4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 501: Before the purpose

Chapter 509 is a chapter.

It seems... this is the specific process. ¢£

Lin looked at the scenery in the dream. The scenery here seems to be some images of the past, and the specific content of the images is not very long...

Lin saw some glowing creatures from the contents of these images.

That's... the protectors, they are revolving around a huge pile of debris, and they are doing some kind of 'ceremony'.

The creators stayed by the nucles who performed the rituals, and they were watching them all the time.

So, did they just transform the core action here? Is the nucleator transforming the core into something that looks like a huge pile of debris?

As the ritual progressed, the debris pile trembled as if it were alive, and its tremor frequency slowly became faster and faster...

Suddenly, Lin found that the frequency of this tremor was as high as a very extreme, and at this time, the creator tentacle that had been hiding in the depths suddenly rushed over!

The creator's tentacles touched a nucleus guard, and the nucleus seemed to be quite surprised, and they seemed to have never noticed the creator here.

The creator's movement did not lead to the cessation of the 'ceremony', the huge pile of debris in the middle continued to tremble, and the surrounding nucleators immediately gathered.

They surround the creator's tentacles and are talking to it.

But it seems that the creators don't understand their language. Yes, these protectors are talking about languages ​​that Lynn has never heard before. It feels like a new language...

And under their words. The creator is very confused. But it did not stop acting, it immediately climbed to the trembling pile of debris in the middle, and jumped to the top.

The protector suddenly showed amazed emotions again, but they did not do anything...

'Snapped! ‘The next picture disappeared.

In this case... Is it true that after the creator has touched the conversion ceremony of the protector, will his tentacles leave the dream energy? This may also be related to the disappearance of the creator's ontology.

Lynn feels that the creator's previous approach may be to control the core of the dream.

The usual core can not be controlled at will, but ... may be possible in the conversion process, this time is Lin's guess.

The creator's body disappears. It may have been transmitted after touching the core, but why... it is difficult to understand.

Although there are still many mysteries in it, Lin already knows where this place is.

In the short-lived image I just saw, Lynn could feel...the guardian where they were.

This is a coordinate information. It seems that this coordinate information is stored in the memory of the creator's tentacle. It can be directly felt when the image is just placed... As long as the star's nervous system perceives it, it knows this coordinate. Where is it... It is near the soft world where the current star traveler is.

It can be reached with a few transmissions, much closer than the land of the ancestors of Atlan.

Then... just move over there, let the star tourr go to the position of the protector.

Thinking, Lin turned her attention to the place where the protector was. It had already flown over the soft earth and quickly left the special tumbling. Disappeared in the void...

Now put this goal first, because Lynn wants to know the relationship between the protector and the creator.

If the creator successfully controls the core, what will it do?

Lin has thought about this many times, but in general it should be less threatening than the brain, because the creator will be satisfied with his own world, and will not go everywhere to invade other places.

Moreover, it can't invade other places through dreams. The general creators' aggression is to throw the cubs into other worlds, but the creators of the creators are physical, and there is no way to dream like a brain. As a 'channel', it can't be used to put the cubs into other worlds through dreams...

Lin felt that she didn't need to worry about the creator. Moreover, Lin did not forget the purpose of the trip, so she would not rush to get there. Lin also wanted to see a variety of ‘scenery’ along the way.

'Snapped! After leaving the soft tumbling, what appeared in front of the star traveler was... a lot of ice.

The scenery here seems quite interesting.

Here is the void, there are no stars around, but there are a lot of big ice floating, it feels like a meteorite circle, but the stone is replaced by ice.

Before the star traveler floated on a piece of ice, it stretched out the tentacles from the surface and examined a piece of ice a little. It wasn't water, it was just like a water-free ice.

Then, go to the next place to see.

Thinking, Lin let the star traveler send again...

There is nothing special about this transfer. It is an empty void, but here, Lin can see a very strange object in the distance.

Shouldn't it be an object, look in that direction, as if the starry sky is black, and there is a large darkness that covers a range of stars.

And this dark concrete shape seems to be the shell of a turtle creature.

What it is? Lynn has a lot of answers.

But these answers are not close to seeing, it is impossible to confirm whether it is true, so Lin will not go to see.

Because this kind of thing can be dangerous, the star traveler can't just lose it, so Lin continues to transfer to the next position.

Next position... It seems that there are also interesting things here, it should be said that... interesting creatures.

Ten thousand kilometers in front of the star traveler, there are two empty buses with a diameter of more than ten kilometers.

It seems that Lynn is seeing this creature for more than one time at a time, and they are now sticking together, and they are intertwined with each other's tentacles, feeling a bit like... in the process of reproduction.

Lin has not seen them breeding, even though they have seen cubs.

When Lin saw them, they seemed to notice Lin's star tour, and then the two virtual buses suddenly released the other side and flew in different directions. After a while, they disappeared.

Are they also like creatures like the virtual people, do not like to have another creature to visit their breeding process?

In short, Lin can confirm that their breeding cycle should be quite slow, and the stellar bus will be attacked by the creators. At present, Lin has not found any ‘natural enemies’ in the Void Bus.

Then, go to the next place to see it, the next place...may be the destination, what kind of world would it be? (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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