4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 587: Inside creature


The creature that glitters with crystals is curling up in the corner of a room, and its body constantly makes strange noises. This creature is the first creature that Lin found here is not a fungus.

Here is the interior space of the ‘subspecies civilization platform’, a room in the passage.

Lynn saw a creature like a crystal scorpion here.

This creature is more than three meters long. Like the crystallizer, there is a hollow in the head, but it has only two limbs. The body is also composed of a crystal structure similar to that of a crystalloid.

It should not be a subspecies, the large subspecies of the crystal larvae, it seems that the bio-civilization platform of the crystal scorpion has a very complicated connection... although the original crystal scorpion and the civilization platform can not actually meet.

Because they cannot live in the environment inside the platform.

And this large one seems to be able to stay inside this sub-species platform, although Lynn feels that it doesn't look too good.


Suddenly, the crystal cockerel moved. It propped up its body with both limbs and ran to the outside of the room at a very fast speed.

The rock spider is next to it, it seems to be completely unnoticed.

However, the rock spider did not do anything, so he followed the big crystal eagle and ran out. Although it only had two limbs, it should not be said that it lost its balance. Its speed is still quite fast, which is because the gravity is small here.

The rock spider followed it in the tunnel, and suddenly stopped when it was almost the same as the one that Lin had visited before. Lin found that the crystal duck was hitting the wall with his head.

Is there anything on this wall?

However, it seems to be unable to open, no matter how it hits. There was no reaction on the metal wall, and there were some cracks in the head.

Maybe you have to help it...

After a series of collisions, the crystallizer seemed to feel tired or painful. It went to the side and the rock spider saw it. Aligning the forelimbs against the wall it just hit...

‘Hey! ’

Under a roar, the wall suddenly fell in. The rock spider poked a little more into the wall that was trapped, and the part that was trapped in it suddenly fell off, and there was a vast space behind it.

There is something behind here, and it seems that it is not the same as Lin’s previous place.

The crystal scorpion was very excited when he found that Lin opened the wall. It immediately got inside and the rock spider followed.

The space inside is quite big, and even now I can't see where the edge is, just like a...the plain in the ground.

Here, Lynn can see a lot of things. For example, there is a huge mechanical structure lying in front of the rock spider.

This thing is more than six meters long and has a streamlined body shape. It looks like something like a ‘car’. It should have a space to hold the creature, because it can be heard to be hollow inside.

However, it has no entrance or structure like a window. It seems to be a completely sealed thing, and of course there is no wheel or something.

There are many things around this thing, like being abandoned and being thrown everywhere.

Crystals have come here since. It is not fast, but it is still crawling in a certain direction, and the rock spider follows it. Look at the surrounding environment and see where it can go.

The ground and the outer walls here are of the same construction, sturdy and smooth metal, and very clean.

But apart from the ground, it looks like a garbage dump... everywhere is the kind of discarded car, and now Lin sees a lot of parts and sprinkles on the ground.

Walking here occasionally will see some pillars made of metal, they radiate a dim light. Illuminate the surrounding environment.

Walking deeper with the crystallizer, Lin can see that the ‘car’ damage here is more serious. There is such a car in front of the rock spider, and half of its body is broken. A lot of debris sprinkled around.

It is indeed hollow from the section, as if there is a structure such as an operating system.

There are a lot of 'cars' that are similarly hurt nearby. Some of them look like they are being opened, some are almost broken, and some are like being hit, and the side is stuck in a big one. Piece.

It feels like they have experienced an unusually fierce battle here.

... Indeed, there should be a battle. Lin looked at their position and the injured part did not seem to have been attacked while fleeing, but it seems to have been playing here for a long time.

But they played so badly that there was no trace on the ground...

"Oh." Suddenly, the crystal scream made a cry, stopped in front of the rock spider, and slowly retreated.

That thing is...

Lin suddenly found that there is a group of things that are constantly creeping in the distance of more than ten meters in front of the crystal larva. Its color is exactly the same as the surrounding. If you don't look carefully, you can't see it.

The rock spider currently uses vision mainly. If you use other sensory abilities, you can feel that there is a big group of things there.

It seems that this thing is indefinitely shaped, much like an amoeba. The crystal larva also noticed this creature, and it looked a little scared and receded.

Lin thought it would be like ignoring the rock spider and ignoring everything and going on. It doesn't seem to be the case.

‘咕噜...’ Suddenly, the creature like the amoeba showed color, and it changed from transparency to a gray-black thing in an instant.

And it is still squirming, it looks like a tar of activity, so Lin called it tar.

This ‘tar’ seems to be paying attention to the crystal larvae. They may be the relationship between predators and prey. Lynn noticed that the tar suddenly rose up quickly. It seemed to be increasing her body shape, and Lin also saw that it had opened a 30 cm diameter hole in the surface...

'boom--! ! ! ’

At this moment, Lin found that the round hole was bright, and then there was a fierce roar in the back. It seemed that the whole venue was shaking.

Looking back, I saw that a ‘car’ in the rear had been blown up by 80%, and the remaining wreckage was still burning.

This power...is quite powerful, but why does the squirming thing of ‘tar’ make such a powerful attack?

It was just aimed at the crystallizer, but before the attack, the crystallizer moved to the side, so hit the back of the 'car'.

At this time, the tar was again aimed at the crystal larva.

'boom! ‘There was another explosion, this time the scorpion was still hiding. The tar attack hit a pillar in the distance and blasted the metal pillar.

It seems that the pillars are much harder than the ‘vehicle. After they blow up, they continue to hold each other. Lin finds that they completely ignore the rock spiders beside them, no matter what the rock spider does, they don’t care.

So Lynn decided to do some special moves... for example, to find out what the source of tar weapons is.

Thinking, Lin let the rock spider run to the tar and poke it, then the tar suddenly reacted, and it turned the ‘head’ to point to the rock spider.

At this moment, the crystal eagle suddenly turned and ran to the distance, and the tar immediately turned back to attack the crystal bristles several times in a row, but did not hit each time, but left one after another on the ground. Imprint.

The crystal stalk quickly ran into the darkness beyond the distant light and disappeared.

It seems that the crystal larnel knows to take advantage of the opportunity, and the tar seems to start ‘blaming’ the tarant that distracts its attention, and it now targets the rock spider.

But if it is close, it will also be affected.

Therefore, the two sides had been stunned for a while, almost a hundred seconds or so, as if the tar suddenly lost interest in the rock spider, and then turned to move to the distance.

The rock spider followed behind it. Lin felt that this creature was more interesting than the crystallizer, but it could not be lost with the crystal larva, so in fact, when the crystal sling ran, the rock spider launched some micro-arms on his body. And stuck to the crystallized body.

This will allow you to observe both parties at the same time.

The way the tar moves is as slow as the amoeba. After walking for a while, Lin finds that the surrounding 'vehicles' are getting less and less.

The number of pieces on the ground is increased.

Can it be said that those cars have been broken down at this position?

"Hey!" Suddenly, Lin saw another tar in front.

The tar that appeared this time did not change color, and the two tars passed by. The two sides seemed to have no special reaction, but Lin saw that something like a metal tube was inserted in the 'head' of the newly emerging tar.

Lin felt that it was picked up in the pile of parts around it.

Next, along with the ‘step’ of tar, Lin saw a lot of tar, and there seems to be a lot of this creature...

They all climbed up and down in the pile of parts, and most of them were filled with various parts. Lin saw that there were several parts that were specially picked up on the ground and then placed around their bodies...

Do they get energy or something in this way?

The rock spider occasionally poked tar. At first it was very opinional, but it didn't respond to it. Lin took the opportunity to study it.

The body of the tar is made up of a mixture of very high viscosity, which also has moisture inside, so they should only be able to move in this warm place, and if it goes to the surface, it will be frozen.

But Lynn still doesn't know how it changes color, and how to use powerful weapons.

That thing is...

Lin found that there was a big object in front of it, and there was a large group of tar around it, and they seemed to be eating that thing.

As for the appearance of that thing... Lynn feels like a car, but it is much bigger, and seems to have a lot of weapons. (To be continued)

Ps: Thanks ~ Sakura Snow 喵 ~ Guan Shu Zhixing ~ Bamboo Ye Qing sxy ~ half bottle dissatisfied ~ Hu Daochang ~ monthly ticket ~


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