4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 400: fifty one

"This is our opportunity. We must go all out. This war is a war to start a new era!"

Here is a world covered by metal, numerous red, green and green dazzling lights and advertising sounds continue to echo all the time. ±

However, this time, in these voices, there are some other sounds.

"We are going to fight the end of the void to destroy the creatures that have invaded our world!"

The sound is like an advertisement, echoing in the jungle of metal, and it overshadows all other advertising, because it is not an advertisement, but a propaganda...warfare.

For the war, the residents of this world have different opinions on it, but for this propaganda, they are quite opinionful.

“Is this the reason for the price increase?” “What a joke! The algae package is 10% more expensive!” “The air filter is also expensive. Is this what we want to die?” “You have to fight yourself. Ah! Why do you affect our lives!"

However, even if the people are angry again, the propaganda is constantly echoing and repeating the words.

... at the same time, within a tall building in the city...

"They are such attitudes. Living under peace, they don't know who they are protected, they don't know what we do, and when something really happens, they cry and ask us..."

"Don't worry so much, they don't really have any opinions anyway, but I really want to know... Are you talking about it?"

Here is some room in the building, inside the room. The three virtual people are surrounded by a round table, all looking at a three-dimensional image of the table.

In that image, there is a ... warship.

"We must work hard to build a new fleet. Everything else... can be sacrificed." A imaginary person here - it is called the general and the initiator of all these plans.

"We have recently conducted a lot of exploration in the nearby void, and we have found the location of the main base that invaded our creatures." The general said: "We want to build the largest fleet ever to attack it, we The future of the population is here."

"But, fight with them... do we really have hope?" said a sinister.

"We are not alone." The general said: "I have met some 'allies,' and they will fight with us."

"What?" The imaginary man was shocked: "Where did these allies come from? I haven't heard you mention it before."

“I have heard of it.” Another imaginary person said: “They are also creatures that have been invaded by ‘brain’.”

"Yes." The general said: "We have recently received their news, they decided to fight with us. And after the war will share technology with us, this technology can get us out of the current predicament..."

"But is this reliable?" The imaginary is still worried about the earth: "We can't just believe..."

"There is no time." The general said: "We can only decide this way... well. Now I have to prepare something else."

After that, it left the seat and walked out of the room.

Walking in the golden carpeted passage, it looks at the gray sky outside the windows on either side. I saw a ball of fluff suddenly appeared in front of the window.

“Beginning to prepare?” The sound of the pompoms directly ‘wear’ through the glass. Entered the general's hearing.

"We are starting to build a large number of warships." The general said: "When did the war begin?"

"When all the creatures are ready, it will do." Pompon said: "You are probably the slowest one to prepare, but you don't have to move too fast, you must ensure the quality of each ship."

The general said: "Don't we go there as a 'cannon fodder'?"

"It's not cannon fodder, it's up to you to decide." Pompon said: "I will leave first. When I want to start... I will contact you again."

After that, the pompoms disappeared out of the window, leaving the generals still motionless and complex.

……at the same time. On the other side...

Here is the area where there are countless meteorites floating in the void.

Although this was originally a desolate area. Now it is more like a jungle in the void, huge plants are covered with floating stones, and various creatures are also jumping between these stones.

A creature called radish has now differentiated into many subspecies here, and they have fully adapted to the life here, adapting to the sun that never falls here...

However, there is a special thing here... It is a huge object with a diameter of more than ten kilometers. For a long time, the interior of this object has been undergoing various intense 'changes', and its body shape is constantly changing. It grows and transforms itself into various shapes.

Now that all these changes have stopped, it has also changed itself to a special shape - a disc shape.

At the same time, it is time for it to be dispatched.

"That is the original devil in the legend!" "What kind of demon is that?" "I don't know, it only appeared in the transmission. Now, we have to raise it!"

A group of bright red creatures came here because the world they live in is quite close to here. Some of these demons are wrapped in armor and have the ability to live in the void, and they can also use the communication functions in the armor. Communicate with each other

However, they still have to rely on some huge containers to move long distances. Behind this group of demons, there are ten olive-shaped battleships on the surface like rocks.

These warships approached the huge disc-shaped object, which ejected a rope-like structure from the surface and instantly pulled the edge of the disc.

Then, the demons flying around all flew back into the battleship, and the battleship began to drag the disk and moved.

It's not just that there is such a disc here.

Among the countless meteorites surrounding the area, there are many demon warships in the middle of it...

They both dragged a huge disc and, without touching any meteorites, dragged the disc out of the meteorite area and flew into the void.

At the same time, on the red tumbling man who lived in the devil, there was also a huge amount of troops sailing in the void.

Unlike the imaginary people, the devil without the commons of the people... all joined the battle. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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