4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 719: Full force

‘Hey! ’

A sharp object with a steel casing flies through the air with a long tail flame. It flies away from a distant target and hits it in an instant. (.)

'boom! ! ! ’

When the brilliance of the explosion bloomed in the sky, the thing that was hit also swayed, swaying down in the air and falling into the streets of the city.

‘Hey! After a burst of fire, the streets of the city shattered. This thing lay on the street, motionless.

After a few seconds, the sky rang and the ten fighters flew over the objects that were hit by them, watching it carefully...

"...what is that thing?" A driver first expressed his doubts. The thing lying on the street was shaped like a huge egg-shaped object and was 30 meters in size.

"Is this object the UFO?" A fighter flew above the egg. This thing was hit by a missile, its head had burst open and it was still burning.

The driver zoomed in on the display and carefully stared at the flue coming out of the egg: "This thing should be... the fungus."

"That's for sure, only fungi can make this kind of thing." Another driver said: "But it doesn't seem to..."

‘嗡’ It’s still not finished, the egg suddenly burst into a sharp, quirky sound and swelled rapidly.

"It will explode! Come away!" With a scream, the ten fighters quickly ascended to the sky, only to see the egg-shaped objects that swelled to the limit on the street blasted open, surrounded by numerous winds of dust. Spreading fiercely, some abandoned vehicles on the road were blown out.

After the blast stopped, the ground and buildings that were blown by the wind were covered with a thick layer of fungus.

“Does the fungus want to use this kind of thing to attack us?” said a driver in the sky: “If this thing goes to the area where there is a people...”

"Yeah...and it was detected when it left the sprawl. It used to be invisible. I didn't know that there was such a thing." Another driver said: "Fortunately, this thing has only one... ...that is... ah!"

The driver's originally stable tone instantly turned into panic, while other drivers were similar. Because they saw the sky over the distant city, there were... many such egg-shaped objects.

Each of them is thirty meters in size and flies slowly in the air like a balloon, and the number of them...

“There are hundreds of here!” one driver yelled in horror: “What should we do? Captain?”

"What to do? Just press the fire button on them! I doubt if your Air Force Academy is white! All players pay attention. Stop them from approaching, never let any one fly out of the city!"

A fighter plane flew to the highest position. The driver of this fighter was the virtual man known as the captain.

"I have already contacted the generals just now. Before the reinforcements arrive, we must fight against them. Do you know?"

"Yes! Captain!"

At the same time as the players were in unison, twenty missiles were also fired at the same time. They flew to different targets. These virtual people tried to defeat the most targets in the shortest time.

‘Hey! ’

Just as the missile flew, several egg-shaped objects in front suddenly exploded first, and the dust storms they released immediately covered the large areas nearby.

The fastest missile flew into the dusty area. It suddenly turned around in the air and then flew to a building below. After a boom, the top of the building disappeared instantly. Other parts are constantly shaking violently.

'boom! ’

Another missile hit the building, and it could no longer withstand the violent impact and collapsed.

In the vicinity, there are many similar phenomena. A large number of missiles swooped down from the air and smashed into the city... These missiles shattered the building or the street, but did not smash their originally set targets.

"That is how the matter?"

In the captivating eyes of the captain, only two of the twenty missiles hit the target, while the other missiles all slanted the track and hit the surrounding area.

The two missiles successfully crashed two egg-shaped objects, but there are still hundreds left. And they don't fly at a slower speed than they did at the beginning, but they increase their speed. Although they are not as fast as a fighter, they have already caught up with the speed of transportation on the road.

"Captain! What should we do?" The driver of the White School once again raised its doubts. But now even the captain is hard to answer.

... at the same time, on the other side...

"General! What should we do?"

The general was still on the high platform of the speech, and it is now looking at the image in front of it with incredible eyes.

The picture shows a map of the virtual world, most of which are whitened, and the boundaries of these white areas. A lot of red dots are constantly emerging.

"They actually made so much..." A virtual person around the general asked: "These things can fly to this position as soon as they stay up late, they seem to want to stop us from leaving..."

These red dots are the egg-shaped objects that the driver sees, but they do not appear only in a city, but at all fungal boundaries.

There may be thousands of them...

"Use the flame barrage system." The general said: "The weapons and missiles are no longer useful, throw them all out, burn them out! Protect them here at all costs!"



"We are going to retreat!" On the battlefield, watching the huge amount of egg shape approaching, the captain said to all the drivers: "The general said that he would use that system to burn them!"

Under the command of the captain, all of these fighters turned around and flew back, and soon disappeared into the sky.

And those egg-shaped objects are still moving forward, their huge bodies slowly fly over the city, and when they fly, they also sprinkle a lot of dust, so that all the uninfected areas are filled with a layer. Dense fog of the dust.

However... their behavior has not lasted for too long.

The sound of the whistling far away sounded.

Many... missiles appeared in the distance of the sky.

They are more than twenty in number, no more than the number of fighters shot by the previous fighters, and quite scattered, without deliberately targeting which target.

As before, these eggs were suddenly exploding in the front when the missile approached, releasing a large amount of dust and dust in the air.

However, these missiles are not skewed, but fly directly into the center of the egg-shaped group, and then...

‘嘭’ They also exploded.

But what they produce is not the explosion of fire, but a dense fog like dust. Because of the scattered position of the missiles, they can spread the dense fog around all the eggs.

'boom! ! ! ’

The next moment, a huge fire instantly covered the sky, and the flame covered all the eggs, making the whole place seem like a sea of ​​fire.

In the light of the fire, the sound of the burning of the huge egg-shaped objects kept ringing, but after a while, one of them flew out of the fire and slammed into the ground with the burnt body that had been burnt.

At the time of the impact of the earth's roar, it did not spread any dust.

"The goals of this area have been successfully defeated."

In the distance, the general looked at the image of the image, and its mood was slightly better. These missiles used a somewhat 'primitive' system, that is, missiles without remote control systems, which were directly set to automatically detonate. of.

Originally, these systems had many functions to prevent interference, but when the generals chased the behemoths, they found that these things were meaningless to the fungus and were always easily interfered by the other party.

However, none of these missiles will be disturbed, as long as they are launched... they will definitely explode in the intended area.

"Now, it is hitting other areas."

In the picture in front of him, the general can see the red spots of the edge areas one after another disappearing one after another. In those places, there are also a large number of missiles flying at the same time.

It seems that the defense capabilities of these egg shapes are not strong. Under the high temperature flame of the missile explosion, they all fall to the ground.

Although their wreckage occupies many streets, they do not release the dust again, and those streets have long had no people.

"It seems very successful."

The general watched the red dot disappear, and the virtual man around the general sighed with a sigh of relief: "It seems that these things are not..."

The mouth that was supposed to speak was fixed, and it matched the surprised look.

Because it and the generals saw it, there were huge red dots in the picture. These red dots are not the same as before. The red spots of the egg shapes are large and slow. These are different in size and speed. The same, but the most different is the number of them.

These red dots are as dense as a large group of bugs crawling on the screen. They are also like egg-shaped objects, which flooded from the edge of the fungus cover and moved to the uninfected area.

And their goal, of course, is all the door to this astral world.

"These things... I will show you the images of the scene!" The general's voice just fell, and an image popped up on the screen. I saw that these dense red dots are actually all... creatures.

A creature made of fungi.

It is dominated by infected virtual people, and there are many other creatures mixed in, basically the species that fungi make according to extinct organisms.

And this amount...may be more than 100 million. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ Book Friends 1406110...~ Digging a hole to bury yourself is equal to burying the sky...~

Thanks ~ 哉 哉 political commissar ~ pvnkkaa ~ Undead of the hometown ~ Thousands of wine township ~ Haizhong Shengming month ~ the monthly ticket ~

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