4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 498: Mild world

This is a...soft world.

In front of Lin’s eyes, there is a vast blue earth. This land is very soft and feels like a 'jelly'. At the beginning, Lin thinks this is the ocean. After coming here, Lin discovered that it is 'land'. .

At least very soft land.

While observing this interesting phenomenon, Lin is also thinking about something else... Although it has been transmitted many times to discover this living world, it is difficult to find this place in general. And the world that Lynn had seen before with the weird 'forest', although it seems to have no life, is also very strange.

Lynn feels it is easier to find this wonderful world on the way to the transmission, mainly related to the Void Bus.

Lin's ‘Star Traveler’ uses a repaired Void Bus Nervous System. Each time it is transmitted, Lin will let it use the nervous system to inspect nearby transmission points and then randomly transfer them to a place.

Although it is indeed closer to Atlan's ancestor's land, there are too many transmission points on the road, so these transmission points are randomly transmitted, as long as you keep moving forward.

Lin now believes that in a random situation, the 'subconscious' of the Nether Bus's nervous system will prefer areas with creatures.

Therefore, if Lin uses this method to travel in the void, the chances of encountering a biological area will become much higher, and there may be some areas where there may have been creatures.

It is like the one before.

Here, the creatures are quite prosperous...

Although the tumbling person is farther away from the star than the pom-pom, the temperature is basically kept in a cold state, but the creatures here do not show the cold.

Above this soft earth. Lynn can see a group of bipedal creatures moving slowly in the distance. The creatures look a lot like octopuses.

but. This ‘ octopus’ is more than five meters high and has only two limbs. They use these two limbs to move on the soft ground, so Lin intends to call them ‘two-legged octopus’.

In addition to this creature, Lynn also saw some creatures like worms moving around them.

These creatures seem to be predators, and they are preparing to attack those two-legged octopuses.

However, Lin did not continue to look at it, but let the pompom fly. Fly to the other side.

Now, Lin let the star travelers release a lot of pompoms and other kinds of arms in this world. They have to look at the whole world first, and then carefully study the creatures here.

Lin is more concerned about a pompom flying on the soft ground. There seems to be something special here.

For example...

Lin saw something like architecture, and the pompom flew quickly.

As you get closer to the goal, you can see that it looks like a tall building, but when you look close, you can see that it is made of a soft substance like the ground.

These soft materials make up a structure that is more than 30 meters, similar to a castle.

On this soft castle. There are still a lot of holes, and Lin feels that there may be some living creatures in it... and there are many similar castles nearby.

Pompoms flew over the castle. Although these castles look a lot, they are not big, and Lin lets the pompoms fly in the sky to observe them continuously.


Suddenly, a lot of small creatures were drilled in the castle.

This creature looks very much like what Lin had seen before... the two-legged octopus, but much smaller, only about a metre high, and squirming out from the holes in the castle, jumping to the soft On the ground.

When these creatures were drilled in large quantities, they quickly gathered together, and after the creatures in the castle were all gathered, they ran together in one direction.

Lin let the pompoms follow these small ‘two-legged octopuses’. They ran hundreds of meters on the soft ground, and soon they found that they had another small group of bipedal octopuses.

Then, they... began to attack each other.

However, their attack method is quite gentle. Lin sees that they are constantly pushing against the other side, trying to knock the opponent down, and the one that is knocked down will climb up and run away, and the winner will not chase or When the other party falls down, it attacks, but instead helps the companions to hit those who have not fallen.

It was indeed a very gentle battle. The whole process seemed to have nothing to do with the injury. Lin found that the two-legged octopus slowly gained an advantage. After they knocked the other side down, they kept jumping in place. Just like celebrating victory.

Those who were knocked down ran out, and none of them were injured or killed.

This kind of biological population is still seen occasionally, there is some way to replace the real fight between the same family to avoid casualties.

However, Lynn found that this behavior seems to be ... not only between the same family.

Because Lynn saw a worm-like creature approaching the group of two-legged octopuses, they immediately put on alert and immediately ran over to surround the worm.

The worm is large and has a length of more than ten meters. Its serrated round mouth looks like it can easily swallow this creature, but... it doesn't do it. This group of octopus is like it. It was the previous 'fighting' that rushed to hit it, and the same worm made a similar action, which collided with the two-legged octopus.

Because of its size, it easily knocked over the first octopus that rushed up, and the octopus around it stopped at this moment, and the worm slowly ate the knocked octopus.

After eating, it turned and climbed, and the surrounding two-legged octopus also watched it climb and did nothing special.

It seems that the predators and prey here have reached a certain agreement...

There was no intense predation, but a gentle game. After Lin saw their behavior, it produced this feeling.

Why is this happening?

At this time, other pompoms have already traveled a long distance, basically confirming the size of this place. This soft ground structure occupies about 50% of the whole world.

The rest is a solid ground structure, no matter where it is, you can see a lot of creatures. At the same time, Lynn also found that many creatures are like two-legged octopus.

They...the movements are very gentle.

Whether fighting with a companion or fighting a predator, there is almost no casualty in fighting with a companion, but the winner can get an area with more food.

The predator will perform a 'race' with some individuals in the prey group. After winning, it will eat one and then walk away without preying too much.

Of course, they don’t always win. When the predator and a prey compete, the entire group of these prey will immediately gather together to 'enter the battle' if the prey can successfully knock over... or beat it in some other gentle way. Predator, the predator will leave directly and will not hunt.

It’s really a weird place...

However, Lin has not studied these creatures carefully, and it is not clear whether they are multicellular organisms.

But there is another characteristic of the creatures here, that is, they are basically composed of very soft structures, some of which are like atmospheric creatures, but Lynn feels that their composition is different from atmospheric creatures.

Although some organisms have a hard structure on the body... like ‘teeth’, there are some taller bodies with bone-like structures, but the whole is basically soft.

Lynn felt that it might be their soft character that made them so 'moderate'.

All in all, here is a special world that needs to continue to observe.

With this in mind, Lin let the star visitors stay here for a long time.

There are probably ten pompons staying up late, and Lin has studied the creatures here...

Lin found that they are indeed not multicellular organisms, but the body contains nutrients that multicellular organisms can decompose, but not all of them.

Another point is... they are really soft, although I don't know why they are almost all such soft structures, but this should be the main reason for their mildness.

But why is there between the prey and the predator? There are still many mysteries.

But apart from the study of biology, Lynn found something special here...

Among the soft land, Lin sent the terrain to drill into the depths of the ground, where the action felt like the action in the water, and there are many creatures inhabited there.

They are almost all soft creatures, but the head is slightly hardened, allowing them to drill through the ground.

However, Lynn discovered a creature that is incompatible with the surrounding creatures and is not soft at all - it should be said to be wreckage.

A kind of creature that Lynn has seen in the dream of the brain is that Lin finally pursues the world that the protector is going to.

At that time, the nucleus was chasing a creature that seemed to be a mixture of large amounts of metal debris, and Lin found it here.

A lot of metal scraps make up a shape. If I saw it before, Lin would only use it as ordinary metal scrap, but Lin now knows that the shape of this thing and the last time I saw it in the protector. Like, the size of the metal fragments above, etc...

Therefore, it may be the same as the creature that the protector pursues.

However, Lynn feels that this is not the world of the nucleator that she saw last time.

Because there is no similar terrain found here, but maybe... are they nearby?

It shouldn't be so smart, but there should be similar creatures here.

Or... the nervous system of the virtual bus used by the star traveler... there are some hidden memories. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks~ Hearty Love~ 588~

Thanks ~ the day of playing lanterns ~159845678...~ the reward ~

Thank you ~ 绯堂真找~ the monthly ticket~

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