It seems that the brain worm has considerable anger against the crackers. The mood of the brain worm is quite rare. It seems that the emergence of its own arms in other biological populations is not a happy thing.

Before the crackers hit the ground, Lin’s predator’s troops were seriously damaged, but the number of predators was still quite large, but now it has once again lifted the giant python and slammed against the ground again. Hit it down.

'boom! ’

The cracks of the earth extended and expanded under the heavy blow of the giant python. They even reached the edge of the open space. Several ferns of up to 20 meters collapsed. Now, in the open space, there is no living thing except the crackers. Only the cracks in the ground and the wreckage of the predator prove its horrible power.

So, so is it called ‘cracker’?

Although it may not be as good as the brainworm in control, Lin believes that the **** is at least as strong as the body and strength. When the Inca worms are activated, there are so many failures, why can they be successfully resurrected? What about the crackers of the Maya community?

At this time, the **** started the activity again. It twisted the body. It seemed that the body was completely drilled from the ground. Under its activity, the earth echoed again and there was a burst of loud noise.

'boom! ’

Suddenly, several bombs flew out of the forest. They burst into the head of the drilled cracker. The powerful solution caused it to make a painful roar, and the earth's shock stopped.

The cracker's head showed a lot of signs of corrosion under the dissolved liquid. It also had time to see who attacked it, and several bullets flew out again in the jungle. Accurately hit the mouth between its eyes.

Lin's shellers have been hidden in the nearby jungle. They follow the predator. Responsible for launching a second attack.


The **** made a low roar, whose mouth was severely damaged by the corrosion of the dissolved liquid. It twisted the body and tried to drill back to the ground, and Lin's shellers had once again aimed at the monster that tore the earth.

'boom! ’

The roar of the roaring sounded again, but it was not issued by the shellers. Countless predators hidden in the woodland were exploded by the explosion, and the fern wood ignited a raging fire under the 'sky'. Countless flaming creatures rushed into the fern forest.

Yes... bursting armor!

‘Boom...Boom...Boom! ! ’

The bang of the explosion followed, and countless blasts slammed into the woodland where Lin’s troops were located. Most of the woodland was predators and a few shellers. Under the roar, countless wreckage and blood spattered and burst. The ignited flame spread with the surrounding ferns, turning this piece of woodland into a sea of ​​fire.

The shellers lifted their bodies up to the sky, and they quickly converted the structure of the body, changing the single-shot muzzle into a multi-shot structure, aiming at the blasting blast of the air to counterattack.

suddenly. At the foot of these shellers, there was a huge crack in the ground, and the shellers immediately withdrew from the ground. I saw in the cracks, two large crackers climbed out of them, they held high and slammed the earth, the strong impact made the ground shock, the burning giant tree broke and collapsed, crushing a large number of retreating artillery .

The two crackers writhed their bodies and drilled from the ground. Their bodies were more than 40 meters long. The huge body and the shells that seemed to have heat resistance were rampant in the sea of ​​fire. The trees, while sweeping the remaining shellers and predators here.

Suddenly, countless threads were shot between the woodlands where the flame had not yet spread. These wires stuck to the shackles of one of the crackers, and a powerful force suddenly pulled it in that direction.

'The hooker', this kind of soldier who once drove the deep sand bus into the river, also brought it. They are different from before, using a tougher spider silk to match the muscle cells. When more than a dozen hooks shoot the thread together, Even a monster with such a huge shape and power as a **** can't stop himself from being pulled by the hook.

'呜...' The **** made an unwilling roar. It grabbed the ground with his feet. The ground on the road was marked with six large marks. Countless trees were squeezed and crushed by it. When the crackers were pulled closer to Lin In the army, a huge bomb was thrown into Levitan's big mouth.

‘Hey! Under a dull voice, the **** crashed into the ground, and a large amount of visceral fragments and hemolysis were sprayed in the mouth between the eyes.

After defeating a monster, Lin had not had time to rest. There was a huge noise in the jungle burning in front. The other **** was rushing here at full speed. It suddenly looked up and the giant python would be countless. The wood burned and flew, and took a fierce fire to the position where the Lin troops were.

At the same time, the red light flashed again in the air, and the blasters had gathered again and rushed over to Lin’s troops.

However, this position is Lin's main force, which is completely different from those of the former 'cannon ash forwards'. Lin's various arms are mixed to deal with any different situation.

‘Hey! 'Under a neat sound, countless pointed bullets fired into the air, they instantly penetrated the abdomen of the armor and the wood from the crackers. At this moment, the air was filled with smoke and a beautiful explosion. Voice...

‘Independent warheads’ are the new arms of Lynn, that is, they can use their own explosives to launch themselves without any channel, and it is suitable to intercept a large number of targets in the air.

"Oh...!" With a low roar, the last **** smashed countless burning trees, facing Lin's army, it did not fear at all, and it slammed the giant to launch a full-speed charge toward the target.

‘Courage’ and ‘Fear’ are opposite words, but they have similar effects. They can save a creature or kill a creature.

And this **** was killed by courage.

So, Lynn decided to give it a gift to prove courage - the art creator.

In the roar, the last **** fell to the ground, and the Inca group's offensive was suspended.

On the occasion of the suspension, Lin began to release the collectors, they will recover all the nutrients on the battlefield, and Lin's troops have huge breeding bins, which will soon restore Lin's loss to the original.


Suddenly, the sky began to scream in the dust of the sky, which quickly covered all visible things around. (To be continued, please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated faster!

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