4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 530: Counterattack

faith. £∝

Some creatures' beliefs are ethereal and nothing, just to find the spiritual sustenance, or to explain some unexplained phenomena.

However, some beliefs are true, and some ‘God’ are true rulers.

These creatures living in the desert world have had such a faith since a long time ago.

This belief is like the sound in the mind, occasionally reacting to their prayers, and occasionally telling them what to do. This voice is their ‘god’.

The invention of the first mechanical structure was that this ‘God’ told the inventor what to do.

This **** seems to have the ability to communicate directly with their 'soul'.

The names of these creatures are also the gods. They call them 'Ser'. This name has a very special meaning, but there are many explanations for this statement. It is impossible to determine exactly what it means, so it is not specific. meaning.

It is not something that asks the gods, for example, their wars. They think that the gods will not interfere with their struggles, and the gods do say so.

However, when they are forced to a dead end by the creators, they have to pray to the gods and pray that the gods can save them.

This time, the gods agreed to their request.

The gods let the singer carry out some kind of ritual there, so that it can reach the world. This special ritual... is related to the dream.

The struggles that have been made since the beginning, and the invasion of the creators, all of which have nothing to do with the dream. However, this ritual has a lot to do with the dream.

The gods told them a way to manipulate the energy of dreams. Because Seo himself is a creature of ‘soul’ that has both a real body and a dream. Controlling dream energy is not difficult for them.

They collected a large amount of matter according to the teachings of the gods.

They call this substance 'the land of rituals', a wonderful substance that can influence the energy of dreams.

In addition to this, there are other ‘ceremonial necessities’.

That is, some substances that can be found in this world. In order to find these things, Sey used the last force to form a team, and went to the distance to try their best to find...

They finally succeeded, and a lot of the collected things were placed in a city.

The city. It is also their last city...

As long as a large amount of these things are gathered and a strong signal transmitting device is placed on it, signals can be transmitted to the virtual air.

The gods will go to this place.

At the same time, the creators are still constantly attacking them, and the last city of Sey is burning under its attack.

The inhabitants screamed in horror, and at this time, they summoned the ritual of the gods...has been successful.

In the void, there is a creature that is rapidly approaching the world.

This is a creature called the god.

There is no special 'effect' in its coming. In fact, its coming is very quiet, and even the creators do not know that such a creature has appeared in this world.

Because this ‘God’ belongs to a dream creature. It has no body in reality, and it has come to the dream of this world.

Just follow the agreement. It began to save those ‘shelters’.

Sey began to cooperate under its ‘talk’.

First, it allowed Jose to create a special machine that was something like an aircraft.

It has a lot of capacity and can be launched into the void.

In addition, it allowed Ses to prepare large cutting machines, and then all they had to do was wait.

They didn't see their gods, but they could feel the gods with them, so they were full of confidence, using the last resources, and they quickly created what the gods demanded. In fact, they were similar. Something, just a little modification.

Then, what they are waiting for is the creator's appearance.

The creators originally decided to move the ontology to this position after destroying their last city, and start a new round of development in this corpse.

But it did not think that those who should have no resilience were planning what...

The **** is constantly sending signals at this time, and it uses this signal to find the position of the creator in the dream.

When the creator tries to move the body, it discovers the creator.

The creator is not far from the city, in fact it has moved several times before.

After discovering it, the gods acted quickly, and together with the rest of the gods attacked the creator's body.

Originally, this is meaningless. Generally speaking, when the creator is close to the creator, the creators can spread their brains to make them all collapse, and the creators learn the technique of the sorcerer and create a large number of mechanical structures to fight for themselves. , or defense and so on.

At this time, the creators found that they did not seem to be affected by brain waves.

Moreover, it also feels... its body becomes difficult to control, just as the brain cells don't feel the body, and it can't control the mechanical structures that they make...

This is the impact of the ‘God’.

It uses its power to 'insulate' the connection between the creator's brain and other cells in a dream, which requires the creator's brain cells to concentrate in one place to be effective, and the current creator is this state.

At the same time, Sey was also moving fast, and they came to the creator's drive according to the guidance of the gods, using a powerful cutting method to cut the part of the creator with brain cells.

Then, put this part into the aircraft that was prepared in advance, and then launch the aircraft into the void, which can completely keep the creators away from them.

They did not choose to directly destroy the brain cells of the creator. That is because destroying the brain cells would cause some abnormalities in the rest of the creator's body, such as exploding, or sending some signals or something.

The gods say so.

However, if it is launched and completely isolated, then these anomalies will not occur.

That is what the **** told them.

When watching the aircraft rushing to the sky, all the screams cheered.

The crisis of extinction of this population has finally been resolved under the guidance of the gods, and the new future is about to meet them. They believe that everything will be better in the future. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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