4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 565: Fungal body


The sound of the fighters flew through the air.

In the cockpit, you can see that the outside scenery is in a white mans...

The street is covered with a thick layer of fungus carpet. All the vehicles and everything around it are covered with hyphae. They extend along the walls of the building and gather strangely on the towering building. And huge fungal structure.

This phenomenon spreads from the door of the astral center of the city. If it is seen at the edge that this is a virtual city, then the city has not seen the appearance of the city.

The original steel building now looks more like a giant fungal creature. The fungus covers almost every millimeter of area. This place has no metal, and it has been replaced by a white plague.

The citizens of this city are probably saved about 30%, and the rest of them have been turned into nutrient nutrients here, but what the imaginary people did not expect was that they were less than half a day and night in the reinforcements. During this time, these citizens disappeared and replaced by endless fungi.

"All attention, we will start bombing now."

The fighters of the sky lined up and flew over the city covered by fungi. The barrage in the air once again fell like a raindrop and flew away in the area covered by the fungus.

The general listened to the advice of the Master and did not use large-scale explosive bombs such as the Type 78 bomb. Those bombs with powerful shock waves would allow the dust to spread farther, so they intended to use pure combustion to solve these problems.

'boom--! ’

The sparkling fire broke out in the streets. The flames ran along the fungus carpet on the ground, and the whole city suddenly raised a thick smoke, and a huge fungal structure was withered and dying in the flame.

but. The pilot also noticed that some of the mushrooms swelled rapidly in the high temperature and then blasted open. A large amount of dust powder spread out with the explosion and rose to the sky with the smoke.

"They use the flame to spread..." The pilot in the sky saw the scene and immediately reported the general.

And the response they got was: "Don't worry so much, continue to burn them! Use that thing!"

Under the command of the general. Several fighters cast special bombs that flew into the sky filled with dust and smoke. Then released a lot of 'fog'.

When the fog spreads to a certain extent, the bomb also sends out 嘭 嘭! A loud explosion, a huge fireball instantly covered the sky, and the extremely high temperature drowned the surrounding dust...

The fighter unit flew over the city under the command of the general. Almost all the roads in the city burned, the fungus creaked under the flames, and the whole city was filled with strange smoke.

This smoke is scattered in the air, and as the breeze flies out of the city, even the nearby cities can smell the smell of the distance.

The imaginary people who have heard about the tragedy of the Stargate in other cities are now full of fear in their own homes. They try to keep their air filters running at maximum power and close doors and windows to prevent them. Any exceptions occur.

And those richer imaginary people have already taken the private aircraft and left to fly far away.

The most tragic is the imaginary people who are running on the streets. Most of the imaginary people have a lot of work, and these heavy work makes them unable to rest even when they are in danger. They only continue to move their tired bodies while praying.

Although there is no report. However, the imaginary people in the surrounding cities already know that the city with the gate of the astral is burning.

They also regretted that the gates of the astral world were not built in their own cities, because they lost a lot of tourism revenue, but now they are very happy...

However, it is only the streets that burn in the air, and the buildings in the city are less affected.

In the building around the street, although the walls are also burned by flames. But there is almost no damage inside, and a lot of fungi are still growing inside the house.

The effect of knocking down the building is not great. Because the hyphae will still grow under the ruins of the building, and they may spread to the depths of the ground.

Although the land of the city has long been covered by steel and cement, there is still a huge amount of nutrient residue under the surface. The wreckage of the extinct creatures is now pressed under the ground by the city's steel. If the fungus is exposed to underground nutrients, They will spread wildly to the whole world, and there is no way to stop the fungus.

Therefore, this unit cannot carry out any attacks that may cause fungi to go underground. They must be burned out little by little.

"Report, start the task."

After the fighters flew, a large number of members of the Flame Force descended from the sky. They landed on the top of the building or on the burnt streets. They entered the interior of the building with the latest flame emitters, and each room in the building was Burn out with flames.

'boom! The door was slammed hard, and a group of flamemen walked into a building called the 'Ultra Market'.

At the moment of opening the door, a white scene appeared in front of them.

There are a lot of shelves in this market. These shelves are almost all over the place, but every shelf is covered with countless hyphae. In front of the players, there is a box with the words 'Growing Omelette', and this box It was covered with hyphae and it had been opened, and a lot of cans inside it were spilled outside.

"These fungi... use the food here as a nutrient..." The captain of the squad stepped forward and looked at the box and the spilled cans outside.

The opening of each can that has fallen to the ground is opened, and a large number of mushrooms grow in the opening. Although it is called 'omeised egg', it is actually not an egg, but a mixture of algae and some cultured edible mushrooms. The food seems very very and the 'appetite' of the fungus.

The captain looked carefully at a canned dish: "But most foods are sealed, how do they break open..."

"Yeah--!!!" It hadn't finished yet, and a white figure suddenly jumped out from behind the shelf and slammed into its face.

"Ah!" The captain who frightened a big jump slammed a punch. The power brought by the armor made it instantly knock this thing over the ground. The players behind it quickly stepped forward and were beaten. The things that came down radiated a fire column.

"Yeah!" The thing screamed and slowly dissolved in the flame, while the captain did not attack. It was looking at the figure in the fire.

"Just..." After waiting for the burning to finish, the captain said: "Do you see this creature?"

"Yes..." a team member said: "It looks like us... it seems like..."

"I just took it." Another team member pressed the helmet with his hand, and the other players immediately received a picture in the helmet.

This picture can be seen from behind when the captain is attacked, and you can clearly see what it is like to throw the captain.

Its shape is exactly the same as that of the virtual people, but it is very small, like a baby, and its body seems to be covered with a layer of hyphae, and there are a lot of things like mushrooms behind it.

Although its appearance is very weird, but these players feel that ... it may be a virtual people.

“Do these fungi infect us and become one of them?”

‘Hey! ’

At the moment a team member just issued such a question, a shelf in front of it fell down, and after that shelf appeared a...

Virtual people.

This time, the players saw it more clearly. The virtual people were covered with white hyphae, and there were some fungal structures everywhere.

When it saw the players, it made a strange scream, then frantically... turned and escaped.

"It ran!"

Looking at the ‘fungi imaginary people’ escape, the captain immediately shouted: “Catch up! Get it! We need to study this kind of thing to see what is going on!”


Several players immediately chased it up, but the creature ran quite fast, it kept knocking down the surrounding shelves, and the fallen shelves ignited another piece of fungus dust, while covering his body shape while running Into the depths of the building.

After chasing for a while, the players found themselves in an open place, there was nothing here, and the ground was covered with only a thin layer of hyphae.

"Where is this? Where did the thing go now?"

Now they all feel a little confused, and completely chased the fungus.

“It seems to be a warehouse?” one team member said: “I saw the word on the door when I entered the door.”

"But where did the goods go? Are those..."

The captain’s words had not been finished yet, and it suddenly saw that the entrance was blocked by a large number of black shadows.

"They... they are all there!"

These black shadows are just the kind of fungus imaginary people... the densely populated 'civil wall', they stare at the players trapped in the warehouse, and also make some strange sounds from their mouths.

"Do you say... those people who are not seen are not eaten by fungi..." The captain said: "Is it turned into something like this?"

"Oh!" Suddenly, a fungus screamed and rushed over.

"Shooting! Shooting!"

The brilliance of the flames suddenly ignited in the warehouse, and a group of fungus rushing in front of them was suddenly overwhelmed by the fire.

However, the companions behind them were completely fearless and continued to rush forward with the fire. They kept pouring in from the entrance, and the flames of the flames never stopped until the energy was slowly exhausted... (To be continued)

Ps: Thanks to ~wori1994~ for the reward~

Thanks ~hqk1~wori1994~ lazy dragon in the moon~~


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