4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 716: Entire plan

"I told you to do this! Why should I listen to you! We have already said it! We did not say good, hurry to die!"

Here is a dark basement-like place. There is a virtual person holding his head here, constantly whispering to himself, but in fact... it is talking to his own brain.

"It will be... effective!" The virtual people suddenly stood up and slammed their heads against the wall next to them, while the mouth was always talking about contradictory words: "It is really effective! I finally realized that you are disgusting." The parasite! Let me get out!"

"We worked so well! Why do you want to do this! No, just think you are disgusting! I... kill you!"

The imaginary man fell on the ground and kept rolling. His body slammed into the wall and then struggled to stand up and then slammed into the other side of the wall.

It looks very effective...

In the corner of this basement, there is a mini metal spider, which is only five centimeters in size and is suitable for hiding to observe the situation here.

As the instructor said, this imaginary person has a strong sense of rejection of the brain in the brain, and it tries to drive it away.

And most importantly, the brain had studied the drug before, and it seemed that there was something wrong with it.

In fact, the effect of this drug on the virtual people is mainly to let the virtual people 'increase doubts'.

When the brain spirit originally commanded the virtual people how to do it, they would not tell the virtual people why they should do this, and use some methods of suggesting nerves to let the virtual people do this.

The virtual people also found that there is indeed a benefit after doing this. For example, what is promoted is guided by the brain, so after the first time, they will listen more and more to the brain, and not ask the brain. reason.

Therefore, the brain spirit can command them to do all kinds of things without knowing anything about the virtual people, and they are not afraid... there is something to investigate the memory of this virtual people.

but. Under the influence of this drug, the virtual people are full of doubts about the brain spirit's command, and they will become unconvincing.

If you do not tell the imaginary people what to order them, the imaginary people will have a great resentment. When the brain tries to force the command, it will become like this... The virtual people will try to drive the brain out.

Of course, it can't do it, but the brain can't command the virtual people, so in the end... the brain will compromise, it will find that... Only by telling the reasons to the virtual people can the virtual people cooperate with it.

In this case. That would be very simple to know the brains of the plan through the virtual people.

... After that, a few days and nights passed.

"What? Did you think so? Yes, as long as we do this, we can make that impact, then..."

The brain-minded people who were still on the ground were now in a luxurious room. Sitting on a big, unspoken bed, they still talked to themselves.

It now looks like it is reconciled with the brain, because the brain has told its plans, what to do...

but. This led the Master to know the plans, and the brain was always saying that it had achieved the plan, but in fact the plan has just begun.

Their main plan seems to be simple, trying to control the virtual people.

It seems that they wanted to do this, but there is no chance, but now the opportunity is coming.

Because of the relationship between fungi, a large number of virtual people must move into the ground, and this group of brains will seize the opportunity to start making things at this time.

As long as the underground and ground access is controlled, they will have a high status and status in the underground city, and then. It is easy for them to control all the underground imaginary people.

To put it simply, these brain spirits are the kings of the imaginary people, the kings of a group of underground imaginary people...

Then, they will use these virtual people to do something else. And what they have to do is...

"After we completely control all the imaginary people, we can build a door to the 'real field' where we will set foot on the sky! And we and all our companions will reunite!"

This is what the brain is imaginary. Although this brain describes the ‘abstract’, the imaginary person shows a way of understanding.

Therefore, the Master’s guess is that the brain spirit directly told the virtual people in the brain.

In fact, the previous plan is also. Although the brain spirit used the mouth of the virtual people to say a part, most of the plans should be directly told to the virtual people in the brain, so there are many parts that the teacher did not hear.

However, as long as the virtual people know it...


"You...how did you know this?" The surprised expression was expressed on the face of the brain-minded person known as the Doctor. Now it is in its luxurious room, behind it is the wall, and in front of it A large group of metal spiders.

"I said I will know."

Accompanied by the ‘嗖’, a sharp spike was tied to the shoulders of the brain, and it fell to the ground and then fell asleep.

In fact, after leaving the postdoctoral fellowship, the instructor and the general said the doctor's affairs, and then the general and the dean of the doctor kept this monitoring.

No matter where it is hiding, the instructor can easily find it and easily solve those guards.

Then, easily look at the memory in the brain of this brain, and the brain should tell all the plans...

The instructor has some methods to detect the memory in a random strange brain, and the metal spider has such a device. It also uses a dream-like method to see the memory...

It turned out that the brain spirit did say a more complete plan with this virtual people.

The plan of the brain spirit... It should be like this.

They first let the imaginary people move to the ground, and then control all the virtual people by controlling the entrance and exit of the underground and the ground.

Then, they use these virtual people to make something, maybe a conveyor? In short, they can't do it themselves, so they need to control a large number of virtual people to create.

Then, use that thing to go to a new place... A new world of dreams, said to have been discovered recently, but this brain did not say how it was discovered.

What is the new dream world?

The former patriarch also listened to Lin, the core of the dream is not only one, but there are many, but... the cores found so far seem to have controllers, so it is useless to live in the brain.

So, brains may have discovered a new core without controllers, but how did they find out?

The instructor felt that it was necessary to talk about this thing with Lin. (To be continued.)

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