4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 415: Prolapse of the body

"So, what are you going to do... tentacle?"

"Don't call me a tentacle."

A pompom and a tentacle are now in an abandoned hall.

The underground prison of the creator here, somewhere ahead, can reach the creator of detention and the only place that has not been abandoned.

"These things are still here... they are still..."

The creatures here are not only pompoms and tentacles, but also a whirlwind of constant swirling. It was only the curiosity of the pompoms that drove it to the pompoms, and when it followed this, it suddenly showed up. Surprised emotions.

... to express its surprise by throwing small dust of different shapes.

This plastic rattle whirlwind is very fearful of the brain because of the events, and the abandoned underground base of this brain has made it feel very uneasy.

"They have only a small part and the threat is very small." The pompom throws some sand on the whirlwind and responds to it. The whirlwind seems to be more reassuring. They are like multicellular creatures that will accelerate the blood when they are emotionally excited. Like the flow, when they are excited, the whirlwind will turn faster, and from this point it can distinguish its emotions.

The creator looked at the passage leading to the front and said to the pom-pom: "Good, my body is in front, I am coming when I am free, fluff, telling the group of rotating dust, let it prepare to fight for me. ”

“Do you think this is possible?” Pompon asked the creator.

"Of course it's impossible, fluff, but... this is possible." The creator's tentacles tipped up, and its tip exudes some...sound.

Lin used this voice before. It is used to stimulate those small squares.

"Do you want to call them over?" Pompon questioned the creator.

"Yes. Fluffy. They... have come over." When the creator finished, a lot of footsteps sounded inside the passage ahead, and the door's door '咔' opened and a lot of small squares opened. Run out from inside.

Before the small square came out, the creator and the pompoms hid behind the abandoned machinery, but there was a creature... it didn't hide.

Although Lin has let it hide, after all, Lin is not like letting it die, but. It did not give Lin any response, but stayed there in place.

At the moment when I saw the square, the whirlwind seemed to be quite scary. It swiftly turned and flew in the direction of the past.

The squares immediately caught up, and they quickly ran out of the abandoned room, leaving a passage that was still open to the door.

"It's easy to solve them, fluff, just use the fear of it." The creator said as he climbed into the passage: "Fear is not only a whirlwind, but also those squares. Fluff, they have attacked these whirlwinds. So now they are also afraid... The whirlwind will attack them with their kind, so they must catch up with it."

"Now, the time for me to regain my body is coming."

......... After a while, the creator and pompom came to the room where they were held.

The creator's body is still in the same place as a huge tree, and there are really no square guards around, as if the previous squares are chasing the whirlwind.

Although they look stupid, the creators do make sense. After the group whirlwind discovered this brain-base, there is indeed the possibility of attacking them.

The creator's tentacles slowly climbed under the body and said to the pom-pom: "Fleece, you go to open the next thing."

"That thing?" The pompom looked aside and found that the creator was referring to the corner of the room, where there was a structure on the wall that could be pushed in.

The pompom flew over and pressed the thing.

‘嗡——’ Suddenly, the whole room rang a strange sound, and it seemed that something was working.

"The viruses are not completely useless, fluff," the creator said. "They changed some of the systems in this room, which allowed me to...destroy it more easily!"

After that, the creator's tentacles... joined his body.

'boom--! ! ! In an instant, the whole room began to shake like an earthquake. There were a lot of cracks on the floor of the room. The thick tentacles were drilled out of the ground. It seemed that the whole room suddenly approached the edge of the collapse.

It seems that the entire room structure has become much more fragile. Is this also the effect of the virus?

“It’s already fragile!” The creator’s mood seemed to be very excited: “I will destroy it!”

When the creators finished, a lot of footsteps came from outside, and the little squares ran back now.

'Boom! When the first square was run, it was hit by a tentacle and slammed into the wall. The other squares around it immediately illuminate a strong light...

They seem to not want to let the creators sleep, but directly attack the creators.

'Snapped! At the moment the flash was launched, the ground in front of the creator suddenly extended a row of tentacles, which were like walls that stood in front of the creator.

The flash hit the tentacle with a strong smoky smoke, but it did not pass through like a melt through other objects, but dissipated before the walls formed by the tentacles.

'boom! At this moment, the tentacles of the underground rushed out again, and all the squares were blown out. When the squares hit the wall and hit the ground, they were not completely damaged. They still planned to get up.

But the creators' tentacles immediately entangled them, and the squares squeezed by the tentacles quickly rang the cracking sound...

The creator... won the victory very easily.


"So, are you really planning to develop in that pool?"

The pompons and creators are now in the rocky mountains, and the creator's body has left the ruined prison and landed on the earth.

"Yes, fluff..."

The creator seems to be looking at the sky in the distance. It says: "I seem to be the first time... directly in contact with the outside world. This feeling is wonderful, but it also makes me... recalling some previous things."

The pompon asked: "Is there something about your population?"

“Yes...” the creator said: “They are scattered in my memory. I have tried to dig them before, but maybe it’s the influence of dreams. I didn’t pay much attention to them, but they are now Appear in my memory, although still a broken, but ... can make some descriptions." (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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