4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 477: This step

Its actions are increasingly making the guardian feel ... dangerous. ∑

That creature, not only in reality, but also made a variety of things in the dream, of course, the original protector is very interested in it.

But slowly... they found that this creature caused a lot of problems.

It has done a variety of things in the dream, causing a variety of problems.

And it and the creators also try to control the land of fear...

At this time, the nucleus guards made some actions. They told the brain about things about the land of fear, and let some brains disguise themselves as their own to deal with the creators.

The protector wants the creator and the creature to think that the protector is dealing with them.

In fact, the protectors did not move out. As for the reasons, they may think that it is enough to be a brain.

The brain spirit's actions were initially successful. They controlled the creators in the land of fear, but this action finally had problems.

The creature re-entered the prison and released a large number of creatures inside, letting them rambling everywhere in the dream.

Later, these creatures had no small impact on the dream under the command of the creator, and the protector was still on the sidelines.

However, the nucleus found that the situation became more and more serious... The creatures ran to a marginal blockade and took control of the place, resisting the offensive of the brain.

The protector began to think about it at this time...

What is its purpose? Because I have seen a lot of stories, the nucleus has many ideas for various creatures.

The purpose of the creator is obvious, and I want to control this dream world. But what is the purpose of that creature? The protector is still not very clear.

Why is it doing this? Just want to eliminate the brain spirit?

The nucleus has carried out a lot of imagination. Simultaneously. They are also trying to feel this creature... This is a creature like a fluffy ball, and the wonderful feeling felt on this pom-pom is getting stronger and stronger.

The protector believes that this creature has a lot of connections with the dream... but what is the connection? They themselves...not very clear.

However, through this perception, the protector understands some things about pompons, such as the mood of pompons, and the world of pompons.

The protector knows where the pompom is. The nucleus believes that the idea of ​​pompons may not be so complicated, perhaps it is just thinking that the world protecting them is not invaded by brain spirits.

However, the nucleus also believes that this pompom will pose a huge threat to the world because it is the creature that really has the potential to control the dream.

Moreover, pompon has begun to make some things that have a huge impact on the dream, such as ... using the land of fear to pollute the various areas of the dream. This thing is a huge harm to the dream.

As a result, the protector began to act.

of course. They did not act on their own, but told the brain about the world of pompons.

Brain spirit also detected the world of pompons at an early stage, but they think that there is not much significance in attacking. To solve the problem of pompoms completely, more methods are needed.

However, after the brain knows that the world is being held by the pompoms, the situation is different.

Soon, the brain decided to invade the world, but they still didn't want to invade.

The nucleus help the brain to complete a special plan, that is, the plan to trap the pompoms in the dream, and to attack the pompom at this time.

However, this plan also has a 'side effect', which is to force the brain into a dream.

So, Brain Spirit used Atlan in this project, and the automatic system technology they never used, after which the technology proved to be very bad.

But initially, the brain still believes in their technology, and they also intend to use some of the creatures on the pompon.

The nucleators did not participate in the entire battle process. They handed over everything from the brain to the brain. The brain was initially smooth for the invasion plan, but then there was a problem.

Before the brain decided to invade the pompoms, there were some situations, that is, there were things about the stellar bus.

Brain Spirit wants to capture the stellar bus, but for various reasons, the stellar bus has escaped... and the nucleus has found that the root cause of the stellar bus to escape is the pompon.

The protector decided to let the brain spirit attack the world of pompoms more quickly, at least to cause a little damage to it.

Originally, I only intended to let the brains invade the world, but did not let the brain do extra things.

This extra thing is what the brain thinks of itself.

That is... the plan to attract the sea of ​​creation.

Brain Spirit believes that the sea of ​​creation can be used, and the protectors initially did not know that they had to do this, but they noticed it later, but it was already late.

The plan to invade the pompon has failed, and the plan to use the Sea of ​​Creation has become a bit weird. The protector feels that the information that was originally sent to the sea of ​​creation has bounced back and echoed throughout the dream...

From this moment on, the protector knew that throwing these things to the brain couldn't solve the problem at all, so they were only 'personal' at this time.

They swept through most of the dreams, including those with pompons and creators hiding, like areas of fear.

These areas can't be destroyed, but they can be broken up. As long as they split into small pieces, it will be much harder for the pompons to hide.

However, the protector has no way to do anything in the real world.

So they tell the brain to be careful in the real world.

Because, some time ago, some situation happened... A virtual bus suddenly entered the core of reality and took away a 'heterogeneous' they had been imprisoned at the core.

Brain Spirit has been unable to catch this virtual bus, and the nucleus is very worried that this virtual bus will cause some conditions.

However, the brain is also very concerned about this situation, but the brain does not think that the pompom is a creature that can pose a huge threat to them as a whole, just a difficult creature.

Therefore, they are still relatively relaxed, and began to prepare for another pompon invasion.

But this plan was also interrupted. They found some abnormalities in the core of the dream. Many different kinds of abnormalities were suddenly released, and some other abnormalities occurred. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better. Update faster!

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