4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 445: Purpose of commitment

"They are... leaving our troops. +"

"This unit was allowed to go out to find the land of the ancestors. They always carry this contact.... We have received a lot of news about them before, so we think they can come to save us... but now, It seems that it has been... impossible. According to your statement, this contact has been lost and will be found by you, but why do you speak our language? What are you..."

It turned out to be...

The pompom is looking at Atlan in the image before the image, almost knowing the matter.

In short, the thing that pompon now finds is mainly used by an Atlank force called the ancestral army. This seems to be different from the story that Lin had said from the creator before. The creator said that the brain spirit did not fulfill the promise... ...

And the brain spirit has actually 'realized' the promise, they promised to let this Atlan return to their original tumbling, the ancestor's promise, so they let a group of Atlan set up the ancestral army, and gave Some special skills of this group of Atlan have this contact device, let them leave and find their own world.

However, there are still a lot of Atlan left in the original place waiting for this unit to convey their message, but because there is no news for a long time, many Atlanes slowly feel that they have had problems.

But not long ago...some Atlan got news of the ancestral army, and although this ancestor did not say that they found the original world, they said they were coming back, so Atlana here thinks There is hope again. Only then will Atlan try to ask for help in times of crisis.

Lin thinks. This ancestor has been completely destroyed.

Because I talked to Atlan on one side. Lin has also been debugging this contact device. Lin found a lot of records about the situation. Some of the records in it seem to have been removed, and it seems to be incomplete, but it still shows the general situation.

The whole process is like this, Brain Spirit brings together a group of Atlan, and formed the 'ancestry army', although it is said to let them find the original ancestor roller. But in fact... the brain did not want the ancestral troops to find the place, but wanted to use them to do things, but did not expect that the ancestral troops really found the original world position, and recorded the coordinates there in Lin Now found in this contact device.

Then they were attacked by the brain.

On the way to the attack, the ancestral army was quickly destroyed, but before the annihilation, the 'captain' of the unit fired the contact device that recorded the coordinates, and the liaison device finally arrived here... This is the world where Lin is called the creator prison.

This place full of whirlwind creatures was not initially controlled by the brain. After the troops were destroyed, an Atlan was still alive. That was the ‘deputy captain’ of an aircraft in the army. It successfully escaped the pursuit of the brain and came to the world to find a contact device.

Although the later things were not recorded, Lin knew it. Just like the whirlwind of the plastic rattan, the brain spirit caught up here, and then bombed the world, and caught a lot of cyclone creatures...

In general, Atlan, now facing the fungus, has no way to escape. They think that this ancestor is still there, so they want to contact this unit to save them.

However, there are still some problems here.

Because Lynn received a call for help here, there is something in the opposite of Atlan that I don’t know who is here, and I don’t know where I can contact. In short, I try to contact this performance. They don’t seem to know this. It is something that can contact the ancestors. Some Atlan mentioned that this is not a brain-minding technique, it is Atlan’s technology...

But some Atlan is very clear that they know to use this to contact the ancestral forces.

In any case, the ancestral army is now gone, but the coordinates kept here, Lin just turned it out, this is recorded in the Atlan language, which mentioned that after some translation, it can be converted into the correct transmission. Coordinates, using a brain-minding technique to transmit.

In short, it is very complicated and cannot be directly transmitted by the star bus, but Lin remembers that it may be useful in the future.

Lin is more concerned about the reasons for the ancestral troops.

Yes, the brain spirit is deceiving them, saying that they are going to find the land of the ancestors. In fact, there is another purpose. The purpose is to find a...empty bus.

This is the original purpose of the brain.

There is a record in this that they first moved according to the path of the brain, but their energy is not completely enough. On the way to the voyage, the ancestors stopped on a tumbling person to refuel, at that time, they Suffered an attack.

The attack of the Void Bus.

At the time of the Netherbus attack, Atlan received a new command from the brain, and the brains let them use some special weapons in the army to capture the virtual bus.

However, the capture did not succeed, and the Nether Bus destroyed half of their troops and escaped. After that time, the group of Atlan knew the purpose of the brain, and then 'betrayed' the brain, it happened later. thing.

Why does Brain Spirit want to catch this virtual bus? Why did Atlan go to catch himself and not go?

There are some records of the captain here, although the captain said that he is also speculating...

The Void Bus seems to be able to feel the dream of the brain.

Because all the brains of the brain are connected to their dreams, and it is said that the virtual bus will avoid these dream connections, and whenever there is such a thing close, the virtual bus will escape.

Therefore, the brain spirit makes a group of Atlan, which has nothing to do with dreams, to deal with the virtual bus. As for why they want to catch it, it is still unclear.

However, Lin found a very clever place, that is, the virtual bus that was attacked by the ancestors, which is exactly what is now attracted to the stellar bus by Lin.

Now that a few pompons have passed, and because the virtual bus suddenly accelerates, Lin can now see it... it looks like it.

To be precise, it is the 'terrain' on it.

These terrains are exactly the same as those seen in the image recorded by the captain in the communication device. Lin can confirm that this is the empty bus at that time.

It seems that it has a secret, the brain spirit is going to catch it... or the brain is just trying to catch a research, because this freely transporting creature is not as good as a stellar bus.

Anyway, it is flying now, so study it well. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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