4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 758: Looking for new things

So where is the next group?

Lin's pompoms slowly progressed in the desert of Mars.

Lin's pompom is now watching various film and television works in ‘Aisha’, and some other pompoms are also in other places to observe the various situations here.

Lin does not stop the battle between them and the rock, but Lin feels that before the war develops out of control, go to each group to make a visit, and then look at their history and culture.

In fact, Lynne is already helping them, because Lin will generally tell these groups about rock skin.

This may lead them to unite slowly, because Lin feels that the heads of each group have different ideas. Some heads may decide to keep watching when the rock is attacking other groups. Some leaders will help.

And Lin will slowly observe the situation here...

Because according to the information from the illusion, it seems that the time of 'collapse' occurred after the rock skin completely destroyed all the Mars groups.

I don't know exactly how long it is, but Lynn thinks there may be probably... a year of pompoms.

So before the incident happened, Lin was doing a variety of wait-and-sees here, as if she had discovered the location of the next group.

Lynn saw a lot of square buildings on the sand in the distance... No, it seems to be abandoned.

Half of these buildings were buried under the sand and it seems to have been abandoned for a long time, and the pompons flew into the buildings. Then drilled the top of a house into it.

Inside... basically empty. Nothing...

It may be a place that was plundered... Thinking, Lin’s pompom flew out and continued to fly away.

The pompoms did not fly in full, but slowly observed the surrounding environment. Now Lin has a lot of understanding of the environment on Mars.

It is indeed everywhere, basically desert and wasteland, and there is no water at all on the surface. So the lives of those groups are really not easy.

So when they find water, they are less willing to share.

However, Lin explored here not only to find other groups, but also to see some of the legends of this Mars.

......... At this time, on the other side...

"Ha ha ha, this world is ours!"

Lin's other pompoms remain in the group of Aisha watching their film and television works, and Lin now sees a film called 'Avatar from Mars'.

In the film, a group of octopus-like creatures flew from Mars to Ershi, where they launched a large-scale attack.

The story feels very simple. It’s just a simple ‘hero film’, but...

‘Hey! 'When Lin thought about it, the door of the room suddenly opened, and Aisha’s head came in and looked at the pompom and said, “Ah, are you still watching the film here? Now we... ah. Why didn’t you watch? What are I prepared?"

The leader immediately ran over. And turned off the video screen: "Sorry... these videos are not translated, so you should look at the ones I prepared before."

“Do you think there is a creature in this world?” said the pompon floating in front of it.

"Biology?" The leader took the sigh: "Does it mean us?"

"No, there are creatures in you...and there may have been creatures before the arrival of those who are capable."

"That is... there seems to be such a statement in the information." The leader said: "But we have lived here for so long... and have not seen any creatures..."

"Take the information to see."


So, from a long time ago, the residents of Ershi were quite concerned about Mars, who had been trying to find creatures here and use various tools to detect them here...

The pompom is holding an image panel, and in the information displayed inside, you can see a car with a very special appearance.

This car is one of the tools that the former Ershi residents used to detect on Mars. It took a lot of photos and did a variety of research on the rocks here.

Lin found a photo that looked like something very biological.

In the data, they made a lot of guesses about this 'biological', and it was just a shadow or a stone.

But...Lin thinks that there is still something living here, except for the rock skin and things outside of these groups.

After all, rock skins and groups are considered to be creatures from Ershi, and there should be some native creatures on Mars.

Lin feels that she should go find it and see...

Of course, when doing these seemingly leisurely things, Lin is also paying attention to some other important things...

For example, how many places are there in the "collapse"?

Lin felt that she had to investigate from some of the tumbling people who had been through the micro-mechanical. Lin was not sure how many tumbling people they had visited and taught the individual creatures there to go to the void, so Lynn only investigated some possible places.

.................. At this time, on the other side of the distance............

"Do you think we should go down?"

Above the sky, a creature is riding on a small aircraft made of a mixture of wood and metal. It operates the aircraft while carefully looking at the jungle below.

Scholars, not long ago, created an aircraft that could fly to a densely populated island using 'fish oil' and some fruit-filled aircraft. The island is said to be a group of emerging gnome colonies. position.

"Of course." The sound of the roaring worm appeared in the scholar's hearing: "As long as you put the life and death out of the way, nothing can't be done."

"...that's no good." The scholar turned the head of the aircraft and flew to another place. Not far from it, there was a huge tree.

The tree is as high as a hundred meters, like a tower that towers above the sky. In the memory of scholars, only one kind of tree can reach this size.

"With!" On the trunk of the giant wood, the scholars found a group of small creatures crawling there quickly, those who are... new breeds of gnomes.

Their skin and other gnomes are almost entirely black, and they are not seen as new varieties from the outside.

"Wow!" A gnome saw the scholar's aircraft, suddenly screamed, other gnomes saw it, and suddenly the whole group began to get excited.

The scholars noticed that they didn't take any weapon tools, so they safely turned the aircraft to the trunk and looked at them carefully. They also questioned: "Do they really be new varieties?" (To be continued.)

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