4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 583: End of war

In the ocean near the fungal area, some huge explosives are buried there. In the ocean without marine life, they are lying quietly, waiting for instructions...

Although these bombs have many names, they are also a series with the '78 type' bombs, so they have the power to shake the world. ",

And at this moment, they received their orders...


The dazzling brilliance blazed in the water, the huge impact instantly turned the seabed into powder, and all the sea water frantically trembled at this moment. When this force spread to the sea, a mountain named Tsunami suddenly slammed. Pulled up and rushed to the shoreline with incomparable momentum.

The structure of the fungi that grew by the sea was all twisted into the sea at this moment, and disappeared in the raging sea.

The waves did not stop, and it continued to rush to the land, extinguishing the burning fire on the ground due to the war, sweeping the streets covered with fungi, taking away the shattered buildings, and sweeping the dust all over the sky. Devouring.

"Ah..." "What is this?" "It’s terrible..."

Under the sea far from the scene of the incident, a large number of people trembled in the underwater power station that was converted into a house. The violent vibration in the distance clearly passed to them. The feeling of bang made them feel the next power generation. The station will be blasted, and the influx of water will drown them completely.

They can't do anything, they can only tremble and pray...

"General, the tsunami has completely rolled over the coastal area and continues to move deep into the land."

The battleship in the sky looks at the situation below. The general watched the waves and took away the wreckage of the army in the city. It issued the next command: "So. Carry out the next step... action."


The operators in the ship acted swiftly. Under their operation, the warships flew to the sky at a very high speed, rushing to the edge of the void. Under the sky, they opened the missile launch. The screen, and successively launched those buttons that emit red light.


A huge missile flew out under the hull, and the red flame rushed to the ground... the edge of the fungus field.

at the same time. The warships located elsewhere also received orders from the generals who flew together at high altitude and fired missiles at the edge of the fungus field.


The flash, formed by the explosion of missiles, looks so small above the sky, like a little spark, and on the ground, this light can only be described as terror.

The surrounding air was squeezed out by the rise of the pillars of fire, and they turned into a crazy shock wave to roll everything around, and the buildings one after another collapsed like the dead wood in the typhoon. Everything that was burned by the fire and the fungus on the ground was blown up at this moment, flying towards the place behind them that was submerged by the sea.

General's plan. That's it.

Let the tsunami flood the vast area first, and then use the explosives to blow into the sea.

The range of shockwave effects is calculated so that it does not affect the spread of seawater, but it can blow up things that are not submerged by the sea.

This plan... seems to have succeeded.

In the picture of the battleship, everything was going smoothly, and the tsunami that struck hit most of the area, and the powerful impact also rushed into the sea.

"The fungal area... has been completely overwhelmed!"

Looking at the changes in the picture, the people in the ship cheered, which means victory for them. It seems that all the costs paid before this action are worthwhile.

However, the general’s mood was not settled. Looking at the situation outside, it said: “Get ready for the next plan.”

Battleships and other units have been observed over the past few days and nights. They are mainly observing changes in the area and attacking flying creatures.

Because the generals worried that there were still a lot of flying creatures alive, they did find some, and they shot them down.

Over time, the seawater that submerged the fungal area slowly receded, and the general's next step began.

"Report! We can already get started!"

A large number of special fighter units emerged over the fungal area.

This unit is not responsible for the attack because they are called 'rainfall troops'. These fighters fly through the sky and sprinkle a lot of special substances into the air.

These substances can affect the surrounding water vapor, causing the sky to rain. At the same time, they also launch a large number of 'rainfall bombs'. This is a huge plan, and the generals have transferred quite a lot of troops.

The general plans to drop a lot of heavy rain that lasts for many nights and nights in this area. Although fresh water can't kill fungi, it can rush them into the sea.

In any case, all these plans are centered around pushing the fungus into the sea.

Under the action of the troops, the upper part of the fungal area began to rain in an unprecedented period of time. They kept washing the areas that were once cities and now only ruins.

Endless water washes the dust that sticks around the city to the ground and gathers in the streets of the river to rush to the sea.

This is a very spectacular process. The generals are constantly being washed under the watch on the battleship, while other virtual people are not as nervous as it is. They think that this event should be over.

The heavy rain lasted for a few days and nights, and the ruins of the city on the ground became clean under the wash of the rain.

The ash that burned the fungus was dissipated along with the rivers on the street.

When the heavy rains are done, the virtual people see the blue sky that has not been seen for countless years, and the rainbow hanging under the sky. All this means... their plans are successful.

Although the heavy rain stopped and the plan had not stopped, the generals again dispatched a number of mech units and allowed them to enter the underground streets in the ruins.

Many underground streets were flooded, but they remained relatively intact. Under the command of the generals, the troops detected these places and confirmed that there were no problems in these places... because the underground streets were basically seawater, and because of the drainage function. Most of them are blocked or damaged by debris, and the water here cannot be discharged.

The troops restored the drainage function of these underground streets and opened a 'special passage' inside.

This special passage is a function that has been around for a long time. It connects all the underground streets and, in the end, can lead them all to the sea.

After opening, the general decided to irrigate all the underground passages until the underground street was cleaned.

This action has been going on for a long time.

However, it seems to be very successful.

The fungi, covering the five cities, had all dissipated under the efforts of the generals, they were destroyed by the smog, and they were washed into the sea as they tried to regenerate on the ash.

Next, it is a long-term observation.

On the ruins of the city, there are always many fighters patrolling, and the flames of armor are walking in the ruins. They have to observe whether there are any fungi that will grow again.

This process... lasted for a long time.

The imaginary people were pleasantly surprised to find that the fungus did not have any signs of recovery on this huge ruin.

They... seem to have no longer grown, at least not when the troops explored the ruins, including underground streets and buildings.

The fungus seems to have been washed away, and the general is still not at ease, and the troops have been continuously observed for more than a dozen days and nights.

During this period, they did not show signs of growth of fungi, but they found that on the ruins... there was a creature.

This creature is a small arthropod that seems to have nothing to do with the fungus. On the edge of the ruins, they appear in large numbers.

Later, this creature was confirmed to be a creature that was once considered extinct, but they are not fungi-recovered, but rather natural creatures.

Some imaginary experts speculate that the eggs of this creature are very small, so they may have been hidden somewhere on land, and a lot of sea water stimulated them to grow.

All in all, it has nothing to do with fungi.

This time, the generals began to let go of their hearts and announced to the world that their operations had succeeded.

When the whole world began to cheer, the generals continued to say that they could not be taken lightly. Therefore, the ruined general of the fungal area had no intention of letting any people approach, and the entire area was planned as a dangerous area and was continuously monitored.

Those who lived in the sea in nearby cities continued to stay in the sea.

Because returning to the nearby city is still possible to be infected, the general decided to start building the city directly in the sea. It has a new and perfect plan to make the ocean a new home for the virtual people.

The nearby empty cities will also be continuously monitored until they are considered to be able to live.

At the same time, many places in other countries have also caused a ridicule of emigrating to the ocean.

After all, the ocean has a lot of space than the land. If all kinds of problems in the sea are solved, then the virtual people can temporarily alleviate the problem of too many people, because now the gates of the stars have been blown up, but They have this new method, so in general it is... acceptable.

Soon, the virtual people started construction of the submarine city in various places, but no matter what... The most important thing is that the world has no fungus to threaten them...

At least they think so. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ book worms ~ flying eagle Xiangkong ~ Qianli wine town ~ iron locomotive ~ Yikar ~ monthly ticket ~ u


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