4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 463: Special creature


In the midst of the shock, the scholar quickly slammed the ship, and the ship stopped in front of the closed metal gate. This article is by . . Starting

The scholar looked at the metal door with some sorrow. Originally, it thought that everything went smoothly, because there was only one Atlan to check, so it easily killed Atlan and then took its boat out, while the metal gate The speed of closing is very slow, and the surrounding weapons will not hit it directly...

It should have been a perfect plan, but because of the sudden acceleration of the metal door, everything has become...

"Foam." The robbers suddenly spoke again at this moment: "Your thoughts are like bubbles. After a bang, nothing is left... now you are like a sad child in a cage. Like a child, only the things outside the cage... can let you go out."

"You don't want to say so much now..." The scholar said: "You must find a quick way, otherwise..."

'boom--! ! ! ’

When the scholar had not finished, the metal gate suddenly swayed with a violent roar, and it opened again.

"That is..." In the gap that opened, the scholar saw a large number of objects outside, and was slamming into the door.

'boom! boom! boom! ’

The explosion rang again, the door opened a larger opening under the violent shaking, and now the opening is enough for the ship to pass.

"I said it." The robbers said: "The things outside the cage... can let you go out."

"..." The scholar looked at the image of the outer picture displayed by the square in amazement. I saw a large number of creatures in the blasted entrance, and they poured into the Atlan base under the mountain.

Although surprised. However, the scholar did not forget to escape. It quickly accelerated the ship again, and the ship immediately rushed out and returned to the vast ocean again...

"Those creatures...is it before?" Scholars noted that the siege of the Atlan base was the kind of shrimp creature it had seen before. They... seem to have a strong attack.

“Residents in the deep sea.” The robbers said: “Living in the edge of the desert, you are tempted to come and ignore them. Leave with your victory. After that, we will completely destroy this base. ""

……after this. The scholar drove the ship back to the surface of the sea. After he went back, he had the time to investigate the information. It found that the creature was called 'terrorist drum shrimp'. Although most of them are small types of more than ten centimeters, there are also It is as long as three meters long. Their flaws can be attacked by explosive power.

The creatures are said to have a large group somewhere on the sea floor. They use sponges to build their own houses and 'city' and have a relationship with the ancients, but how are they summoned, or A mystery.

However, this is no longer important.

"So, now I have sent the information out."

Here is an island where Atlante's boats are parked on the edge of the island's sandy beach. Scholars are staying on the beach with the robbers. Just now the scholars used the imaging device to send information...

"They will receive this information." The robbers said: "Then, you are waiting for them here. They will take the bottle away and you can continue your adventure."

“Is it?” The scholar looked at the surging waves in the distance: “If you say that, the adventure is over...”

"Adventure never ends, creatures that won't roll."

............ at the same time, on the other side............

It seems that this is complete information.

Lynn received some information from the pompoms not long ago. This information contains a lot of information, mainly about some special creatures that scholars encounter during the adventure.

Maya them. It seems that some research has been done on these organisms.

Although they are studied in more detail, they do not know the previous things. So it's not clear what is going on. In their message, this microbe is a very clever creature...relative to other microbes.

They have their own small communities that communicate with each other, and unlike other fungi, as long as they have nutrients, they seem to be able to control their own nutrients efficiently, and they also store nutrients and the like.

These microorganisms...are obviously a very special kind of microorganism.

They also encountered visional crystallization at the beginning, and then gained vision through those crystallizations, probably because they had some advantages at first, and then gained a small advantage in the microbial population.

In the process, they slowly develop in more complex directions, and become more and more intelligent. Intelligence may be comparable to common multicellular organisms... like Maoyu.

But most importantly, they are always in the state of the cells, without growing up their brains or growing up in complex structures. According to the information, they seem to be individual creatures because they communicate with each other.

The first step in the evolution of multicellular organisms is to unite like a division of labor, each dealing with different things to form a whole. These visionous microorganisms seem to continue to multicellular organisms because they can see the same kind of relationship. Evolution, but maintain the state of the cell...

Lynn feels that their communities may have been maintained for quite some time...and they don't breed at random, and may have something to do with crystallization.

Because vision crystallization does not increase as their number increases, they may find that some of them have no vision during breeding...even without intelligence, so they end up keeping the community at a level where the number is exactly the same as the vision They should not multiply the same number of visual crystallizations, and they will only reproduce when this number is exceeded.

Lynn thinks the most amazing thing is, how do those cells maintain their intelligence and keep improving their intelligence? Are those related to crystallization?

I didn't expect that there was such a biological group on the pompom, and the brain seemed to want them. They might want those crystals.

Lynn also wants to study...not just crystallization, but also microbes that become smarter because of crystallization. What is their structure?

And those crystals... Although they are crystallized, they are actually just looking at the image, not knowing what it is.

Lin had studied it a bit before, but now that I know this thing, I should study them more carefully, maybe I can find something special...

At the same time, Lin also felt that it should be almost a huge...but a tiny force, in order to correspond to the micro-mechanical forces of the brain. (To be continued)


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