4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

: The 518th Palm Discovery and Control

no response. ◇↓

The tentacle seems to be in a daze again.

The rock spider looked at the creator's tentacles in front of him, this time it was still moving, and there was no influence of foggy creatures.

Lin feels that there is only one reason for this situation, that is, the existence of the fog-shaped creature itself here will hinder the control of the creator.

Although not directly attached to it, there are too many fog-shaped dream creatures in this place, and the creators cannot control this separated tentacle well.

So before, there will be phenomena like the original circle, it is estimated that the creator's information has been disturbed, making the tentacle move impossible.

Now, Lin estimates that because the tentacle is too far away, the creator can't completely control it.

Running too far for...

This tentacle does not run in the direction of the creator. In fact, it runs in the opposite direction. In the process of running, Lin feels it.

The position of the creator is farther and farther away from the direction of the tentacle, as if it was deliberately letting the tentacle run far.

why? Because it was chased by the rock spider? Lin thinks that the creator does not necessarily recognize that the rock spider is Lin, because this rock spider has done some camouflage.

However, if it is recognized, it means that it is hiding from Lin.

This is an interesting phenomenon, which makes Lin want to find it more... see what it is thinking and what to do.

To this end, Lynne needs more troops.

On the edge of the cliff of the Sea of ​​Fog, a tarant has already dug the cave there, and at the same time, Lin changed the structure of the rock spider. Let it produce a unit called ‘collection balloon’.

This type of unit is just a ball like a name. They will be placed on the sea of ​​fog. Collecting dense microbes in the mist as nutrients, Lin can create more arms, and Lin wants to build a larger force to find the creators.

Although Lynn felt it sent a signal somewhere in the distance, but did not know its detailed location, and now it should have changed position.

Lynn feels that it may not be easy to find it, although it is a big creature, but it is also very good at hiding, at the same time. On top of the star traveler, Lynn is also using the receiving device to receive more information.


Suddenly, Lynn found that the device received a message, but... this has nothing to do with the creator.

"We have a lot of problems here..."

In the picture popped up by the image, Lynn saw a familiar face... the face of the general.

"Everyone who goes to that world will go crazy after a while, no matter how high their status before, they will immediately become a robber and give up everything they had before, although they are no longer in contact. But this is exactly..."

"They are not going crazy." Lin said to the general inside: "Don't you find out? This is the character of your race."


'Snapped! ’

Lin turned off the picture, and Lin now knows more about what the virtual people are like...

The virtual people have a wonderful situation. This is what Lynn discovered recently. It seems that they have a special 'longing' for the vast area. This 'longing' is a natural feeling in their nucleus. I don’t know when it was this special feel.

However, this kind of sentiment did not 'explode' until modern times, mainly because their world cities are everywhere, and all the imaginary people are in a long-term repressed state. The emotions of this open space have always been suppressed. When they are in an empty place, they will immediately feel it clearly... They are eager to run on the plains.

Of course not running by myself, but by car, but they are all similar.

However, if there were no first robbers in the first place, there might not be more robbers in the future. The robbers that followed were mainly affected by the first batch.

When the imaginary people who are working in construction see the freedom of the robbers, they will become very eager for that kind of freedom. They will feel that everything in the past is indifferent and can be abandoned. They also want to live their lives in the future. All are swayed under this world of clear blue sky.

Basically, Lin feels wonderful because it allows them to give up their previous things.

Of course, there are still some exceptions. Some of the virtual people will not have this kind of yearning. If Lin wants to give the generals the advice of defeating the robbers, it is to let the virtual people do some tests before going to the new world, so that they know the virtual people. Will not become a robber.

However, Lin did not say to the generals that they should be able to solve this small problem, but it is clear that the general suspected that Lin or something similar to the brain was imaging their spirit.

Lynn wants to see how it is finally solved.

So, continue to accept the creator's information now... When Lin added the search force, Lynn continued to observe the rock spider that had found the tentacle before.

The rock spider put a 'parasitic observer' on the tentacle, which is used to look at the tentacle and see if it will have other movements. Then the rock spiders ran to other places, and Lin decided to let They went to another place to observe some of the things here.

At the same time, Lynn is also studying a lot of situations...

Lin is now mainly concerned with the whole dream.

Generally speaking, the dream world is generated by dream energy. Generally, brain creatures enter a state of sleep after touching the dream energy, and they will see the dream world.

This complex energy can reveal various structures as complex as reality in the face of creatures... and the brains of dreams are formed with cores and multiple dream squares.

On this tumbling person, the rich dream energy envelops the whole world, and at the same time shows the dream form different from the brain spirit dream.

Lin currently wants to control this energy, it seems that there can be some way...

It is to use the soft mud among the volcanoes.

Although Lin's tarant can connect into the dream through the statue in the town of Rugby, but it can't affect the things in the dream, but Lin found that through the mud, it can also enter the dream.

And after entering the dream through this soft mud, it can affect the things in the dream.

At this time, when Lin tried to control the rock spider, its body would not move in reality. It was not like the original. It was just to see the dream and still control the real body.

It is now really a dream.

Moreover, when entering the dream, Lin can feel it...

Now, a rock spider is in a dream. This rock spider is a rock spider that had previously eaten some soft mud. It can enter the dream freely through the soft mud stored in the abdomen.

Of course, it's not just that it's as simple as going in and out. In this state of full access to dreams, Lin can feel the surrounding dream energy more clearly...

There is some energy, and Lin found that they can control them. These energies feel a bit like...sand.

The rock spider gently waved the forelegs, and the area where the forelimbs swept suddenly flashed a spot of light.

These spots are not created by random flicking. Their appearance requires some of Lin's... 'thinking', and after the light spots appear, Lin finds that they can be controlled... as if they are sand, They pile up together.

However, it is not clear how to control these spots.

In order to figure out how to make these things, Lin let the rock spiders in the sea of ​​fog go to a special place in the sea of ​​fog.

These are the huge rock pillars.

These pillars can be regarded as the most conspicuous landscape among the sea of ​​fog. They rise from the dense fog, some are hundreds of meters high, and are like trees distributed throughout the sea of ​​fog.

At the top of them is a platform, and the spider has climbed to the edge of the platform, which is more than 30 meters in diameter. In the real world, there is no creature on it.

In the dream world, you can see a group of creatures living here, and the rock spider is watching them.

This is a group of fog-shaped creatures... Lin feels that these creatures have a relatively high intelligence.

Their form looks like the ‘swallowing’ that has been seen between Lin, and the length is about three meters, but when they look closely, they are not the same color.

But most importantly, this group of 'swallows' creates some strangely shaped structures on the ground that look like glowing objects.

This reminds Lin of the glowing buildings that the brains used to make.

And this thing looks very similar, they form a complex structure on top of this platform, and those creatures live in these luminous buildings.

But most importantly, Lin found that these ‘swallows’ would communicate, they have a language, and the language is expressed in a similar way to expressing emotions.

Lynn can feel that they are discussing some of the recent events, including what happened in the sea of ​​fog.

Although I can't fully understand it, Lin knows that they are saying... The sea of ​​fog has recently come to a new creature.

This matter can be studied later, and Lin is concerned with their architectural techniques.

The illuminating buildings they constructed are made up of the spots that Lin had seen before.

The light spots seem to be glued together like clay, and then form various shapes. These spots seem to be a common energy in dreams. Lin decided to start with simple energy and finally study complex energy... ...for example, constructing the energy of a dream creature.

Lin also discovered that some other creatures have constructed luminous buildings, but none of them have the complexity of this kind of swallowing.

Lynn wants to see...how they built these buildings, although they have seen a lot, but the construction process is rare.

If you want to see them built, maybe you should do something, such as destroying these buildings. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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