4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 741: Things that happened

"Come on, that is the place. Novelty Chinese iqi."

On the sand, a line of creatures is slowly advancing, following the guidance of the pompons, they came to their target.

There was a huge pit on the sand in front, which was dug by the pompon.

"I didn't expect it to be really..." The captain of the team walked to the edge of the pit. It saw a lot of buildings in the pit, and his face showed a surprised expression.

"I never thought that anyone who would have abandoned so many buildings would escape." The captain glanced at the players behind him, indicating that they were keeping up, and then they jumped from the edge of the pit.

Although it was more than ten meters away from the ground, the captain steadily jumped below, and other players jumped one by one.

These ‘Maers’ here seem to be very flexible. Lin knows that it is because the gravity of ‘尔什’ is much larger than here, so their body structure can carry out various high-intensity movements here.

However, because after many generations, their bodies have not been as flexible as they first came here, they began to 'adapt' to the environment.

Don't know if these creatures are random?

"Do they really ran?" When Lin thought about it, the team had reached the nearest house entrance, as if they were going in, but they didn't directly blow the door.

"Take that one!" cried the captain.

A member of the team immediately took a spherical object. The sphere was about half a meter in diameter. It had always carried the ball on its back.

It put the ball down and poked it a few times. The surface of the ball suddenly protruded from a tube, and the team connected the tube to a small opening at the bottom of the house.


Suddenly, the house made a sound, and the captain gently knocked on the entrance door of the house, and the door opened.

Several players and pompons followed the captain into the room. Before, Lin also saw this place. But that was to force the door to open, and there was nothing special about it.

But this time it was a little different, the lights in the room lit up, and the various systems inside were activated.

The ball that the player just took may be used to supplement the energy. The energy of these houses was originally exhausted.

"They really ran away..."

After seeing the environment in the house, the captain and the team members were very surprised. They felt that they had left the house and ran away... This kind of thing is really incredible. It feels like a creature has lost his internal organs and fled.

Although there are indeed creatures who will lose their internal organs to escape, but this requires considerable reason...

What is the reason for this? Why are the residents running out of this?

"It is necessary to investigate and look at it." The captain said to all the players: "Who is who, who, and who? You go to explore other buildings around, and then follow me!"

Under the captain's assignment, Lin saw that ten players ran to open other building doors to see the inside, and the remaining ten, including the captain, began to move deep into the entire complex.

They are all taking care of themselves, completely ignoring the appearance of pompoms, and Lin now lets the pompoms follow the captain, and it seems to be performing what very important tasks.

"right here……"

The captain came to a house with the team members. The house looked exactly like the other, and it was bucket-shaped. The captain looked at the house and said: "This is definitely the general command room..."

"Why do you know that it is the command room?" The pompon questioned.

The captain heard the pompom and snorted, and then said: "I have been here to trade with them, their 'important roles' are in this place... but here... Are they attacked? ”

The captain looked at the door of the house, where there was a big hole, like what was blown up.

"That's what I got." Pompon said: "There are some doors that have been blown up by me, including this."

"Ah..." The captain snorted again. "Doing this... it's dangerous. It might blow up some important things, but forget it, go in and see!"

Several players ordered that they quickly opened the door and entered the house. I kept looking through it.

They carefully examined the scattered things on the ground, then looked at each room, and finally they looked disappointed and came out of the house: "The captain... didn't find that thing."

"Yeah... It seems that they have taken it away," the captain said. "There is no way to know why they left."

"What is that?" asked the pompom: "They originally took all the information recorded. Do you think there is anything left?"

"It's just possible." The captain said: "There is a special rule between our groups. If there is a great danger of being ruined, be sure to leave some information for others to know."

"Only if you are killed by another group, you will not leave this information. In other cases... for example, disasters, you must leave information." The captain looked at the house and said: "There is no battle here. Traces, and the buildings are complete. So they can't be destroyed by other groups... This legacy information is usually placed in something special."

"More special things..." Lin suddenly thought, and there is indeed a special thing, and then said to the captain: "So wait here.


Although the captain was puzzled, he didn't ask too much, so it and his team members waited here for a few hundred seconds, and they found a new creature appearing in front of them.

"you are……"

The captain and the team members were surprised to see the creature in front of them. The creatures were exactly the same, but they were taller than them.

"It's 'Atlan'." Pompon said to the captain: "It's yours...subspecies, or you are a subspecies of it."

Then the pompom turned to Atlan and said, "Take that out."

"Why do you want this?" Atlan seems reluctant, but if he still listens to the pompon, he takes out something from the armor. It is a small statue.

"Oh! That's it!" The captain took over the small statue and looked very happy: "The information is placed inside this!"

Sure enough, that thing? When Lin found the statue before, she found that its structure was different from other figurines.

Although the appearance and other figurines are similar.

"What do you want to do with that?" Atlan looked at the captain's appearance and questioned it, but the captain ignored it because he couldn't understand it. He saw the captain grabbed the figurine's head and forced the statue. The head was screwed down.

"Ah! Ah, what are you doing! That is my favorite!" Atlan screamed and rushed to grab the statue back. This move scared the captain and other players.

However, the pompom blocked it, so the action it grabbed back was not completed.

"What the **** is it..." The captain looked at the excited Atlan in a strange way, but it did what it was supposed to do. A team member took out an image panel and the captain pulled the statue out of the head. Plugged in next to the panel.

‘Hey! The panel suddenly showed a picture. After the captain made a few strokes on it, a lot of information popped up inside. The captain opened a piece of information. This is a video recording.

"...I am the general manager here. I want to record this information, mainly because we think we are going to be in danger."

There is a face-faced creature that uses the same language as all the ‘Maers’ that Lynn has encountered.

"If I say this to the residents here, they will definitely feel that I am crazy." The voice of the general manager is very small, although its room is one, but it seems to be afraid of being heard by anyone.

"You know, there is one... wait, come here first." The general manager said that there was something like that, and he hurried away.

Then the video automatically jumped to the next paragraph, as if it had been separated for a long time, and the manager appeared in the picture again.

"Yes, they are real. There is such a creature. There are other creatures besides us in this world... I am not talking about microbes, but creatures as big as us." The general manager reached out and stabilized the camera, and then took out a stack of things from behind.

It seems that all are photos.

The general manager put the photo in front of the camera, and Lin saw that it was all black shadows, and the whole was rather vague, but it can be seen that their figure is similar to Atlan and these ‘Malls’.

"They have been in the vicinity recently. These are the images taken by the monitors. Although they are very unclear... but many residents have witnessed them, they are definitely going to do something."

The video closes here and then jumps to the next paragraph.

"We caught one! When we caught it, it has killed that family, and we found that it actually looks at the diary there! They are trying to understand us! We must act first and solve them. ""

Then, it seems to be the last paragraph.

"...we have to run away...they are too much, terrible, and we also predict that there will be a recent sandstorm coming. If we leave the building, we can’t escape before the sandstorm strikes, and We will also be attacked...so we can only abandon those buildings, but in order not to let them know about us and to acquire our technology, we will take away all the information and materials, and at the same time consume the energy of the building..."

"If there are other groups that discover this record, then you must look carefully. Here are all the information about them, as well as the location of their nests. It is necessary to call multiple groups to completely kill them! We will also go to the nearest Group rescue, but..." (to be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ God's hidden fantasy ~ Big radish No. 1 ~ 俺 really not a hero ~ 穹空的灼晓~sr~的月票~

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