4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 705: Alien transition

"The first meatball, the second meatball, and then the mushrooms found in that world..."

"They all belong to a kind of 'arms', and they are probably caused by a great connection with a microbe in that world."

"Microorganisms? Are you talking about the kind that will roll?"

"...no, this microbe doesn't roll, I can call it a 'sucker', you can imagine it's an old sucker."

"It turns out that things of this shape will definitely not roll."

"But they can coexist friendly with plague fungi. In fact, they are originally a parasitic species. The shape of the suction cup and the relatively small size allow them to stick to other microorganisms, and then they will stick out a lot... small tips thorn."

“Using this spike, they can directly affect the host's 'gene', which adds a lot of extra information to the target, and then lets the host grow some special structures...say the structure that passes them nutrients.”

“That is to say, microorganisms parasitized by ‘absorbers’ will grow a pipe-like structure to feed ‘stickpers.’”

"Because the amount of feeding is not large, this parasitic relationship can last for a long time. The 'absorbent' will continue to divide and multiply during the parasitic process, and then its larvae will stick to other microorganisms as a new host. ”

“They have a great advantage in this way of life. My spiders took a lot of samples of the surrounding environment along the way back and found that there are microbes that are parasitic everywhere...”

"So, this kind of thing that can't be rolled has encountered a fungus?"

“Yes. The adsorbent can stably parasit the local microbes. Then they are modified to provide nutrients for themselves...so when it comes to fungi, they also try to modify the fungus.”

"There are some problems with the results..."

“The exact process is not clear, but I think the 'absorbers' were definitely not successful when they were remodeling fungi, but when they were parasitic, the fungi did not immediately swallow them. Then, their transformations triggered the fungi. Some kind of information in the nuclear."

"This makes the parasitic fungus begin to grow into a special unit... that is, the current meat group."

"These arms are probably designed long time ago. They have strong intelligence and command ability. This may be...the brains are designed."

"In order to let myself die, the fungus can grow a new brain to continue to command, but why didn't the fungus grow out of the meat before?"

"That should be related to the previous 'curse'. Maybe the brain's curse on the fungus of the Yate population is not limited to the fear of the sea, there are many other aspects."

"But the fungus seems to be able to rely on the 'curse' of the foreign-induced mutation to remove the part, so the meatball is born in this situation."

"The meatball seems to be able to roll."

"There are a lot of their life processes that cannot be rolled over, including the mushroom shape and the second form. The smallest meat mass we found should be the original shape, and the stage of the mushroom shape is not clear, but there is no one I found. The two are so mature. The second meat group...that is, the biggest one is the most mature at present, and its ability is also the strongest. But I think it will continue to grow."

"Finally, they may grow like the 'plague brain', but they seem to have a lot of extra features, such as the ability to install a random body on the body to get the ability to move. This meat group may start very early. Just the fungus that has been in contact with the random grotesque ball..."

"Give them a variety of orders and commands... Maybe the 'Pig of the Plague' was created under its influence, and there are plans for the fungus to prepare for a full-scale attack."

"At the same time, it also wants to use the thieves group to attack me, and with the small meat group, it shields my contact with the outside world, but they do not know that I quickly touched its shielding, and then went to a certain It was found in a cave, plus the mushroom caught in that world, all of this meatball was solved."

"That is to say, if they are solved, the fungus will lose its command?"

"No, there is the dragon of the plague. It grows very fast. It has already had considerable intelligence. Even if it doesn't need a meatball, this behemoth can act on its own, commanding itself... spreading the infection."

"I have to look at other issues, and you will be there to help you with a little bit of it, although it seems to be useless."

"No, I don't want to help them anymore."

"Because they... don't want to roll at all!"


"...I do think it is not the same race as me." The instructor turned off the communication device and looked behind him.

In the vast laboratory, two meatballs and one mushroom were placed in the transparent 'cell' in the lab, and these things have not sent brainwaves here.

Although the Master believes that they have intelligence, they have never communicated with the Master, so the Master does not intend to communicate with them.

But I didn't plan to solve them so quickly, but put them here to observe, as for their food... can be fed with virtual meat.

Because the thieves attacked the place and left a lot of meat, the priest can eat it himself, and there will be no shortage of food for a long time.

What the Master wants to know now is... Why is the door of the Stars connected to another world?

It was thought to be an accident before, and it may happen that other worlds have similar things to connect with...

But it didn't seem to be the case. After that, the Master returned a metal spider to the colony where the Gate of the Stars was located, and entered a building next to the Gate of the Stars.

The patriarch is watching this spider.

Because they entered the night, the thieves’ group of people’s handling activities did not continue, they all entered a state of rest, and other small thieves who were driven away, as the captain thought, gathered in large distance in the distance. Prepare to attack the 'smiley face'.

The smiley face who knows this is also kept under the command of the leader. If there is any problem, immediately withdraw it to the door...

As they continued to move, the instructor entered the building to investigate... This colonial building is a two-story house.

The equipment inside is quite 'luxury', but now these things are scattered everywhere, because they have been ransacked by the thieves.

Those useful things have been removed, and the useless things are scattered all over the place...

'Snapped! The priest's spider stepped on one thing. This thing... seems to be a photo of the original occupant here. There are two imaginary people holding a cub in the photo, which looks very happy.

But they don't know where to go now. Soon, the instructor crossed the first floor and went to the entrance to the second floor.

The second floor of the room was not robbed, the door here was tightly closed, and there were traces of being hit, but the door was still not opened.

The virtual people did not use the bomb to blow up the door. It may be afraid of injuring the inside, which made it very safe.

The priest knows that this second layer is usually placed in important places, property and the like, so it will be particularly tight.

However, the instructor knew how to open the door here. The metal spider extended his forelimbs and poked a little on the door. The door popped up a picture.

‘Please enter a password’.

The above is written.

The instructor looked a little hesitant for a while, then let the spider continue to poke a few times in a row, and suddenly the ‘password is correct’ display popped up, and the door slowly rose...

It’s really this password...

The photo I saw before, the instructor found that there was a short date, so the instructor entered the date as a password, which was correct.

The original instructor wanted to use a more direct method, but it was much more convenient.

And those thieves apparently did not find it...

‘咔...’ After the door slowly opened, the instructor walked into the second floor, where everything was intact, with several things called ‘safes, and some mechanical parts.

The godfather's spider slowly walked over to a complete mechanical device, then poked it on it, and suddenly a picture popped up.

This is a surveillance system, each building near the gates of the Astral, and its use is used to monitor the gates of the stars.

Although the gates were blocked, the imaginary people here were uneasy, so they installed these systems to continuously monitor the gates.

The Master adjusted it above and brought up the image of the most recent time. It can see the scene where its metal spider was besieged by the united thieves.

And then adjust the time forward, there is nothing around the door of the Stars. Although there are many virtual activities in the colony, they are almost not close to the gates of the astral.

The patriarch continued to adjust his time. In many recent days and nights, the patriarch did not see any suspicious things except those who passed by...

But as the patriarch continued to adjust... it finally saw a suspicious imaginary.

When the Master saw it, the imaginary people were kneeling under the blockade of the door of the Astral, seeming to be doing something, but because it was back to the side, the Master could not see what it was doing.

After it got it, it reached out and tapped it on the outer casing. The shell suddenly opened a hole that allowed it to pass through, and then it went through.

Sure enough, the connection to the world... is indeed because there is something here to blame, that thing is also associated with the meat group.

And it may not be a virtual person. (To be continued...)

Ps: Thanks ~henyuqing~No idea~yy fish~monthly ticket~

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