 meters, which is much larger than the common natural tornado. It radiates the whistling sound of the wind and approaches the fleet.

And around it, there was another movement.

'Bang...' Some squares, as well as hemispherical buildings, began to sway. The bodies around these buildings have a large number of limbs like spider legs. They are like a creature, using the limbs to hold the ground. The body buried in the ground was pulled out, and the upper part of the building began to deform. The building stretched out various kinds of machinery. Although Susumi did not know what it was doing, it was obviously Something like a weapon.

"It seems that we can't move forward so fast!" Susumi looked at the sudden emergence of the army and the huge whirlwind. It immediately called: "Retreat backwards! Those buildings should only be on the ground, just pull them apart. distance……"

'boom! Suddenly, a hemispherical building made an explosion-like sound. A shining ball of light flew out of its head. The ball of light passed over the fleet and hit the snowfield behind them...

In an instant, strong flashes and pops echoed under the sky.

"This is to say that we don't want to run away?" Susumi looked at the building and said: "It seems that it has become troublesome." (Good activity in the sky, cool mobile phone waiting for you! Focus on ~ point / Public number (WeChat add friends - add public number - input dd), participate immediately! Everyone has a prize, now pay attention to dd WeChat public number!) (To be continued, please search for floating astronomy, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~o Shangguan Phoenix o~ choose a name~ Cool! ~ Deep bombs ~ Amazon jungle ~ monthly ticket ~

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