This is a wonderful phenomenon...

Now, Lin's rock spider looks at the rugball flying around in the sky, while detecting the body of the rugball that fell on the ground. ●⌒

From the time they fled, the body has grown more and more.

Lin looked at the creature a little and saw their cause of death... The rugby creature and the air jellyfish are quite similar. They used some light gas to fly. However, during the viewing process, Lin discovered the rugby. A strange place.

It is their brain.

The brains of this creature have some strangeness. Lin originally thought that they had a relatively large brain, so they were smarter, but in fact their brains were not big. Lin felt that they probably should not have the intelligence of the present level.

Moreover, they don't just have this kind of intelligence, and Lynn also finds that their brains can't even control the whole body.

Mainly because their brains and parts of the body are not connected by nerves, and because they are too small, it is difficult for such brains to drive their bodies.

However, they are still able to move quickly and show considerable intelligence.

Maybe the brain is not the main structure? Or do they have some unknown structure on their body that makes them intellectual? Or does it say that its muscle cells do not need to be commanded to be self-acting?

In order to confirm this problem, Lin tested a lot of rugby bodies. These rugby **** are all the same, mainly because the brain is not developed, and they cannot have this kind of intelligence.

It seems that they are not the only ones. Every rugball that Lynn tests is exactly the same. Why are they so small... brain?

Lin thinks that I have to take a look at it.

The rock spider climbed over a house. Look at the rugby flying around. The rock spider jumped up in an instant. After hitting the target, quickly let the tiny worm penetrate into its skin.

Then, Lynn let go of the rugby. The rugby was obviously more frightened by the attack, but the structure inside it was still full of vitality. Lin's worm quickly proliferated in it and then detected all the organs.

Sure enough, the living rug and the body are no different. Their brains are so strange.

Their brains have direct command of a part of the body, and some are unmanageable, but Lin finds that it is not completely impossible to command.

When their bodies are active, those muscle cells will have some special performance first, and there will be some reactions in the cells.

These reactions indicate that the cell receives a certain order before it starts to act, rather than acting on its own.

This can be well distinguished, and those cells that will be active will not have this 'receiving reaction'.

However, the rugby's brain clearly does not send instructions to the cells, they don't even have a neural connection, so they are probably the kind of thing... there are special things in their cell.

Just when Lin thought about it. The rugby suddenly stopped moving and fell to the ground.


At the moment of death. The rugby's brain stopped working, and all other organs that were commanded by the brain and the brain were stopped in an instant.

I can't see what is attacking it, they just died so easily...

This situation has been going on for a long time... When the world almost entered the night, the ‘slaughter’ stopped.


The light of the stars illuminates the earth.

In the town of Rugby, there are corpses everywhere, because there is no rot, so there is no smell here, and it seems quite quiet.

The rugby that survived here left the town. I don't know where to go. Lin let another rock spider catch up with them, and another one is doing research here.

The slaughter looks very strange, but Lyne feels that it may be a normal thing for the rugby, and this kind of thing is not only in the rugby.

Lin's other rock spiders also reached the jungle. When they explored in the jungle, they occasionally found some creatures that died without any trauma or internal injuries.

The dead body will soon be eaten by other creatures, but some of them were found by Lin before being eaten.

Almost all of these creatures have a characteristic that their brains are relatively small and can be said to be an incomplete brain.

The tentacle that I saw last time in the tree has a complete brain. It can obviously judge the intelligence from the observation of the brain, but many of these sudden dead creatures have brains that are not commensurate with the body, and Lin It has also been found that many creatures have no 'memory area' in their brains.

Although there is nothing on the surface, Lin can almost guess what is going on.

Lin feels that to find the answer, she has to find some special places, such as the location of the protector, and for example...

There may be an answer to the rugby.

The rugby abandoned the town because of the previous massacre, they marched quickly through the jungle, and soon Lin found that they had reached a new town.

This town is a lot bigger than the previous one, and here, Lin sees more weird things.

Not only is there a house with a rugby ball, but Lynn also saw a lot of statues and saw some houses that didn't seem to be built of rugby balls.

There seems to be more living creatures here. Lynn sees some creatures that are not rugby in the town, but before entering the town, the rock spider first catches the slowest rugby and detects its brain memory. .

Through its memory...Lin knows that these rugby towns seem to be distributed throughout the jungle, and then they will live with other creatures.


Then it is gone.

Because the brain of the rugby ball is like this, although it has a memory area, but the memory area is not complete, only a small part of their memory can be seen.

They obviously rely on some other way to live.

Thinking, Lin let the rock spider enter the town.

The town is home to quite a lot of creatures. Lin feels that there are some divisional species, basically all multi-cellular creatures, and some rock-like creatures are mixed in it.

These species seem to have the same characteristics as rugby, and their brains have 'defects'.

But they all lived normally and did not show flaws at all.

The answer to this question may be in the center of the city, where there is a special statue, and there is a lot of 'energy' gathered around the statue, and the creatures here seem to admire the statue.

Lin feels that I can know something through it... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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