4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 422: Unavoidable situation


In Mktu's astonished gaze, a group of plasma was formed in the connection chamber.

At the same time, the Master's alloy spider stood in front of the door of the room where the docking bay was located.

"I know that you are still alive."

The godfather's alloy spider walked into the room, turning to a three-dimensional picture on the wall of the room, which showed the control room where Mktu was.

"But you can't start this thing anymore."

Saying, the instructor ran out of the room with a spider, and now the docking bay is still in the startup state, but each time it takes a long time to prepare, so the instructor can go to another control room to control it to shut down.

Then, just find Maya... Maya?

The captain ran wildly in the passage of the spider. It suddenly found that the Maya appeared in the passage in front of it, and behind the Maya was a thick smoke, as if it had just exploded.

"Maya, what are you doing here?" The priest immediately said to Maya: "Now we must..."

"It’s useless... ‘teacher’, the connection cabin will start, and I... will use this opportunity to personally contact Lin.”

This sentence is not what Maya said. In the strong smoke behind the Maya, a roaring worm came out.

This roaring worm and the previous mini-shaped "," w¤ww. Same, it has the full size, the robbers bowed their heads, Maya climbed up, and then the robbers continued to the dean: "This robber is Muktu. Mktu's troops are mixed in the Inca swarm. When the battle is in progress, they come in. So you can't stop me now."

"Maya. What have you been talking about? Are you going to contact Lin personally?" the sergeant said: "They will kill you! Do you know?"

"No, I will be alive, I will successfully contact Lin, and, will destroy the brains of the army, they can't do anything to us and our world, you... go away!"

After that, the robbers slammed. The instructor suddenly felt like he was hit by something. The alloy spider he flew out instantly. When it fell to the ground, Maya had run by the robbers and ran to the docking bay. The room where you are.

"These don't understand my idiots at all!" The captain climbed up. It didn't chase Maya, but ran in the other direction. It now only needs to reach another control room and close the connection compartment.

The alloy spider ran wildly in the smoke, and the passages here seemed to be covered with smoke. But this did not affect the speed of the Master, after running for more than ten seconds. It came to the entrance of the room in another control room.

The room was not covered by smoke, but when the instructor had just stepped into the room, he found several brains in the room, they were all next to a square in the room, biting the square.

When the instructor came in, they also noticed the instructor, and the brain-creating people stopped to continue to bite the square and turned to look at the instructor.

'Pooh! ‘A brain-creating spit out a piece of metal in his mouth and said to the captain: “I hope this can only be delicious.”

"Yes!" "Bite it!" "Eat it!"

The brain-minding people ran to the patriarch, and the patriarch did not act, but pointed to the group of brain-building monsters: "Look, fresh meat!"

"What?" "Is it really fresh?" "Where is there meat?" "I don't like meat, I like my brain." "The brain is also meat."

At the moment the instructor finished speaking, all the brain-creating monsters turned and looked, and the instructor took the opportunity to continue: "Why are you attacking this square?"

A brain-throat turned and said to the instructor: "It is the summoner who let us do it. It says that there is something delicious inside, but there seems to be nothing inside."

"You go somewhere else, there is something delicious there." The instructor said that he sent the location of the other room and related information to the group of brain-creating people, so that they thought there was a lot of food there.

"Wow! There is food there!" After receiving the information, the brain-creating people immediately screamed and ran over. They looked like they were hungry, which also saved the instructor from the trouble of dealing with them.

The instructor came to the square in the control room and found that the square had been bitten off, but the whole could still be activated and could control something through it.

When the instructor was preparing to control, it found that there were records on the block that were controlled. This is certainly not a brainstorming. It should not be Muktu... but Maya.

Because the Master came, Maya came from this direction.

Do you say... they are all planned? Maya knew that the instructor would destroy the first control room, so he waited in this control room. After the first ruin, the spare box of the control room will start, and then Maya will start operation here.

Then, after the operation, Maya let the brains ruin the squares, but the brains were not successful, which made the gods think that Maya and Muktu should have planned this from an earlier time.

However... no matter how it is operated, it is impossible to speed up the connection speed of the connection cabin, so the instructor still has time to adjust it back.

"What?" During the operation, the captain popped up from the box and found that Maya did not operate anything about the connection compartment, but was operating another thing.

This thing... is related to the transmission.

"Don't Maya think..." The instructor looked at the things that Maya operated, and Maya seemed to have done a lot of things in the brains.

However, the delayed transmission of brain spirit can not be canceled. No matter how it is operated, the brain spirit troops will transmit it. Therefore, the place where Maya operates is...

The part about the reverse transfer.

This function does exist here. The troops on the side of the brain can be transmitted and can be transmitted back, because the brain spirit also stores a certain amount of transmitted energy here to transmit the troops here, and the starting point of these transmissions. Just in the underground of the city, Maya launched a transfer point.

Why is Maya doing this? The instructor thought of what Maya told him before...

"I will destroy the army of the brain."

Is destruction using this method? Even in the face of a small number of troops sent, the Inca group will fall into such a very difficult battle. Does Maya want to send the troops to the past and destroy the area where the brains are located?

This is impossible. There are countless troops there. It is impossible to defeat the world with the strength of the world. But why does Maya do this?

However, just starting a reverse transfer does not cause brain suspicion, so Maya will not be attacked... or leave it alone, first turn off the connection cabin.

The instructor opened the control panel of the connection compartment. At the moment of opening, it found that the Maya had reached the location of the connection compartment and it actually got into it.

"The idiot, I said that it will kill it!" The instructor immediately operated, and closed the start-up process of the connection cabin, watching the connection cabin in the picture slowly stop, it was relieved, with The captain ran over the alloy spider to the room of the docking bay.


After arriving at the room in the connection cabin, the instructor sent an angry signal to Maya: "Do you want to commit suicide? If you start successfully, the brain will kill you immediately!"

"I won't die, I will survive, I will find Lin..." Maya's robbers stood next to the docking bay and said to the captain: "Continue to start."

When the robbers finished, the connection cabin suddenly moved, and the instructor suddenly said: "How come... I just turned it off... Is it Muktu?"

"No... actually it is a brain-creating?" The instructor's operation picture inside the alloy spider saw the situation of the control room. It found that there was actually a brain-making monster operating on it.

"Did these things just peek at my operation, and then I learned? It should not be possible, but... in short, it must... stop it!"

Thinking, the priest immediately ran in the direction of the control room, but the worm also stopped it in front of it.

"You can't leave." The robbers said: "You can't control those things, you can't stop Maya."

“Here?” “I heard that there is something to bite here.”

At the same time, there were several brain-creating monsters at the entrance behind the robber, and the instructor found that he could not leave the room.

The instructor hesitated for half a second. It turned and looked at the Maya in the connecting cabin that was starting. The door of the connecting compartment was slowly closed. When it was fully closed, the docking bay would start.

Maya intends to directly let himself enter the dream of the brain like the last roaring worm, and find Lin directly in the dream, but it will also be found by the brain, although it says that he will not die, but the chief I can't think of how it didn't die...

Moreover, it will also cause the plan of the Master to collapse.

"... In this case, there is no way..."

The godfather's alloy spider turned and ran to the position where the docking station was. At the moment of approaching, the captain's body slammed out of the alloy spider and flew into the joint compartment to be merged.

"Maya!" After flying in, the instructor immediately sent a message to Maya: "I will tell you again later, you must send the information according to the method I sent you last time! So you will still enter with the information. In the dream of the brain, after entering the dream... How to do whatever you want, the rest is done by me."

“Don't it mean that the failure rate of a brain worm is too high? If it fails, what should I do?”

“No.” The teacher said: “Failure does not allow information to reach the sea of ​​creation...just... there are other situations.”

Ps: Thank you ~ A gas ~ Uncle bamboo ~ monthly ticket ~


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