"This thing actually came here..."

The creature with silvery luster rushed out of the surface, and this huge creature glanced at everything around him with his eyes...

Soon, it locked its eyes on the gates of the distant stars, as well as the countless imaginary people around the gates, and also noticed the generals standing on the high platform.

At the same time, the general is also staring at this creature.

The general noticed that this creature is not the same as the deep sea behemoth that it is familiar with. It is even more... slimmer and seems to be a more suitable body for advancement in the ground.

However, its huge size has not changed. Why are such big creatures going underground? They don’t even know it?

Is this also brain spirit?

‘咕...’ When the general thought about it, the behemoth’s mouth made a loud noise, which was like... what would be spit out.

"This is..." There was an extremely bad premonition in the general's mind, but it was too late to do anything...

‘Hey! The mouth of the behemoth opened, and a fierce water column rushed out of its mouth.

'boom! 'Almost at the same time, the side face of the behemoth suddenly exploded, and its head suddenly slammed to the side. The water column that should have been shot at the gate of the astral gate also hit a building next to it, hitting the water column. Reflected on the walls of the building, the splashes of water splashed on the street.

This is not pure water. They sprinkle on the ground and quickly spread on the ground like a moving carpet. At the same time, the behemoths and generals turned their attention to the maker of the explosion.

That is a fighter. It is now passing over the top of the behemoth. Several bombs were dropped from the sky and landed on the giant beast.

The brilliance of several explosions of ‘Booming’ has blossomed on the head of the giant beast. The smoke that it ignited obscured the body of the behemoth, but in the next second, a water column was ejected from the smoke, directly hitting the low-flying fighter.

Under the impact of the water column, it suddenly turned over and slammed into the building.

"You several teams will come over and support!"

When the explosion of the fighters sounded, the generals also tried their best to scream in the communicator. There were a lot of fighters flying over here.

‘Hey! Several missiles fired at different directions from the behemoths. Under the sound of successive explosions, the general heard the roar of the behemoth, which seemed to be mixed with pain.

"Very good! Don't interrupt the attack!" General said: "I can't let it attack the door of the Stars!"

"Yes!" The drivers agreed in unison, and they were ready to press the missile's launch button again.

‘Boom! But just before they pressed the button, the general felt a trembling on the ground. In the scattered explosion of smoke, the figure of the monster was gone.

"It got back into the ground again!" the general said with amazement: "Hurry up and pay attention to its position! And all the people in the square must now be scattered..."

"There is no need." Suddenly, the general heard a voice around him. I saw a metal spider appear there.

"The creature was not completely drilled, but crawled from the underground streets of the underground. So it can only appear in places where there are underground streets and close to the surface." Metal Spider Road: "This square There is no underground street below, so there is no way to drill directly from the square."

"What? Is that the case?" the general questioned. "But why are so many detection systems in the underground street not responding?"

"It’s not disturbed, it’s turned off.” Metal Spider Road: “The fungus itself won’t kill you, they won’t kill you when you run away. It’s not in line with their character. So this offense is guided by those things, and the brain is guided."

"Those things are also brains."

The metal spider pointed to the sky. Now, in the sky, the huge egg-shaped objects are continuously falling. There are already many other fighters to deal with the egg-shaped objects, but they cannot blow up the egg-shaped objects, only through some The way to local bombardment makes them fall to a relatively safe place.

"They use some sort of way to get these things to fall from the sky..." The instructor said: "But they will be blocked, as long as you support for a while..."

'boom! ’

At the moment when the metal spider finished, the general felt the trembling of the ground again, and saw the signs of cracking in the distant streets.

"At that position! Shoot!" This time, when the behemoth's head was just revealed, the missiles flew at the missiles, regardless of the people still escaping, they directly slammed into the cracks of the earth.

"Haha! See how it came out!"

A driver gave a cheering sound, and after the explosion, the behemoth returned to the ground.

When the general looked at the scene, there was another thought... If this continues, it may not be so good.

'boom! At this time, the general once again discovered that there were cracks in the distant ground. The fighters flew past, and the general immediately said: "Wait a minute! Stop the attack!"

"What?" Although the driver heard a doubtful voice, they did not shoot the missile, only between the cracked earth, and the behemoth was drilled again.

If you don't give it out, the behemoth may change the terrain of the whole area, and it may also collapse the foundation of the building, so you must smash it out... to attack.

"Just now, shoot the cave shot out of it!"

Under the command of the general, the pilots also fired several missiles, as the generals ordered, all of which were aimed at the behemoth rather than its head.

'boom! The brilliance of the explosion once again obscured the creature.

"Oh!" But in the diffuse smoke, the general heard the roar of the behemoth again, and it was twirling his head as if he wanted to re-drill back into the ground.

However, the part it drilled has been blown up by the missile, which seems to make it stuck there, there is no way to get to the ground in the first place.

"This is a good opportunity! Hurry and hit it!"

Under the command of the general, the missiles of the sky flew again, directly hitting the behemoth that was stuck there...

‘Booming! The successive explosions drowned its body. The general could clearly see that many scales and flesh and blood were spattered from the inside. They had successfully wounded it, and it could be seriously injured.

In this case, it should be successful...

When the smoke slowly dissipated, the general saw the shape of the behemoth there, and it was covered with many scars. The original solid scales were almost burned out, and the blood was like a blood in the scar. It is continuously flowing out.

The behemoth does not move, it looks like it is dead, then if you say it, indeed...

'boom! ’

Without waiting for the general to celebrate the victory, it heard an unusual explosion. I saw a fighter in the sky who was attacking the behemoth suddenly ignited a raging fire. It swung from the air and crashed into the ground.

"What? What is going on?"

When the general was amazed, it saw another explosion of a fighter plane. The fighter plane also landed on the ground. This time, the general saw the culprit caused by the explosion.

"That is……"

I saw a lot of flying creatures in the distant sky.

These flying creatures have two pairs of wings, ranging from one meter to ten meters in length, with very inconsistent shapes and a considerable number.

"Be careful with those things!"

The general did not have time to doubt where these creatures came from. It only saw a creature flying in front opening his mouth and then ejecting a white ball from it.

The ball flew straight to a fighter plane, but this time the fighters had already reacted. Before being hit, the fighter jet hurried off and escaped the ball. The ball was directly hit by a building behind the fighter plane. On, caused a violent explosion.

"Those are dragons!" The metal spider stayed next to the general. It said: "But they added a pair of wings and added powerful weapons."

"Why are they so close to discover..."

The general saw the distant horizon, and there were more and more such flying creatures. They flew more slowly than the fighters, but the intensive number made the generals feel ... fear.

"Hurry up and deal with them!"

The airborne fighters dispersed at full speed under the command of the generals. A fighter aircraft stretched out the internal cannons at the bottom, and a series of flame red curtains hit the group of flying creatures.

The high-speed warhead shredded the bodies of the creatures in an instant, and their broken bodies swung down from the air, and scattered the dust during the fall.

"Idiot! Don't use a cannon!" The general angrily yelled in the newsletter, and then he changed another channel and said: "All the troops in the nearby cities have all come back, and now they must fully defend the city!"

Centered around the city where the gates of the Stars are located, there are also many troops in the surrounding cities. The generals now feel that they should be called here to resist the enemy.

Just hold on... OK?

‘Boom! When the general had just finished, it suddenly felt a bang in front of him, and the behemoth that had never moved was suddenly rushing out from its position. As the crack on the ground expanded, it rushed out from the ground.

Originally, it had only a long head and neck exposed, and now its entire body rushed out of the ground. The huge weight instantly broke the trampled street, and its speed was not like the serious injury to the general. The direction of the square is rushing away. At the moment of entering the range, the water column containing the dust re-emerges from its mouth.

This time, no fighters can come. (To be continued...)

Ps: Thanks ~ the king of the Lionheart ~ o day 1994 ~ 俺 really not a hero ~ bamboo leaves green sy ~ spiritual illusion ~ monthly ticket ~

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