4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 727: Assembly point

"It seems... temporarily safe."

There is already a red dot in the picture, and the flying creatures in the sky are scarce under the attack of the fighters. Under the gate, the people who are already very panicked are now stable and walk very orderly. Into the gate.

Looking at this situation, the general's mood has become very stable.

I just found out that one missile was scared, but it quickly added one and blew up the missing fungi.

Type 78 bombs, this kind of thing has created a lot of people, the number may be more than 100,000 or more, even the generals themselves are not able to confirm the actual number.

However, the result is only used in a few cases. Usually these things are placed in the missile warehouse, ‘eating’ expensive maintenance fees, the only role is to threaten the peace of the world.

Of course, there is another saying that they maintain world peace, but they have not actually been used.

It's almost useless to deal with alien creatures, but it's easy to overkill if it's against the same kind of power. It's easy for them to play a role in this last moment. It is obvious that they should invent more efficient things instead of simply It is enough to increase the power of the explosion.

While thinking about it, I look at the door of the huge astral.

The general felt that he should have gone there almost because he could command there, but it just received some information, which made his movements hesitate.

This information is from the space station of the void. If the signal to the new world may not be received, it is going to look at the information here.

All the information is almost always a message for help. From Sigma Beach. And also sent thousands of articles in a row...

The general remembered that the people at the station refused to accept most of the refugees. Because the weapon system there is independently controlled there, it is very troublesome to manage them. The general has not been idle for consideration, and the people in the space station do not care about the various things of the cue ball.

Now I am there for help? And the reason for their help, the Master also said to the general, that is, the ice cubes and the squares of the egg-shaped objects in the void hit them and spread to them.

There is no special information on Sigma Beach. There is nothing useful, but basically it is the most useless space station.

When the general thought about it, he took the video device and walked to the gate of the astral.


At the same time, on the other side.

It is a distant void, far from the world of the virtual people, and those space stations are far away, but still within the entire galaxy.

It is better to say that it is closer to the center of the galaxy.

The galaxies of the virtual people have almost no tumbling, if you look into the distant sky. Only see the distant stars.

Can't appreciate what big object...

Therefore, under the rays of the stars. It's a good idea to hide something, like something like a square.

There are about tens of millions of kilometers from the virtual world. If there is a tumbling person in this position, it can be seen in the virtual world, if there is no gray air to block it.

But if it's just some squares, it won't be found at all.

In the void, there are dozens of different sizes of squares. They are the same in length, width and height. Some are only a dozen meters, while others are hundreds of meters or even one kilometer.

These things are... brain square blocks.

They are all here and motionless, as if they have been abandoned, indeed, they have hardly done anything until recently...

I can see some tiny light moving through the squares.

When you look closely, you can see that it is an aircraft. This aircraft is only ten meters long and can be said to be quite a 'mini' variety.

Even with the mini, it can fly fast in the void, it flies to the largest, next to a square of one kilometer, and then stops at an opening on the side of the square.

The door of the aircraft slowly connected to the opening of the box and then stopped completely.

And a figure in the aircraft also went to the passage inside the box.

"It seems that things outside are very unsatisfactory..." A imaginary person is walking fast inside the box. The original squares are purely dense metal. There is no such channel for the virtual people to walk.

These passages were recently established to allow the virtual people to move inside... Of course, not ordinary people.

It is the brain and the virtual people.

Its pace stopped and it turned to a room next to the passage. The door of the room automatically opened. After entering, the lights inside were automatically lit.

In the 30-meter-diameter space, there are quite a few things, most of them are black, shaped like crystal stones, which are piled under the walls of the room, emitting a shiny metallic luster. .

The imaginary people went to the corner of the room and began to rummage in a pile of stones.

"There is still something that can be used here. Is it true? I didn't say that I couldn't feel it was useful... I have a new feeling? Well, I know..."

While looking for it, he talked to himself. Soon, it turned to find a stone. The stone looked like a bunch of small black crystal aggregates with a total diameter of thirty centimeters. Very beautiful.

It took the stone to the center of the room, then kicked the ground and suddenly saw a circular opening from the ground.

The imaginary people squatted down and put the stone into the circular opening, and there was a sense of vibration on the ground.

“How much can I add to start this place?” The virtual people seem to be sitting bored on the ground: “What? Still so much? How long do we have to wait until we have enough energy...”

The virtual people clicked on their helmets and immediately popped up a picture in the helmet. The picture showed a virtual appearance. The virtual people in the picture gave a slight glimpse and said, "What are you doing now?" ?"

"There is indeed a new energy found here, and a stone can be used." The virtual people said: "But the energy to start the whole place is far from enough."

"is it?". The picture says: "There is a secondary box that is full, and it will soon be able to enter the battlefield."

"I have always had a question..." The virtual people said: "Why don't we concentrate all the energy to start a big one, but start it separately? And why not start it again and start it again, but start one and then send it out? ?"

"That's because we don't have anything... time." The picture said: "Once there is a start, you must attack immediately."

"But the first question?" The virtual people questioned: "Why not concentrate on starting a big one?"

“The big start is not that simple...” said the picture: “And... ‘噼啪’!”

The picture suddenly flashed and disappeared.

"What's wrong?" The virtual people suddenly shocked: "Is there a bad signal here? What? Is it a bad signal? Is it..."

Saying, it quickly adjusted the picture, and the helmet showed the picture of the outside environment. I saw that there was a hockey puck in the floating squares.

The ice hockey is in front of a 60-meter square. The surface of the ice hockey sticks out a tentacles and penetrates into the outer shell of the square.

"That is... that thing!" The virtual people looked at the picture in the helmet and said with amazement: "Why come here? Is the commander already..."

"What? You think it has destroyed the square that went to the cue ball, and even chased it here... What should we do?" The virtual people are in horror, but in the next second it will calm down Down and said: "I know!"

After that, it quickly ran out of the room.

At the same time, the other side.

‘Hey! ’

The sound of the warhead is constantly echoing. It is also a room made of metal. Within the 60-meter square, a brain-minded man is holding a weapon and shooting a group of things in front of him.

These things are all about one meter in diameter. They fly around in the room, and the bullets burst into a beautiful fire on them, but they didn't kill one.

‘Hey! When the weapons in the hands of the imaginary people uttered the sorrow of the ammunition, these ice hockeys were still flying around.

“Why do you still use physical warhead weapons here?” A hockey puck flew to the ground, and a tentacle sticking out from it raised a warhead: “You should use some more shining weapons, like this... ”

Said, this hockey body suddenly shines.

"Ah!" The brain was so frightened that it suddenly jumped back a few steps until the corner of the room.

"Cheat you." The light on the ice hockey disappeared and nothing happened.

"Is it true?" The brain was sighed with relief, but it quickly became nervous and said, "How did you find it here?"

"It told me everything about you." A hockey puck said: "Include this hiding place."

"This is impossible!" The brain is full of incredulous people: "How could it tell you! It..."

"You have become like this now." The hockey said: "I can't be united, my thoughts are full of fear and doubt, and I know how to enlarge these emotions, and then you will say everything."

"But, when I came here, I found out that the reason for your fear is not only because you can't be as united as you used to be, but there are deeper reasons..."

"Cause?" The brain-minded people wondered: "What the **** are you talking about? In short, this place will not be controlled by you... I will be with this..."

Before its voice fell, it fell to the ground. (To be continued...)

Ps: Thanks ~anjarry~ the river crab can't eat ~ the monthly ticket~

Chapter 727: The gathering place:

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