
The general is staring at the distant situation.

The ice hockey didn't know why it disappeared, and the behemoth was not killed. It was trying to struggle to get up.

However, it seems that it has been harmed a lot. It does not rush or spray the water column, but crawls in the same place as if it were struggling.

Then, in the surprised look of the general, this huge creature suddenly broke open.

There are many cracks in the neck, body, and limbs, and as a result, its body becomes as a piece as it is broken down.

"This is... what happened? I don’t care so much... I’m going to blow it up!” Under the command of the general, several planes in the sky immediately flew here, against the behemoth of the land. The block cast a bomb.

The bursting fire instantly drowned the body of the split behemoth. Many of these separate body blocks were not protected by armor, so the general thought that this would definitely solve it completely.

Next, it is to resist the attacks of the fungal creatures, and then let all the people quickly withdraw into the door of the astral.

The general looked up and saw that in the sky, a large number of fighters were engaged in a battle with the creatures called the dragons by the lord. Although the dragons had a strong attacking power, they could strike a fighter if they were hit, but They are not very infectious, and they do not have the ability to spread the dust as long as they are not broken with weapons such as cannons.

So these troops are better to deal with, but the egg shape that occasionally appears in the sky is still very threatening.

The generals are most worried about the fungal creatures that are coming in from afar. Now they can see them rushing in the surrounding cities in the video. The intensive number is displayed in the picture, just like the most lively city. time.

But the creatures that run in the city are not virtual people...

When the creatures arrived, the troops here could not be confronted, so the general thought that if they were too close, they would have to use that.

Moreover, where did the ice hockey go before?


Here is the world of the virtual world... This location has left the atmosphere of the virtual people. Arrived in the void.

Here, it can be clearly seen that the mainland of the virtual world has been covered by white, and only a few areas have not been affected, but something floating here. The white giant egg is being placed one after another in the unaffected area.

Its body is full of metallic luster, and its overall shape is square, regardless of the length, width and height of the two hundred meters, those falling into the virtual city of the egg is it lost.

However, it has now stopped serving.

because. It found that something was flying fast from below. It was a hockey-like object. It was quite fast. If you fly directly like this, it will hit the square.

Although the size of the square is larger, it does not intend to make a hard connection, but instead flies directly to the distance.

Then, the ice hockey rushed over it, and the two chased each other in the void, pulling the distance little by little.

Suddenly, the surface of the square illuminates with dazzling brilliance. A group of light fog dragged a long tail to the ice hockey.

Did not hit the target, the shape of the ice hockey swayed away, the group of light is like a meteorite rushed into the atmosphere of the virtual world.

The square speeds up, and it flies to the sky at Xinghai, and the ice hockey speeds up.

Light, once again shining on the square, there are dozens of small spots on the side of the square, these small spots continue to expand, and when they reach a diameter of more than ten meters, they are sprayed in the direction of the ice hockey. Come.

The speed of the ice hockey has not slowed down. It flew straight over and passed through the scattered light. A beam of light almost wiped its body and shot at a distance, leaving a trace of burning on the ice-like surface.

at this time. The square body flickers again and it is intended to attack continuously.

The ice hockey side is not willing to be attacked all the time. Its shape is slightly swayed. In front of it, there are a large number of ... missiles of the virtual people, and a fighter plane of the virtual people.

These missiles hit the target at high speed and they hit the square directly. Silent fireworks bloom in the void.

The fighter didn't move, the driver inside was dead because he suddenly came to the void... It may have died because of pressure changes and lack of oxygen, but neither the ice hockey nor the squares care.

After the fireworks that had just exploded, some cracks appeared on the surface of the square.

This attack is effective, which makes the ice hockey more accelerated, and the block flies away at a faster rate, and also scatters more light attacks on the ice hockey.

But the hit rate of these attacks is too low, they can hardly hit the target, and all fly to the world of the virtual people.

While the ice hockey continues to use the missile attack block, this hit rate is relatively high, although it is impossible to destroy the target at one time, but under continuous shooting, the block will be destroyed sooner or later.

Ice hockey should think so.

In this chasing battle, the two flew farther and farther, and soon they approached somewhere.


"I heard that there was a big thing happening there, a plague... I took the whole world, isn't it?"

“Yes, boss, so a lot of refugees have appeared recently... but not many places come here.”

This is a spacious hall, covered with colorful carpets, and lit up at the top of the hall with hundreds of jewels, giving the entire hall an illumination.

There is a wall in this hall that is completely transparent. Under the transparent wall, there is a sofa made of skin of extinct creatures. On the sofa, a virtual person wearing gold-plated pajamas is lying on the side. It holds a bottle of drink for decades, and enjoys the sparkling light of the Milky Way through the transparent walls in front of it, as well as the white-gray sphere in the distance.

"They are really pitiful." The virtual people shook their drinks and sipped it and said: "We should open another bottle for the tragic refugees who fled on the cue ball. Are you right?"

"Yes, boss." Behind the sofa, standing with a virtual person wearing a waiter costume, it respectfully said: "I have prepared a bottle of 100 years ago for you..."

"what is that?"

The waiters and bosses' original laid-back expressions solidified on the face as they saw a huge square in the void outside and it was getting closer and closer.

"Ah, ah! What is it!" Rising, no accidents occurred.

"Call..." The boss took a breath and said: "I almost thought I was going to die, but fortunately I didn't..."


After the block flew up, a missile appeared in the distance and flew to it in a blink of an eye.

'boom! ! ! ’

The explosion was sounding here, and although the sound quickly disappeared, the boss and its waiter turned into smoke in a blink of an eye, and flew into the void with a huge suction.

Of course, the creator of this event does not care, it looks at the box that fled upwards, ready to attack again.

However, it also noticed the huge object behind the square, which is a ... space station.

Sigma Beach is one of the three major space stations for the virtual people. Since the fungal war, these places of residence in the void have also been the targets of many virtual people.

However, the number of these space stations is limited, and the price of flying to the void is extremely expensive, and the number of people who flee to the void is not too much.

The general also believes that staying in the void is not a long-term choice, so these places have not been used as a place to escape, and did not organize the people to take refuge in the void.

Even so, the other two space stations are full, and the only one that is not full is the space station... Sigma Beach.

It is a place where the status is noble and where the people of the coin live. This space station is completely self-sufficient and has a weapon system of its own control.

It can be said that it is a country in the void. Many refugees want to come here to take refuge when other space stations are full, but they have suffered strong opposition from the original occupants and demanded that the refugees pay a lot of virtual currency.

Eventually, no refugees came to live here, and the imaginary people here still lived a leisurely life. The following is because of the war with the fungus, there is no time to pay attention to the matter here.

The imaginary people here are basically ‘isolated from the world’. They don’t care about the cue ball, they just enjoy watching the war here.

Until now...

A chased box and a hockey puck are coming here, and Sigma Beach is destined to be no longer calm.

The imaginary air once again burst into flames, and the ice hockey finally decided to ignore the space station behind the square and again fired consecutive missiles on the square.

At this point, the block no longer uses the hard-resistance method, which avoids the missile by moving at high speed.

Therefore, most of these missiles are bombarded in the space station behind the block.

This side of the space station is just the 'viewing area', that is, a large area is composed of transparent and special strong glass, which allows the people inside to enjoy the view of their own cue ball and the Milky Way.

Of course, no matter how strong the glass can't resist the bombing of the missiles, under the blooming fire, the fierce screams of the imaginary people disappeared in the void together with the air that rushed out of the space station.

The ice hockey attack continues. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~o Shangguan Phoenix o~ 10000!

Thanks ~ murder Ji ~ 10000! !

Thanks ~ the creation of the universe ~ ~

Thanks ~ 魔斩龙~go2go~liuening~ 穹空的灼晓~夜夜笙声~的月票~

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