4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 88: Inca Ecology

Leviathan dragged the smashed spider back into the breeding chamber and began to break down the creature that could secrete the body fluid.

In the course of the research, Lin found that the spider has a kind of explosive system similar to the silver beetle. It mixes the two liquids together and can instantly produce extremely high temperatures, but the composition is somewhat different, so it will not explode.

At the moment of biting the prey, the spider injects the two liquids into the other body at the same time, allowing them to mix into a high-temperature liquid in the other's body, so that they will not harm themselves, but also effectively destroy the opponent more effectively than the venom.

Why is the body fluid in the spider body hot? It was only because Leviathan smashed the spider's two liquid-making organs, mixing the two liquids.

It doesn't feel like a complicated structure. Lin may be surprised if she sees it for the first time, but because there is already explosives, it feels nothing special.

However, Lin found another organ in the spider body - the silk sac.

It is the thing that secretes silk. Many creatures secrete silk. They first make a liquid, and then the liquid will harden when it meets the air to form a silk thread.

Usually, Lin doesn't pay much attention to these abilities. There are a lot of silking creatures, but Lin recently noticed that the hardness of each thread is different. The average larva uses the silk to wrap and protect itself from deformation. This is The most common silking, this thread is low in strength and can easily be broken and broken.

The strength of the sticky wire that 琳 had encountered in the underground caverns of the 'Starlight Worm' was much stronger, and the silk thread of this spider's silk sac was the strongest.

Lin made some silk liquid to form a silk test. This kind of spider silk probably only needs about 5 millimeters in diameter to lift more than 200 tons of things.

Although I have not really experimented with such a large object. But Lin believes that calculating this kind of thing is not going to go wrong. After all, the data will not change.

If you can make this kind of silk thread, it would be very useful, but Lin needs cells to break down the ingredients, in order to fully understand what kind of composition it is, just like the original shell material, but the combination may be somewhat Different, it takes a long time to fully understand.

In short, I found something very interesting. At that time, the spider did not use this silk to hunt. Lin speculated that it might be used elsewhere. If one can catch a living, more experiments can be carried out.

The next night, very quiet, no second spider appeared, no strange sound, until the white, the hidden lizards and various creatures reappeared, some large male lizards climbed to the heights . Announce the arrival of the day with a loud squeak.

Lin continued to dig into the caves in the trees while releasing a large number of flying people. Including Leviathan itself, set off to explore the environment nearby.

The whole area is almost all rocky, and there are many home trees, but the distribution is relatively sparse compared to the fern forest. One or two kilometers will appear.

Before I was close to Lin, there were waterfalls and hot springs, and there were many living things, but as long as I flew away from the trees at home, I saw only the cracked rocky land. There was no water on the rock, so I didn’t see it. What creatures, and at the same time there are fewer luminescent creatures at the top of the cave, which makes the whole environment full of darkness and absurdity.

Leviathan flew quickly through the air, and Lynn just wanted to find those spiders.

When flying to the home tree about five kilometers or so, Leviathan discovered a huge rift, the rift was more than 70 meters wide, and the sound of the uninterrupted bang came from it, and Leviathan flew to the rift. Looking down, I saw the bottom of the rift covered with a layer of black rock that was very sticky.

It is a solidified lava. It seems to be a lava-prone area. It is nothing strange. Lin has seen it many times, and the rift wall is worthy of attention. On the cliff, there are several body colors that are as bright as lava. The huge spider, this is obviously a huge spider that Lynn encountered when it was dark.

Finally found, they rely on a seemingly thin thread to hang themselves under the cliff, they evolved so high-strength silk seems to be used to support their own weight, although Lin still does not know that they are hanging here Well, these spiders curled their legs together and seemed to be sleeping.

Hanging on the lava above the solidified lava, it feels really strange... and with their color, Lin can give them the name 'lava spider'.

Lin left some flying people here to observe them. It is not necessary to take them back to study the spiders. The pilot can inject the penetrators at the joints of the spiders to study the changes in the body of the spiders. Now Leviathan is flying. Going home to the garden tree, Lin has to prepare a lot of things.

Lin has confirmed that there are no Inca insects nearby, so Lin intends to completely renovate this ridiculous rock. Lin asked the troops to bring some tree trees and some creatures from the surface to see if they can live here, and Lin also With this home tree as the center, the base was established and troops were created.

Although the Inca insects haven't done anything yet, Lin always feels that they have to be prepared. The brainworm is also the idea. When it sees the activity of the Inca insects, it says to Lin with nervous emotions: "Mystery, Complex, unsolvable, Inca insects, unimaginable, but very powerful, belonging to unknown creatures, communicating with Aztec, threat level: extremely high."

Therefore, Lin had to build a base here quickly. During the construction of the base, Lin also asked the brain-minded people to study the Inca population. Lin needed to thoroughly understand them, a group of insects that had the ability to resurrect ancient creatures.

Research has continued, and after more than 30 days and nights, Lin also has a certain degree of understanding of the Inca.

The fern forest is located just below the desert. There are dozens of home trees in the house, each of which has Inca insects. There are many units of Inca insects. Lin now sees at least 30 species, and possibly more. many.

Among the many arms, only the 'black bees' are the most widely used. They are ten centimeters long and are used for feeding, digging, hunting, carrying and so on. When they encounter things that they cannot face, they will Moving in various arms, usually a kind of fat worm, they are different in size, have the ability to spray silk and dissolve liquid, etc., but they cannot move by themselves, and the black bees need to move.

Other arms are only occasionally appearing, so Lin's research on the role of the arms is not complete. So far, Lin has not seen the Inca insects have the 'brain bug' arms, perhaps not enough to explore.

Lin is now mainly studying their behavior.

Inca insects usually get food by hunting. They rarely hunt in the same place. They often hunt a little to hunt there. They also make big pits and raise some worm-like creatures. This is the behavior in the desert crater. The same.

In addition to this 'ordinary' behavior, it is a strange behavior. Among all the home trees that have Indo-Insects, some of them are more common, just a place for food and spawning, and some homes. The nest in the tree is more weird, including the tree that 'Leng's living fossil' has been studying.

There are many excavation fields next to the home tree of the complex fossil. Lin found that the black bees will dig a certain depth. After the fossils are removed, they will be filled back into the hole with soil, and then a new place will be found to continue digging and being dug out. The fossils are piled under the tree, sucked by a small flying insect, and then sent to the fat insects in the tree.

After eating the small flying insects, the fat insects will produce an ancient creature in the fossil in the body around ten days and nights, but the strange thing here is... Lin has not seen them successfully yet, and the creatures that are usually produced are usually They are all deformed, have a lot of extra limbs, etc., or they die soon after they come out. These creatures will be moved out by the black bees and then all eaten.

This kind of behavior is difficult to understand. Lin can also piece together a completely identical creature according to the cells in a living body, but this is useless. The ancient creatures are not very powerful, just ordinary fish and some small sea creatures. Lynn often sees in the sea.

But the Inca insects have been trying to resurrect them without any effort. Why? And how are they resurrected? Lin does not think that the brains of the Inca group can control every cell, so that it is impossible to make so many failures.

This weird behavior only makes Lin feel a little strange, but the next one, it really makes Lin feel threatened.

Under a few home trees closer to the cave wall, Lin found that the Inca worms lived not only in the trees, but also on the trunks, and their actions were not the same as those of other trees.

There are a lot of black bees gathered here, they are excavating around the clock, and their goal is not fossils, but a huge body of worms living in the mud here, this insect grows Heavy shells, while Inca swarms them, chews them into paste, transports them into the trees of their homes, and they also hunt various creatures in the nearby jungle, killing more than their daily food. Demand, but it has never stopped.

Lin found that the deformed person sneaked into the twisted tree and found that there are ten 'Queens' in the tree. They keep a lot of eggs under the real estate. These eggs hatch into various varieties in a short time, and some bodies Large, the carapace is heavy, some are full of teeth, and some of the abdomen will shine, and there is high temperature.

Lynn found that these units have some of the characteristics of the creatures that the black bees hunted. They seem to be able to... mimic other creatures? And it can continue to be mass produced.

Yes, they are preparing what... If you live here, you don’t need so many troops. There is only one reason for this constant behavior of the troops... (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated.) Faster!

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