While watching the situation in the cave of this home tree, Lin also showed the strange insects to the brainworm through the display.

The brain worm also said that they have not seen these worms. The information about the Inca worms is quite small. Lin suspects that they have stayed in this deep underground for a long time, and it seems that they have not expanded.

While the deformers watched these wonderful insects, they climbed higher and higher in the tree hole. At this time, a huge insect suddenly appeared in the vision of Lin. Its huge body gave the entire cave with a diameter of more than ten meters. Blocked, Lin can only see its head now. The giant worm has a pair of huge long scorpions that are more than six meters long. The inside is full of jagged teeth. Lin is only slightly surprised when she sees the worm. However, the brain worms who looked at the displayers were extremely surprised.

"Lin, the cracker, the arms of the ethnic group, huge, powerful, but why..."

Although the sound of the brain worm is calm, it cannot hide its surprise.

Crackers? Lin remembers that the brain worm has said that the Maya group has many arms, and the 'cracker' is the most powerful one. It is said that the deep sand bus can be produced from the underground, and it is also responsible for excavating mountains and other work, representing the Maya group. The ultimate evolution.

But why did this ultimate evolution occur in the Inca swarm? According to the brain worm, all but the infantry and a few queens were inundated with lava and lost all connections, and it was impossible to live.

Lin wants to study the cracker, but she doesn't know where to start. Lynn can't prove which ethnic group it belongs to. The brain worm is also in contact with the arms. In order to have control over a unit. If the **** originally belonged to other brain worms, it is indeed uncontrollable.

Because the front passage was blocked by the cracker, Lin's deformers could not move on. Although it was possible to drill through the gap under the cracker's body, it may be dangerous. It is better to stay in this observation.

Then, Lin let the deformer return and follow the passage to see some other rooms. Lin found that in this home tree, most of them are some different kinds of bugs. They don't do any work, just stay there and wait for feeding. Although they are numerous and almost all huge, they consume almost no activity. It is also very rare.

Most of these insects are unclear. Among the many types of insects, there are different colors of liquid in the abdomen, while others have obvious effects. With fangs and claws, it appears for fighting.

Although Lynn has not seen them fighting. The Inca group should be preparing something, but it is not known at the moment...

The deformer has been staying here, because the smell is very well hidden, it has never been discovered, but Lynn just looked at a bunch of bugs that didn't move. It was a bit boring, so Lin planned to let the brains outside fly to fly. In addition to other home trees, see if there are other Inca insects living in the trees.

When the hunter bypassed the tree, Lin suddenly found that there was a huge pothole behind the tree.

This pit has a similar image to the desert on the ground. There is also a stepped structure inside, but it is much smaller than the desert. This diameter is only about 50 meters. Many Indians of the Inca group come back and forth on the ladder. The food is transported, the stones are carried, and many of them are gathered at the bottom of the pothole, as if something is being excavated.

What are they doing?

The hunter slowly floated into the pothole and flew into the pit. The black bees who came back and forth on the ladder did not pay attention to the hunter, which made Lin quickly approach the bottom of the pothole.

Lin found that these black bees are constantly excavating. They are mixed with a kind of abdominal swelling insects. The body shape is similar to that of black bees. They are about ten centimeters. Lin noticed that the insects would spit some green mucus in the harder. On the stone, then the black bee bites the stone.

It seems that they are using the solution to excavate. Lin also sees a group of black bees nearby dig out a big thing, which looks like a fish skeleton. The black bee is carefully using the squat to sand the skeleton. The dust is cleaned down.

This fish...Lin seems to have seen it.

The hunter has slightly lowered some heights. Now it is only about ten meters away from the ground, but it is still not found. Lin also sees the whole fish bone buried under the ground...

This skeleton seems to be the kind of Dun's fish. This skeleton still retains a strong headgear, but it does not have the sharp-toothed structure of the Dun's fish. It is only one meter in size and may be a transitional species in evolution.

So to say... Was it once the ocean? Lin knows that some of the dead creatures will not be preserved by the fungi, and will be slowly covered by the sand under the sea floor, so the Inca swarm can excavate these bones here.

This seems to be called 'fossils'.

But what is the significance of excavating these bones? Can't it be brought to eat?

The black bees carefully cleaned the dust around the skeleton and slowly excavated the entire skeleton. The skeleton remained intact. Except for some cracks on the ribs, there was not a single one. Then the black bees put the ribs. A piece of land was put together on the ladder and brought out a pothole.

Lynn is very curious about where they want to get these bones. What is it for? Lin also found that they have dug up a variety of marine skeletons and carapace, among which snails and shellfish, ammonites, etc. are particularly numerous. The carapace of these creatures is the easiest to retain, but the Inca worms seem to ignore it. Snails and shellfish, in addition, they will also dig out many trilobites, as well as marine arthropods, as well as starfish, etc., which will move out.

There was a small group of black bees dug deep, and Lin found there, they dug out the creatures that Lynn had seen... the leaf-shaped worm.

Leaf-shaped worm, this creature seems to be the multi-celled creature that Lynn saw for the second time. In fact, this creature was completely extinct after Lin’s sleep. They did not evolve into any creature and disappeared into the sea forever. .

The little leaf-shaped worm was set in the rock, the black bee ignored it, but continued to excavate. Lin looked around and it seemed that these black bees were most interested in fish, followed by trilobites. Other shells and the like were thrown aside, and Lin asked the brains to catch up with a team of black bees moving the fish skeleton to see where they moved the fish bones.

In this tree of trees, Lin's deformers did not see any places where fish bones were placed. Lin thought they should be moved to other home trees.

The black bees climbed the ladder with their fish bones. It was really strange that they made this ladder structure. Lin felt that they might as well get a vertical cave and make some potholes or protrusions on the wall to climb. Climbing down is very fast.

After the black bees walked out of the pothole, Lin saw that they did not go to the tree tree next to the pit, but climbed in the direction of the jungle. The destination seemed to be another home tree more than two hundred meters away.

The stalker also followed the small group of worms. At the moment of entering the jungle, the surrounding trees suddenly drilled two large beetles with a shape of more than three meters. They followed the black bees and went deep into the jungle. Go.

The Inca swarm moved the bones between the jungles, and the two beetles seemed to be guarding, and as strange noises approached in the nearby jungle, they made a low squeak to scare off the enemy.

Perhaps the fern is relatively short. Lynn has discovered far fewer species than the twisted jungle, but the number is still very rich, and there are many species that Linde has never seen before.

On the way to follow the black bee, Lin also saw a lot of excavated potholes, some of which seemed to have been excavated, quite shallow, only one meter deep, and some dug up to tens of meters deep, their role is The only thing is to dig out the skeletons or shells of various creatures and move them back.

It’s an incomprehensible behavior, and those skeletons and shells don’t have any rare substances in them?

The group of black bees carrying the skeleton reached the tree of another home. Lin found that there were piles of various skeletons under the tree. The black bees just left the skeleton to the side of the bones and left. .

What do they do with the bones piled up here?

Lin let the stalker fly closer. Lynn saw a small flying creature flying around the skeleton. This creature is only one centimeter long and quite small. Their mouths are sharp like needles. They are sharp. Pierce your mouth into the gap in the bone as if you are sucking something.

The skeleton of the common endoskeleton also has organs that produce various kinds of cells, mainly blood cells and immune cells. Lin does not think that the organs in the fossils are still alive, but they are indeed sucking.

Are the Inca insects raising these little flying insects with the skeleton? Or……

After the small flying insects are absorbed, the abdomen will expand to ten times as large as the original. Even if they are still flying, with a huge abdomen, they fly to the home tree, and the hunters follow them. Lin sees these little flying insects. They all drilled into a small hole in the bark.

The hole was too small, and the hunter couldn't get in, so Lin got a flying eyeball of the same size as the little flying insect, and drilled in through the small hole in the bark...

When the eyeball was about five meters ahead, I found that the surrounding space instantly became wider. It seemed to be a large room. At first sight, Lin saw on the floor of the room, some obese worm-like creatures kept moving. The little flying insects that sucked the bones automatically flew to the front of the fat insects, chewing them into the belly of the fertilizer.

this is……

Lin suddenly found that some of these fat insects are transparent, and there are actually some living fish swimming in the body of the fat insects! (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

Ps: Thanks ~ soul seeker ~ 588~!

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