4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 713: Found it

Is this place?

Known as the place to connect the world... It does have the value of exploration. Oh,

Under the sky covered by the hot light, a white fluffy ball is slowly flying, this ball... of course, the pom-pom.

Lin heard that there was something about 'connecting the world'. This is what the priest said. It means that this place is very special. It seems that many tumbling people don’t know where it is from the 'gate of the stars'. Connected together to form a huge world.

In the connected world, creatures from various regions have formed a complex living environment, so Lin wants to see this place.

So where should we look now?

It is said that there have been many things happening in the virtual people... Although a long time ago, Lin guessed their ending, but did not speculate that there are so many groups of people who are parasitic by the brains... actually want to gather in this world.

Although it is said that there is no gathering for various reasons, there seems to be a brain spirit here... then try to find it.

Lin did not send too many troops to come. There was only one pompom with a diameter of more than three meters. Lin is still paying attention to the floating rock.

Moreover, Lynn has some new...technical discoveries.

Lin and the ‘mayor’ explored something, mainly about the exploration of the “cell” for micromachines.

The mayor had previously created a cell that could hold micromachines, and the construction technique of the cell was quite interesting.

This reminds Lin of a special combination of techniques, and now Lin uses the 'mini-tweezers', and some 'electrical technology' combinations have been able to produce quite strong objects.

However, Lin felt that it was not perfect, so I was thinking about the new combination... Now Lin really thinks of a new way.

However, this method is still in the research stage. When it is finished, Lin feels that it can create something that cannot be knocked open, no matter how small or mechanical.

After the completion, Lin feels almost as close to the inside of the gas tumbling. Or go to the 'travel' in the stars, and you will find something new in those places.

Before you finish, do something else.

When thinking about it, Lin also pays attention to the environment around the pompon. The pompoms now fly over a pile of spheroidal rocks and at the same time detect the surrounding environment with fluff.

The creatures here...the density seems to be quite large, whether there are many creatures in the air or on the rocks.

And the variety of organisms is quite rich, although most are microbes. But there are some big ones... For example, these spherical stones are actually a kind of creature.

They are a mixed creature that has a combination of different organisms in the sphere, and Lin feels that they are a group like a division of labor.

There are creatures that are responsible for driving the sphere, and the structure that looks like a grass outside the sphere is the creature responsible for taking nutrients, and there are some other functional creatures, mainly a mixture of different functions. Inside the ball.

Lin feels that their attack is quite obvious. It relies on rolling to crush other creatures, and then slowly absorbs the flesh and blood that has been broken.

After the surface of the 'grass' absorbs the flesh and blood, it passes the nutrients to the internal creatures...

This is the lifestyle of this creature. I just don't know why they are crowded here so that they can't move except those on the edge.

Moreover, the groups they gather seem to be quite large. Most of the **** that are not moving in the center are in a state of sleep, and those **** on the edge... will wake up when there is a prey approaching.

When Lynn came to see them attacking the thieves, but the attacks continued, they would not always pursue, and because of what caused chasing, they would soon fall asleep again.

It is usually just a study of a creature that is difficult to understand some of its quirky behavior, to study a variety of nearby creatures. Can you know the whole situation...

Lin is now flying to the edge of these groups to see if she can find more creatures. The captain is said to have been attacked by a spiked creature, but it has not yet been encountered.

Lin remembered... according to the instructor. The dense ecology fills every corner of the world.

Even on the pompoms with a lot of life, there are still areas like deserts. Although there are also creatures there, the variety and quantity are far less abundant than other places.

But there seems to be no such place at all. It seems that there are extremely dense creatures everywhere.

This makes Lin feel very interested in this place. And what is that?

Lin found that there has been a lot of stone ball gathering on the edge, and there is a vast expanse of swamps outside the gathering?

The pompom flies past, there are countless potholes on the ground in front, and the ground between the potholes and the potholes is full of green objects, which feels like moss.

It wasn't the water in the pit. It was only after the pompoms found that the things in the pit reflected light like water, but they were hard planes.

The pompom flies to a pothole, knocking on the plane that reflects the light below with fluff. This thing gives Lin a feeling like glass and crystal.

What is this? The pompoms fell on the plane and then continued to beat, and Lin wanted to try to drill a hole in it to see the structure inside.

‘Hey! Suddenly, the flashing plane swayed. Linton felt that the temperature of the plane was rising rapidly. The pompoms immediately flew off the plane, and now the entire plane is shining with dazzling light.

At this time, Lynn noticed that a small creature crawled out beside the pothole. It looked like a small stone with long legs, and it jumped directly to the shining plane.

In the moment of touching the plane, it suddenly struggled on it, and Lin saw that there was a slight black smoke all over the body, and the whole body quickly discolored and cracked in the high temperature, turning into a pile of black debris. .

The debris slowly disappeared on the shiny surface, and finally, the entire plane was like the original spotless appearance.

This seems very interesting... Is this also a creature? If there is a prey passing over it, quickly heat it up and burn it, then absorb it in some strange way.

Because of this hunting style, it is no wonder that the plane of each pothole here is quite smooth and bright, and there is no other color on it.

They have a way to clean themselves... but what is going on?

The pompom flies high and can see a strange pit in a large pothole with a smooth plane.

This pothole is also a shining plane that reflects light, but it is not so bright compared to other things, and there are many small stones, sand crumbs, etc., which are more visible after flying. .

Then the pompom puts the body on it, and this plane starts to raise the temperature, but...

Lin found that the temperature was not hot enough, far from the previous level, even the 'hot' can not be counted, it can only be regarded as 'warm'.

Is this sick?

No, this is not the previous plane. When the fluff touches the plane, you can feel that even the material is very different from the previous one.

Moreover, Lynn could still hear some strange noises coming from inside.

This voice seems to be the voice of speech, and it is said... virtual language.

‘Hey! The pompom flew up and slammed hard. The plane suddenly burst like a glass. At the moment of plane smashing, the pompom also saw the imaginary person hiding in the pothole.

It should be said that...the brain is a virtual person.

It looked shocked at the pompom hitting the glass, apparently it was not ready to be found by the pompon.

"I said that the disguise doesn't work! It looks different from the outside!" The virtual man suddenly screamed with anger, and in the next second it changed into a fearful mood: "Don't worry so much." What do we do now? Is this creature dangerous?"

"No..." It changed into a surprised and angry mood and looked at the pompom: "This creature is..."

They are really like the symptoms of schizophrenia, very interesting.

While thinking about it, the pompom flies into the pothole, and Lin finds that this brain spirit has established a small base here, where there are some daily necessities, such as cooking utensils, video equipment, bed or something. .

According to the Master, this brain spirit has not brought anything when he came here. How did it change so many things?

And it also created a plane like other potholes to pretend that they are hiding here. Although the work is much different than the real one, it is okay to lie to other wildlife here, it is estimated that usually The creatures immediately fled when they felt warm, and they would not stay there and found that the temperature was not high.

The imaginary people don't know the pompoms, but the minds in the brain clearly know what they are, so it is now confused and frightened and angrily staring at the pompoms: "Why is it here?"

"Of course it is to trace you." Pompon flew in front of it and said: "What are you doing here?"

'boom! The answer to the pompom is a flying warhead.

The brain spirit virtual quickly retreated to the corner of the pothole. It held a weapon in the hand and launched a continuous shot on the pompom. Numerous warheads fell into the fluff of the surface of the pompon, just like a fine needle into the sea. Can't afford any interesting reactions.

"Don't you like to use the light group? Why use such a weak weapon?" Lin specifically used a very sneer-like tone to say to the brain-minded people. Lin mainly wanted to see if the brain spirit would be This kind of discourse is irritating.

"Go to death!" The brain spirit also really shows the emotion of anger, this emotion is obviously not a virtual people.

But how angry it is, the weapon is still only that one... (to be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~o Shangguan Phoenix o~ 1000!

Thank you ~ three-body enthusiasts ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~ seascape is really beautiful ~ sv gold mining ~ absolute height of the sea bottom ~ tiny mark ~s_ak74~ monthly ticket ~

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