4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 725: Collapsed place

"Oh oh oh oh oh!!!"

Here is the world of the imaginary people. Under the gray sky, a large group of creatures are rushing in the streets. :.

This group of organisms is white in white. If you look closely, you can see that this layer of white is actually composed of dense silk threads. This is the specific composition of these creatures.

They are therefore called fungal organisms.

Although there are various forms, there is a conspicuous one in it, that is...the fungus is a virtual person, but apart from the appearance, they are not like other people.

They use all six limbs on the move, plus some tiny barbs that grow on the hands and feet. They can jump between the walls, and some can even sway with sticky hyphae. It's like the 'heroes' in the virtual movie.

Nowadays, these 'heroes' are standing on the enemy of the imaginary people, and their number may be ten million or more. Now their brains have been filled with hyphae. What they think is **** normal virtual people. And turn them into a part of themselves.

To solve such a large group of 'heroes', the general had to press the launch button.

Therefore, this group of fungus imaginary people now see this scene.

In the far side of the gray horizon... there was a fire.

This made the murderous fungus people stunned and stopped to look at the sky, only to see that the ignition light was getting closer and closer, until they swept over their heads and flew over the intensive fungal biota.


The sound of the explosion can be heard thousands of kilometers away.

These fungal creatures in the vicinity of the explosion disappeared in an instant.

The huge fireball illuminates in the sky, and the incomparable shock wave shatters the skyscrapers in an instant. On the fiercely trembled land, a pillar of smoke taller than the mountain rises suddenly...


The general in the distance did not see this scene, but it could be seen in its imagery. The dense red dots that were originally all over the city dissipated at this moment.

Originally, it did not want to use such weapons.

That huge shock wave is powerful. But it will also make the dust fly farther, but now it has nothing to do with diffusing the dust.

The general only needs to calculate the location of the explosion. Be careful not to let the dust go to this side. This is not very difficult. And the city has no people, so you can just fry.

As for the underground there...may be located on the upper floor close to the ground, it will not be affected, but the whole will not be a problem.

Thinking about it, the general looked at the picture.

As it is thought, the fungal creatures gathered in the surrounding cities have been cleaned up. If they are a little later, they will run to a place where they cannot be fried.

That would be very troublesome...

"What is going on?" However, when the general looked at it, he suddenly noticed that a picture was still full of dense red dots.

Fungal organisms in other areas have been cleaned up, but there are still a lot of creatures here, and there is no fried there.

The generals are launching missiles into all areas, there will be no omissions, and those missiles cannot be remotely controlled.

"Don't you say that the missile... one less?"

The general found that all previous missiles had flight records, and only the missiles that were fired here were unrecorded, only the records that were originally launched.

It seems that the missile disappeared after it was shot. Why are you missing?

... on the other side, in the distant void...

"It's putting a virus inside!"

At the space station called Sigma Beach, the imaginary people in the space station control room were watching the scenery in the picture with horror. I saw a huge square stuck on their space station and kept releasing it in the space station. A huge amount of dust and fog.

However, this move did not last long.

Because a missile suddenly appeared in the nearby void, and the missile shot directly in the direction of the square...

A dazzling fireball is also blooming in the void.

It engulfed the entire block, and the violent fire also spread to the space station, and the entire space station swayed violently. But it was not broken.

Although it is the same kind as the missile on the ground, the explosive power caused by this missile is not strong here. The range of the fireball is not so wide, and there is no earth-shattering shock wave.

that is because. There is no heaven and earth in the void to make it alarm, and for other reasons, it is much weaker than on the ground.

But it was enough to cause a fairly large impact. After the explosion, the huge square had disappeared, and Sigma Beach was still floating in the void.

But it looks like it was bitten by a huge fruit. There is no big chunk in its 'body'. In the place where it is blown up, you can see the structure of the room inside the floor, and there are countless things floating out.

An ice-blue sphere instantly appeared next to the broken space station.

It is a hockey that the imaginary people thought it had solved, and it was actually just knocked out of some shells, because it could not be repeated many times in the same place, otherwise the transmission would become more and more difficult.

So at the time of the attack, the ice hockey was slower to avoid, but it didn't matter.

Now, it is looking at Sigma Beach. Although the box has been blown up, there are still many problems here.

In the space station, at this time, it was completely caught in panic. Those who were still alive shouted in horror, rushing, trying to get to the nearest flight site to leave the place.

They kept squeezing and pushing, and they always watched the disaster of the mother ball with the emotion of watching the movie, and now they finally realized the feeling of disaster.

"Here...! Most of the controls are out of order! What should we do?" The control center is the safest place in the space station, so it's a matter of course, but the virtual people here are as flustered as the outsiders.

They are frantically operating the video screens trying to calm everything in the space station, but because the damage is too serious, it is obviously impossible.

In the end, they found that they could only protect a few areas. In the face of such a dilemma, they intended to turn to the famous commander.

"...Commander?" But when they were looking for instructions, the commander's figure was long gone.

"I didn't expect this to happen!"

At this point, the old commander had put on an armor and walked quickly through the passages in the space station. While looking at the map information displayed in the helmet, he walked to the nearest flight area.

"What should I do next?" It now behaves like all the brains, and continues to talk to himself.

"I know, try to start more hidden squares? But I am afraid that I will be discovered by that ice hockey. What? First... disguised as a refugee, then... well, I know."

Unlike other people, the brain spirit in its brain does not speak directly with its mouth, so this self-talking seems to be in communication dialogue.

More difficult to detect.

"Damn! Hurry up! Let me go! Don't grab it! Wait for the team! We can't squeeze in at once! Roll! What team! Let me go! I am the boss of the company! Me too CEO! You are all going away, knowing that I don’t know if I know General Gua Gua!"

The commander’s footsteps stopped, and in front of it was one of the waiting rooms of the space station.

There are a lot of chair seats in an open hall, but these imaginary people are now sitting on the waiting plane, but all are crowded at the circular entrance at the end of the hall.

At the end of the hall there is a row of entrances under the wall. There is an aircraft behind them that can fly away from here, but the entrance is now closed, and a reminder pops up: 'The entrance is too crowded, the situation is dangerous, can't be opened'.

These entrances can only be accessed if they are queued by one person. If there are multiple people in the 'security line' of the entrance, they will become unopened.

The imaginary people here know this, but none of them are willing to line up, but try to push other people out of the security line.

"These idiots are still the same." The commander reached out and pressed his leg armor, where it suddenly opened, a ball hits its hand, and then it throws the ball into the hall and squeezes out the people. The past.

'boom! ’

The flesh and blood fluttered and the limbs splashed.

The commander wiped the blood stuck to the helmet and walked slowly forward. Before going to the entrance, it kicked the same kind of debris out of the safety line.

Then it poked a few times under the door, and suddenly the door popped up a ‘can pass’ prompt, which slowly opened.

"Yes, I know, I will go out and fly in the direction of Zone 52 first, then..."

While talking to the creatures in his brain, it walked through the passageway and passed through a door, and it entered a spacious cabin of the aircraft.

The aircraft was used for sightseeing. The cabin was transparent. The commander walked down the cabin to the cab. After entering a few passwords on the door, it entered the cab.

"I haven't driven this kind of thing for a long time." The commander pressed a few times on the operator panel, and the entire cab suddenly lit up, then it sat in the seat.

"I know, it's like disguising something, so I'm going to do that next." He said, it started the takeoff button.

"There are passengers in the cabin that are not ready to take off." The tone suddenly sounded. (To be continued.)

Ps: Thank you ~ 靳筱墨~魔斩龙~'s monthly ticket~

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