4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 756: The other side

"Now, let the greatest inventors come forward!"

Under the blue sky, a place called the Harbour Square gathers a large number of green creatures, all of which put their sights on a building that stands in the center of the harbour. {Chinese.

The building looks like a patchwork of different sizes of parts, and at the top of the building stands a green figure like them.

“Yes, I am the greatest inventor!” it exclaimed loudly on the building: “Let's start the launching ceremony now!”

"Oh oh oh oh oh!"

All the green figures in the square cheered together, and under their voice, the building made up of parts in the square began to move slowly.

"It’s really lively... they are now entering a very fanatical invention phase."

In a corner of the square, a figure covered in gray cloth was watching the large group of cheering green whispers in the square whispered: "But now is the stage of most failure."

'咔咔咔咔' After its voice just fell, the moving house made a metal sorrow, and a large number of parts fell from the top, and the whole house suddenly fell into a pile of debris. .

The cheers of the entire square stopped instantly, and all the green figures looked at the fragments of the land.

"Hey! Hey!" There were a few pterosaurs flying in the sky, and they made a cry like they were laughing at them.

"Oh..." The creature that was covered in the corner of the square could not help but smile.

Scholar, it has been living on pompons for a long time, although there are still many places on the pompons, but it has recently returned to the city of Emerald Dragon.

On the coast of the northern continent, the city of Emerald Dragon has become more and more prosperous, and the number of Longkou is increasing. However, they have not developed into the interior of the land, but have all developed into the sea.

Because the inland is mainly the site of the dragon, their king manages the entire Jade Dragon group in a way that does not want any conflict. So they began to move into the sea, they made many large ships to live at sea.

Because of this, a lot of wood is needed, and the resources of wood are now scarce. Although there are many inland, they can't go to the dragon's territory to cut down, so they decided to make ships of other materials.

For example, metal vessels.

The use of the original metal is not high, but Emerald Dragon has now begun to use metal in full, but now they have a special idea. That is to create something that will deform.

This idea seems to have been originally inspired by a group of emerald dragons who discovered something inside when they were playing in the dream world, and then they quickly advertised, stimulating the interest of other emerald dragons to make deformation machinery.

They intend to create things that transform the form between houses and ships, and many other similar things, and countless inventors are born, they constantly research and manufacture these deformable machines.

Scholars also taught a little about their theory... Under its teaching, a group of emerald dragons succeeded in creating a deformed house, but the manufacturing was not perfect enough and it quickly collapsed.

Then the Jade Dragons felt that this was the fault of the scholar. Instead, I angered it, so scholars don't want to teach them now, just look at it here.

"They are too unlikely to succeed now." Looking at the collapsed house, the scholar smiled: "It may take a long time to make a success..."

"Why, are you laughing at them?" A voice passed into the hearing of the scholar, which was issued by a small robber: "You must be very concerned about them, you are ugly, your world is not stupid: long It’s not your fault to be ugly."

"What are you talking about?" The scholar said: "I am very good at our world, mainly because of the aesthetics of this group of dragons... and we are very different."

"You really care." The robbers said: "Your world is now a new one. What do you think of that place? Will it be the next random ball?"

"I think they can be trusted." The scholar said: "The sky there will not be like the original... If there is a chance... I really want to go back and see."

"Are you sure you want to go back?"

"Just look at it a little, I don't plan to live in them." The scholar said: "Only life like this is the best."

"But those dragons don't think you are beautiful."

"You don't want to mention that kind of thing anymore, I don't think they are beautiful." The scholar once again looked at the square. The Emerald Dragon has begun to combine a lot of metal fragments on the ground, and the great inventor did not know where to go. . It won't fall to death?

As the scholars thought about it, the robbers continued: "So we should almost start a new journey."

“What new journey?” the scholar questioned: “Isn’t it a good idea to stay here for a long time, see if they invented these things? They are now studying these deformation machines all over the city, I have not seen which of them. Things are so frenetic..."

"There is one thing they have been arguing all the time." The robbers said: "I was arguing before you came, but now it is not the point."

Said, it opened a video image inside the scholar's helmet. After a few pokes on the screen, a lot of information was displayed.

"Is this...the home tree?"

Scholars have discovered that there is a tree in the picture. This tree stands in a large jungle, but its size is far greater than any tree in the surrounding.

"This tree is not the point." The robbers pointed to the forest next to the big tree, and then magnified that picture, showing the ground in the forest.

I saw a bunch of dead leaves, lying on a small black creature, this biologist knows.

"Gnomes?" Scholars wondered: "What happened to the gnomes?"

“We are going there to explore their lives.” The robbers said: “These are newly discovered populations.”

"...I don't really like to deal with gnomes." The scholar said: "They are simply a group..."

"They are suspected of having some problems." The robbers said: "They may have been in contact with something."


"We just want to confirm this."

“Is this a very important thing?” the scholar questioned: “Why let us explore?”

"Because you are believed." (To be continued.)

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