4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 707: Entire plan


The yellow sand slowly rolls with the hot wind in the desert, and the sand is covered in the sky to cover the large field of vision in front, but it cannot affect its progress. ¥f. ¥f

“Do you think we can succeed?”

"What are you talking about, we can certainly succeed."

Walking on the desert is a creature, a ... virtual person, with a black head cloak, a number of weapons and some explosives hanging around his waist, the helmet on his head obscuring its face, its figure Lonely, but it is like two creatures that constantly communicate with 'self' there.

If other imaginary people are here, seeing it will treat it as schizophrenia, and if the chief is here, you will know that there is a creature called brain spirit in the mind of this imaginary.

But no one is here now. There is no creature in this vast desert, and there is no metal machinery. The virtual people are companionship with the sounds in their brains, and they are slowly moving forward.

Indeed, no creature noticed it...because it came here without being noticed.

This imaginary people is the imaginary people observed by the patriarch through surveillance videos, just as the patriarch thinks, there is such a creature in his mind that guides its advancement.

It has been adjusting the gates of the astral world before, and now it has done a lot of things at the gates of the astral world, such as connecting the door of the astral world to a new world, and it is also difficult to see on it. The small door is able to enter and exit casually.

So it is now going to do more things in the distance.

During this time, it was the time when the patriarch discovered that the imaginary people did not appear in the gates of the stars for several days and nights.

During this time, it went somewhere else, so the dean of course couldn't see it in the surveillance video, and... didn't know what it was doing outside.

These things can't be known to any other creature. The virtual people and the brains in their brains think so, but... on one hand, it is vague, on the other hand, it is clear what to do.

Through ‘self-talking’, the virtual people and the brain spirit communicate.

"How long do we have to go? I feel a little... hungry." The voice of the virtual people is mixed with loss, but in the next second. Another tone of the moment appeared in its mouth.

This tone is full of anger and dissatisfaction, and there is a huge gap with the previous one: "Throw the food ** aside, you have enough fat in your body, don't be distracted by the extra things!"

"But... I feel very hungry. And why do you always let me do something, but don't tell me the purpose of these things?"

This imaginary people constantly communicates with the brain spirit in the brain, and its relationship with the brain spirit... compares 'equal', so it will be like this.

Most of the virtual people or other creatures are parasitized by the brain. They will begin to use the brain as a **** of worship because they are slowly influenced by the brain's ‘speech’.

However, there are also some special creatures that are not affected too much. They can communicate with the brain with equal reciprocity.

Even so, they will listen to the words of the brain to do all kinds of things.

"The purpose is very simple, I want to summon the companions used." The brain's voice in the brain affects the virtual people to say the words to be spoken by the brain.

"Companion? Is it like us?" The virtual people expressed amazement about this, because it has not seen a virtual person like this paradigm.

"Yes, there are still a lot of them, scattered in the original world..." Brain Spirit said in its voice: "But I have lost contact with them for a long time."

"I want to bring them all together, I need a special signal, special signals can only be sent using special methods, so we came here."

The footsteps of the virtual people stopped.

There is a small sharp protrusion on the surface covered by gravel in front of the eyes. It looks like a metal structure.

"This is another door." The virtual man reached out and grabbed the sharp protrusion, then pulled it out forcefully.

Suddenly, a spherical object was pulled down from the ground together with a large amount of sand. The sphere looked like metal and had a diameter of thirty centimeters. There was a sharp object like an 'antenna' above it.

"This is... a door?" The virtual people looked very confused when they looked at this thing, and its brain spirit said: "Yes, this thing is also connected to your original world. It is used to make that and that. communicative."

"That and that?"

"It's the one that lives in the cave in the distance... The worm. I told you before, it has been hiding in that place and studying your population." Brain Spirit said: "So the door in your world. After being destroyed, it needs to maintain contact with it. So a new door is needed for information transfer."

"The new door is this thing." The virtual man stood up and pointed at the metal ball. This action was made by the brain: "This can only transmit information, but if it is a subtle object, it can also be transmitted." "

Said, the virtual people are under the command of the brain. A box was taken from its waist, and the box was marked with the 'Star Gate Toolbox'.

Just like its name, it is filled with tools to adjust the door of the astral. Usually these tools are only used to do some simple maintenance, but this virtual tool is different, its tools can transform the door of the astral .

Of course, the virtual people themselves do not have this technology, but these tools are made by the brain, and there are several buildings in the colony that can make tools and weapons.

They are produced there, and this kind of tool can only be used by the imaginary people under the guidance of the brain spirit... If the general virtual people see it, they don’t even know what to do.

In this way, after taking out these tools, the virtual people started to operate before the metal sphere...

... The operation was very slow, so it lasted for a long time, and when the color of the sky slowly dimmed, the operation finally came to an end.

"All right!"

In the darkness of the sky, the virtual people stood up and looked at the metal fairway that seemed to have little change in front of the eyes: "Now you can transfer this thing."

Saying, it took out a small bottle from the purse, which contained a transparent liquid like water. After the bottle was placed on the ball, the bottle disappeared.

"Is this all right?" asked the virtual people.

"Yes, this will cause the fungus there to mutate, and it will generate a ... unit that can send a lot of signals.

"It will send a signal there, and then all my companions will hear this signal, they will come here, assemble here!"

The brain spirit makes the virtual people emit an excited tone, but this tone quickly turns into a doubtful tone in the next second, because the following words are made by the virtual people themselves: "But how do they assemble here? The door is not already Ruined?"

"They have a way." Brain Spirit replied: "After they come here for a temporary assembly, they can pass through the door that I have modified... and then into the new world."

“Why do you want them to go to that ‘new world?’” The imaginary people continued to ask: “I think it’s quite dangerous... there have been times when I’m almost dead.”

"Only there, we can recover and grow up again!" said the brain spirit: "Now my companions are in a state of 'downturn', I must cheer them up, even in the face of danger. Don't care!"

"Now, everything is done, let us go there and wait for them..."

Said, the virtual people buried the spherical object back to the original place, then it stood up and walked back to the place where he came.

Later, the imaginary people returned to the colony, and its figure appeared again in the surveillance video, but this time it only appeared for a short time.

It quickly entered the door of the Stars and never came out again.

According to the brain, they have already arrived in the world to wait for their companions to come here, all in accordance with the plan of the brain.

However, there was a small mistake in the back.

Because, after the brain has not waited for its kind, its kind, according to its plan, should reach the world earlier and gather with it.

Why is it not coming?

The reason is very simple, that is because the instructor found the thing that sent the brain to send the signal.

That is the meat group.

The meat mass grows up by the combination of fungi and the heterogeneous parasite 'sucker', and they don't just have the ability to let the fungus grow a brain-like unit.

The brain-like arms they grow, that is, the meat balls, can also emit some special information.

This information can gather a large number of brain spirits, which are the brain spirits scattered in the virtual world.

Because of this information, they will gather in the new world and then move on to another world.

Brain Spirit seems to be planning to start the next step there...

But how do they develop in such a dangerous place?

It’s not clear yet, but at least it’s clear about their plans...

Now, the godfather's alloy spiders are in the world. These spiders are new to it. They escaped the thieves and ran into the world.

Moreover, the instructor found something left by the imaginary people paralyzed by the brain, which should be called... ‘ diary.’

So the instructor knows the whole plan of the brain and the virtual people, but now its plan has not been realized, it seems that it is only because of ... coincidence? (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ Cassia ~ professional soy sauce 30 years ~ soul pursuers ~ be careful with a fool ~ rv ~ monthly ticket ~

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