4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 407: Communicate with the storm

Ps: Watch the exclusive story behind "The Evolution of 4.6 Billion", listen to your suggestions for the novel, pay attention to the public number (WeChat add friends - add public number - enter dd), tell me quietly!

"Fleece, how do you think these rotating creatures fight for them?"

Here is the creator prison in the distant void. ↖

In a complex 'jungle', the creator's tentacles and pompons are looking at the things in front of them, in front of them, there is a lake, and in the lake, there is a whirlwind swirling slowly.

"The brain has controlled them, fluff, you just told me that they are fighting in your world." The creator said: "But, you thought about why they would fight for the brain?"

“Is it the brain that makes them feel the fear? Feel the threat of death? Or is there any tempting commitment? Or something else? These are not important, fluff...”

"The important thing is... fragments, fluff, you have noticed that the body of these maneuvers is not just a core, just as ordinary creatures can't have only one heart, and the crumbs around it are part of its life. It's a very important part, you can communicate with them by mixing debris into them..."

As the creator's tentacles swept on the ground, the sand on the ground was swept up and flew into the whirlwind of the lake.

‘Call...’ The whirlwind had a little reaction when it was mixed with debris, and then it flew in the other direction.

"Now, this lake is my own. Fluffy." The creator said: "I can grow here. Do you have any opinions?"

"If you don't know about it, are you going to start here?" Pompon asked the creator.

"I can grow up and understand that the world is not as complicated as you think, fluff, its composition is very simple, of course, I have to check the ingredients, so that there will be something that can threaten me." The creator said Then he sneaked into the water.

It seems that it intends to grow here. However, the creator seems to be anxious, because only a lake has been discovered.

But there is water here, and there is indeed a wonderful feeling.

I thought, the pompoms looked around. It looked like... it was a very dry place. The condensed sand made up the vines that covered the sky. The radiance of the stars shone between the sand vines and lit up. Dry ground under the sand vine.

It looks very hot here, but it's actually just a little higher than the temperature at which the water freezes. So the lake can not freeze.

But why is there normal water there? This is really very strange, Lin believes. More lake water should be found before deciding whether or not to live, but also to observe the creatures here.

The creatures that are active here are still dominated by those whirlwinds. The pompoms look around and can see many small cyclones swaying on the ground.

They are called sand dust, mainly sand grains, and Lin has recently learned how to communicate.

As the creators said, the whirlwinds communicate with each other not in the usual way of sound, but by the use of debris from the body.

When the whirlwind needs to communicate with another whirlwind, they will approach each other and then throw some of the debris off the body, and the other's whirlwind will get involved in the debris.

Depending on the size and shape of the debris, the composition of the substance, etc., this cyclone can analyze what information the companion is to pass to it, and then it will sprinkle some debris to respond.

The creators studied the methods of these whirlwind exchanges, and then it just succeeded in reaching a whirlwind and letting it leave the lake.

It seems that the creators believe that as long as they understand these whirlwinds, they are nothing terrible. The brain thinks that the cyclone can defeat it. It is 100% nonsense.

Maybe... using this method can really communicate with various whirlwinds to understand their life here, as well as their ‘culture’ and so on.

Lin found that the whirlwind here has its own 'culture'. Some of them have a large group of people, and some of them should have a lot of intelligence. They should be very clear about the various situations here, maybe Learn more about them through them.

Because Lin's stellar bus is still in the process of transformation, Lin is mainly researching and discovering here. There is a kind of whirlwind which is a kind of smarter.

The pompoms flew up and flew into the 'jungle' where the sand vines spread. There are many creatures here, the most conspicuous is a creature called the 'plastic vine'.

They look like a small dusty wind with a diameter of about 30 centimeters. They fly a lot in the sand dune jungle, and these sand vines are shaped by them.

The pompom is close to a group of plastic rattan, and it can be seen that it is shaping the sand vine.

It slowly receded at the end of a sand vine. During the process of its retreat, the sand vine became longer and longer, and it was clear that the rotating sand on its body flew to the sand vine. Above, and bonded to the sand vine.

This makes the vine grow longer, and it is getting smaller and smaller.

At about the same time, the plastic rattan flew away. It flew to the ground, then collected the sand and debris from the ground and flew up again to continue assembling the sand vine.

The jungle of this vine is constructed by them.

But it's not known at the moment that they construct what they do, but Lynn has studied the way they communicate with them.

Thinking of it, the pompom flew toward the whirlwind of the construction of the sand vine. The fluff of the pompom held some debris, and at the moment of approaching it, the debris was thrown away.

The crumbs were quickly rolled in by the plastic rat, and it suddenly stopped constructing the sand vines, which looked like a bun.

The clumps that Lynn had just thrown at him meant to say hello to it, but it was not accurate to see its reaction.

After a while, it suddenly accelerated and rotated, and some debris was scattered on the pompons.

It seems... successful.

After the pompoms received the debris, Lin analyzed the meaning of the debris. The plastic vine seemed to be saying, "What are you, never seen."

This does mean that it is smarter, so the pompoms continue to throw more debris to send messages to the plastic rat.

The information in this piece of debris indicates that the pompom comes from the void and wants to ask some questions here.

After ‘calling...’ and receiving the debris, the plastic rattan suddenly began to spin up quickly, and it sprinkled a lot of sand on the pompons...

Lin feels that it is quite difficult for ordinary creatures to communicate with them, because it is easy to miss the sand. If a few are missing, the meaning may be completely different, but the pompoms quickly spread a lot of fluff and each sand I caught it.

So what does this mean? (Good activity in the sky, cool mobile phone waiting for you to take! Pay attention to ~ point / public number (WeChat add friends - add public number - input dd), immediately participate! Everyone has a prize, now pay attention to dd WeChat public number!) (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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