Here is... a dark space, a world of dreams. △

However, there is a voice that echoes in this dream world...

"Lin -!!!"

This is the voice of scholars. It uses all its strength to make shouts in this world.

'Snapped! And while it has not heard any response, it feels that its body has flew out quickly, and the surrounding world scenery has also returned to the underground caves in reality.

The scholar’s ​​eyes are the square, the square with the brain.

When the square said that all the troops were to be sent to the pompom, the scholar immediately rushed to the square and touched its head to the surface of the square.

At the time, scholars had only one such idea.

Scholars don't know how the brain spirit in this box came to the pompon, but it knows that it must be connected to the dream. In this case, scholars think that using their own head to touch the box may connect themselves to the brain. Dreamland...

The most important thing is that since the brain spirit can come to the pompom, then Lin, who is in the same dream, can also come to the pompon.

It is possible that the brain has a special 'entry' in the dream. Only through this entrance can the brain spirit appear in the reality of the pompon.

Therefore, the scholar just tried to touch the box to enter the dream, and then he tried his best in the dream. It hoped that Lin in the dream could notice...

But it just shouted for less than a second, and was kicked out of the dream by the brain, but...

"What surprised you did surprised me. If your population is as clear as you think, maybe you will be a little bit more powerful." The box said to the scholar in the language of the virtual people: "Besides you. Others... The bugs are also very surprising to us. They almost completely ruin the system we set up, and use the method of joining and betrayal to carry out various actions..."

"So, we have to show up in person. When we come here, everything you do has no meaning..." The square said to the scholar: "After we burn this world, we will soon burn out your population. ... the cue ball, everything will disappear."

Scholars say: "Is there so much nonsense in brain spirit?"

"We are also doing things while doing 'nonsense' and seeing the guardians of this world." Said. A stereo image pops up on the head of the square, where the surface shows the scenery of the war on the ground.

The army of the Inca group still surrounds the brain-minded army. Both sides are attacking each other with various long-range shots. Numerous barrages are flying in the dust. It seems that neither side has any advantage. .

The 'lens' of the picture is slowly adjusted to a high position. It can be seen that the brain spirit unit is a circle, while the Inca group is surrounded by this circular circle. The number of troops on both sides is very close.

"You thought you were surrounded us, but..."

The square suddenly swayed, and the round of the brain-minded army suddenly doubled. Countless Atlan and large machinery appeared in the gap between the two, and the balance collapsed in an instant. The forces of the Inca swarm were suddenly overwhelmed by huge amounts of artillery.

"Your resistance is meaningless, as you can see now." The square shook again, and the circle of the brain-mining army doubled again. Almost countless troops had completely covered the Inca.

"Our number will expand rapidly until it covers the continent and burns the world into dust..."

The brain spirit shook again, but this time... the brain-minded army did not expand, but narrowed down a bit.

"...there is an exception!" Although the brain's words are mechanically cold, scholars can feel the emotion of it.

"It noticed." The scholar smiled at his mouth: "My shouts were noticed by Lin."

"It is impossible to notice that this is a mistake, there is an exception... error... shouldn't..." The square suddenly swayed like crazy, and the circle of brain spirits in the picture was at high speed. Narrowing, Atlan and the mechanically mixed forces are constantly disappearing.

" what..." The square has been spoken intermittently, and it has been shaking, this phenomenon is very obvious...

Scholars have been able to confirm that Lin has already heard its call, and...

"They were sent back." The scholar looked at the square and smiled: "Since you can send the troops here, Lin can also control you here and send the troops back!"

"You...can't do it..." Although the square seems to be still in control, the troops are indeed less and less, and on the ground where the brains are disappearing, the wreckage of countless Inca insects appears.

It is like the fantasy that scholars have seen before, but as long as the brain-minded army disappears, then everything...

"No... you... we... Ashes!" Suddenly, the square swayed abruptly, and the fewer and fewer troops suddenly became more.

"Spread out...spread...leave!"

The brain spirit seems to be making a special order, only to see that the brain-minded army that had originally gathered into a big circle is now scattered like a scattered raindrop.

The brain is not letting these troops out of the range of transmission, so that they will not be sent back.

‘咔...’ Suddenly, the sound of the earth’s bursting sound came from the picture. Although the ‘shot’ was in the sky, the sound of the ground could still be heard clearly.

I saw a lot of huge creatures on the exploding ground.

That's the Inca worm... the purgatory worm.

The number of them surprised the scholars. I didn't expect that there were so many worms buried in the ground when the troops on the ground were almost destroyed. These purgatory worms formed a circle of worms that surrounded the brain. Army.

'boom--! ! ! ’

Under a burst of blast, the brain-mining forces scattered around all disappeared, and even the big circle gathered by the center's troops was traumatized. It seemed to have been cut off several pieces...

"No..." At the same time, the square swayed again.

This time, it did not send any troops. I saw that the brain spirit troops in the picture disappeared little by little from the outer layer, and finally there was only one dot left. After half a second, the dot was not seen. Up...

All... Go back.

'boom! ’

After all the brains disappeared, the scholar heard the violent explosion again. The scholar found that almost everything in front of him disappeared...

The square, and the entire cave, everything around it is gone, the dazzling sunlight directly shines on the scholar's head, the scholar finds himself in the sky, and below it is... a vast lake.

Is it... the entire underground structure of the brain spirit... all sent back? (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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