4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 555: Intelligent Technology

"We want to grow and develop in this world..."

A group of elites, known as elites, left the land of the protector and reached a nearby tumbling man.

They intend to develop their own military power here, and then attack the ‘God’’ dream of the land of the protector.

And this world can let them reach this idea.

Because air and biology are not suitable, temperature and gravity are suitable, so the environment can be slowly modified.

However, these people who come to the new world have to face a problem, that is... this world is not suitable for the growth of dream creatures.

Here... no dream energy.

The aircraft has the function of storing dream energy, so they can fly to the void, and of course, the technology of storing dream energy is suddenly emerging from their thoughts.

However, there is no way to increase the energy of their dreams. These can't leave their aircraft to step on the ground of this tumbling person.

If you forcibly enter a place where there is no dream energy, it is no different for them to suddenly unplug their heads.

Therefore, this group of elites fell into meditation.

How do they develop in this environment? Later, there was a proposal to disassemble the equipment for storing dream energy in the aircraft and then separate them into a number of portable devices.

This way they can leave their aircraft.

However, the main problems remain unresolved because they have no way to increase the energy of the dream, which means that these fans cannot increase their companions here.

They can only maintain the number of times they come here. If you breed a little more. Their dream energy is not enough.

So what can Sedi do? Can not breed to increase the number of words. Can't develop anymore...

In order to deal with this problem, there is a solution proposed by them. If they create a machine that can collect resources, build buildings, and build troops, then even if there are only a small number, they can make a huge... …force.

Others also quite supported this decision, so they quickly started the work.

They feel that they want to create an automatic machine that can do everything. This machine must have a high level of intelligence, giving it the ability to handle many things.

So, they used the aircraft as a base and began to research and manufacture these machines... The manufacturing was very smooth at first.

There is not much technology about automatism in the body itself, but the thoughts that popped up in their brains made them smoothly create everything.

Initially they were just small machines, and they slowly built larger and larger robots that allowed them to build a 'dig site' near the aircraft, as well as places like 'planting fields'.

They continue to dig resources to make more machinery, while breeding large numbers of fungi as food, but they do not grow because of the number. So there is no need for too much plantation.

The size of their excavation sites has been increasing, and these have created construction factories. They are capable of producing mechanical structures fully automatically.

At the same time, these are constantly studying, and their research is mainly aimed at improving the 'intelligence' of machinery. They want to create a group of fully automatic mechanical forces to attack the land of the protectors.

It is impossible for Sesper itself to command these troops as a brain worm. For this reason, these machines need to have their own thinking ability and know how to judge many things.

They have been studying in this direction, and later at some time...

They have successfully developed a special thing, which they call ‘automatic cards’.

As long as this 'automatic card' is placed in the machine as the main operating system, they will be truly automated.

Because although it is basically automatic at present, there are still many problems that need to be dealt with by yourself. After using this card, all the machines will start to act on their own. They will collect resources by themselves, increase the quantity, and can detect and eliminate them. Various faults...

All in all, you can make a machine look like a creature.

So, the manufacturing plants that they gave them installed the 'automatic card', and the factory also installed the automatic card for the manufactured machinery. After the installation, the machines would judge what they should do according to their own form. For example, responsible for digging, or going to battle.

They think that they are designed to be perfect. With the cards installed, these factories can create huge army without needing them.

At the same time, in order to prevent any problems, they also installed self-destructing devices and remote control devices on those automatic cards, which they thought would be perfect.

However, their plans are not perfect.

After the start of full automation, those factories did start to build troops, and it automatically repaired various faults, but the first combat machines it produced made their targets designated...

These machines immediately attacked Ses, and many of them were killed without precautions. The rest of them quickly fled back to the aircraft and started the control device to control the machinery.

However, even the control device that performed flawlessly in the test failed at this time, and the self-destructing control device did not have any effect.

Soon was quickly killed by these automatic machines, except for...

These five sires are a small team. They just went to other places of the tumbling person to explore at the time of the incident. They came back to discover the situation here.

They were also quickly attacked by machinery, but because of the relationship they explored outside, they were riding a strong armor structure, so they managed to survive the mechanical siege.

After that, they hid in a nearby unbuilt factory and began investigating the series.

These five essays soon became known because of the failure of control and self-destruction systems, but they did not know why they failed...

They found that the machinery was completely out of control, and that the factories and excavations were running automatically, constantly producing a large amount of machinery...

Originally conducted a lot of research, they wanted to know why this is so. Soon, various research results have proved that these machines may have gained 'consciousness'. They began to breed and grow themselves. They think that these machines will develop. Out of your own country.

However, Sear later found out that it was not the case.

After the factory produces the fighting machinery, it will let these fighting machines fight each other, and each factory will let its machinery fight with other factories.

It seems that different ‘gangs’ are fighting, but these machines will not continue to attack other factories after the battle, but will wander aimlessly on the ground.

They will wander until the energy is exhausted or until the next batch of combat machinery is built and then continue to join the battle.

The excavation sites around the factory have been collecting a large amount of resources to continuously manufacture machinery. If there is mechanical damage to the collection of resources, the factory will create new ones.

However, the machinery used for collection will only be maintained at a certain amount, and the remaining resources will be used as combat machinery.

Then these machines will go to the ground and carry out a battle that seems to have no meaning...

Looking at this situation, Sedi began to think that the development of automatic machinery is a mistake.

However, they have not given up yet, they have not forgotten the previous tasks...

Just as the nucleus guards regard the guardian core as an eternal task, these singers kill the dream food as their goal, nothing else does not matter, they quickly start thinking about new methods.

But gave up the original idea of ​​automatic mechanics, and began to study...dream energy.

These five screams suddenly came up with an idea that they might be able to make special devices that can ... disintegrate the power of dreams.

So they started research in this area.

They are hiding in an unfinished factory, and the mechanical battles on the ground continue throughout their research.

They are falling more and more in battle, and their wreckage is slowly accumulating on the ground... Soon, the ground is covered by the wreckage of these machinery...

And Sey is not in charge of these, they are constantly studying the relationship between the transformation of dream energy and real matter, this process lasted for a long time.

It has continued... These factories have been buried by mechanical debris.

But Seyce also succeeded in creating a special device whose device was able to 'disintegrate' the dream energy, which they thought could easily kill the dream food.

And when they were ready to leave the factory, they found a group of machinery... surrounded by their factories.

Originally these machines have always ignored them, but this action has changed.

This group of machines killed these few sergeants during the siege, then occupied their factories and transformed the factory into... a digging field.

At the same time, these machines have begun to build a large number of excavation sites and factories in other places, but these are all responsible for the construction machinery. As for the combat machinery, they continue to fight, and the newly built factories are also quickly manufactured. Get more mechanics to fight.

This meaningless battle has been going on for a long time... and this thing has been recorded.

It is not the sorcerer who records things, but a machine called recording machinery.

They are only responsible for observing, and then record the situation they see in the ‘recorder’ in the control room of the factory. These things continue until...Lin comes to this place. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!


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