4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 521: Separate adventure

"Help... oh... help... ask..."

A small communication device is lying on a white ground. ◎

The tiny sounds are emitted from its body, slowly echoing in this vast space...

Its voice is getting smaller and smaller, then... it disappears.

This communicator, like the wreckage of the thirty chariots around it, is slowly covered by the dust that floats in the sky and is forgotten by the world...

"No, not forgotten, we... have not been forgotten!"

"Our troops were destroyed and attacked by a group of giant creatures. There are a lot of giant creatures, at least ten of them. They destroyed our chariots, and our troops were completely annihilated..."

"Only me... survived."

An Atlan is leaning against a giant mushroom, and while looking at the wreckage of the destroyed chariot next to it, it puts a lot of information into its helmet.

"I don't know why the concentration of dust here is getting low, so I don't have any problems even outside." Atlan continued to input all the information: "The cause of all this is due to a creature that calls itself 'Maya.' ”

"It's a creature that connects us from a distant void. It wants us to go to the depths of the fungal area to see the specific situation. The 'deep' is the initial area of ​​the fungal infection. The fungus originally came together with a huge...land. To be sent back to the aggressed world, it wants us to see what it is now and give us a promise to save us."

"But we happened to be close to the goal..."

"In this case. I have to complete this task anyway... even if I am dead, I can save those who are waiting for us!"

"Input is complete..."

Atlan stood up. It picked up the weapon in his hand, looked at the dim sky, and then continued to walk toward the target.

There is also a map in its helmet, about a hundred kilometers from the target.

This is a tough journey, as long as the surrounding dust concentration becomes high, it will die very quickly, but... it believes that it can achieve this task...


One foot stepped on the carpet made of hyphae, and countless dust particles floated up. Atlan is moving at a slow and steady rate. It keeps an eye on the concentration of dust around it. Their helmet filters have a function to clear the blockage, but if the concentration is too high, the cleaning speed will not keep up.

"This is..." And, let it be surprised.

The Atlantians have always believed that the deeper the area covered by the fungus, the higher the concentration is, the more incredible, but in fact, it found...

“The concentration actually became... lower?”

It seems to go deeper. The concentration index displayed on the helmet becomes lower, and here it almost becomes a concentration similar to the edge of the fungal area.

"What the **** is going on?"

Although holding doubts. But this is a good thing for Atlan, and it is more likely to complete the task.

It speeded up the pace and walked forward. Suddenly there was a bang from the foot of it, and it found that he stepped into a pool of water.

It quickly pulled his foot up and stepped back. Atlan saw a pool of water in front of it. The pool was about ten meters in diameter, and the reddish liquid inside it shook slightly because of its movement.

Atlan looked at it carefully and found that the water was quite clear, although the color was a bit strange, but it seemed to be able to drink.

"Can't drink!" Atlan was surprised to find that there was a weird idea in his head. Why did he want to drink water in this strange place?

After abandoning this idea, it bypassed the waterhole and continued to move forward.

Atlan stepped carefully and step by step, and the process continued for hundreds of seconds. It slowly accelerated. The environment here looked strange and dangerous, but there was nothing.

Looking around, I could only see a white carpet, the large handles of the giant mushroom, and the dusty dust everywhere. In addition, there was no other scenery.

"It's too far, if there is a chariot, it will be very soon..."

After thousands of seconds, Atlan found that the concentration of dust inside it was getting lower and lower, but another problem plagued it, that is, it was too slow...

"First take a break." It went under the giant mushroom and sat on the soft carpet with the handle of the mushroom, and just at the moment it sat down...

‘Boom...’ A heavy roar came from the distant ground, letting Atlan stand up. It quickly looked in the direction of the roar. It found that there was a huge creature lying there.

"This is what struck us before... Why is this like this?"

Atlan's vision from the helmet shows that the creature's legs make it quite familiar, but its body makes Atlanta more surprised.

In fact, in the process of being attacked, Atlan of the chariot team can only see the legs of the creature, because the surrounding dust is too thick, and nothing can be seen clearly.

There is a lot less dust here, and this creature is lying down, it can see its full picture, this creature is actually... is an Atlan.

However, the figure is quite large. It has a height of more than 30 meters, and its skin is covered with a large number of hyphae. There are also cysts in the shoulders, legs, head and other places. It is also composed of fungi.

Although it looks completely different, it is still clear that its overall shape is consistent with Atlan.

‘咕...’ Suddenly, Atlan saw a ball swollen from the head of the creature and began to swell rapidly, and then... ‘Boom! ’

After a burst of sound, a large amount of liquid was sputtered from it and sprinkled over the surrounding carpet.

"What the monster is this..." This phenomenon is quite "disgusting" for Atlan. It resists the rolling of the stomach and wants to circumvent this place.

"Continue to observe for a while!"

And when Atlan wants to leave. There was a sudden sound in his helmet.

"What?" Atlanton was shocked: "Who is it?"

"Is it..." Suddenly. Atlan responded again: "You are the one that lets us go deep into the observation... the creature called Maya! How did you contact me?"

"Your mission is to observe the creatures here." The voice in the helmet said: "Record their form, structure, specific characteristics, etc."

"If you finish it well, I will save you."

"...I know." Atlane felt that the creature was suspicious, but it didn't have anything else to do now, and it came here with the emotion of death.

Therefore, according to what Maya said, he continued to observe the huge... Atlan.

"Okay, you can move on."

After watching it for a while. There is nothing special about this huge thing, and that voice tells Atlanau: "You have to go to the center to observe."

"I don't have to look at that monster anymore..."

After hearing it, Atlan left.

It continues to move forward to the center where it was going.

After a while, Atlan began to ask: "What kind of creature are you in the end? Why care about the things here?"

"I noticed it at some point." The voice said: "In the stars, there are some special creatures, there is a strong, and horrible creatures are rising."

"I decided to pay attention to this creature. I saw you, you are the first line of defense in front of this creature. So you will fight for me, I will watch you like the stars of the sky. Come on, high Call the battle song, go ahead!"

Atlantau: "...it seems that you don't want to tell me anything."

"Have you noticed the starry sky in the sky?" The voice continued: "This is your salvation, and you will be saved."

"There is no starry sky here." Atlan said: "And..."

"Stop!" the voice suddenly shouted, and Atlan quickly stopped and said, "What happened?"

"Attention to your front, you almost stepped into the road of destruction!" Under the guidance of the voice, Atlan looked in front of it, only a few tens of meters away from the distance, with a group of shaking figures.

"That is... what?"

Atlan adjusted the angle of view on the armor, and when the scenery in the distance was brought closer, the fear in his mind could not help.

It saw a bunch of... skeletons.

These skeletons and Atlan are generally the size of the body, with a thin layer of hyphae, and some globules, but the body is composed of bones, and is the bones of Atlan.

Personality creatures seem to have some fear of their skeletons, and this Atlan is no exception, not to mention that these skeletons are surrounded by a circle of dancing and dancing.

"How... How come this kind of thing comes out?" Atlan pressed his fear.

"I don't know." The voice in the helmet said: "But they noticed you and solved them."

"What?" Atlanton was shocked, and it also noticed that the skeleton over there had stopped 'dancing' and was staring at it one by one. Their eye bones shimmered in pale blue. Fluorescence, it seems to mean that they have vision.

Suddenly, a skeleton first rushed over to Atlan, and other skeletons followed.

"Ah, ah!" Atlan slammed the switch of the weapon, and the storm-like warhead suddenly poured on the skeleton.

Although these skeletons are terrible for Atlan, they are still skeletons. Under the impact of the warheads, they suddenly smashed and shattered. In a matter of seconds, they all turned into a piece of debris, completely devastating...

However, for Atlan, the fear of horror has not dissipated... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks for the ~lesne wind~ rewards~

Thanks ~ soft and weak ah ~ three skin boy 0258 ~ advancer18 ~ lost indulge ~ monthly ticket ~

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