4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 760: Buildings

There are many other things here...

The huge pompoms stopped in the void, this time not in front of the eyes of the building, but a big...disc building.

It seems that this type of building is called the 'stadium'.

However, it is almost empty, apparently transmitted here without any creatures. If it is full, there should be tens of thousands of residents of Ershi.

After flying over the stadium, Lin also saw some small buildings, and Lin found that these buildings all came from Amergen, because most of them have their words.

There are also some buildings that don't know the text. They should come from other states. The style of these buildings has been seen in the microbial memory.

Most of them are relatively small, and are buildings such as ‘convenience stores’ and ‘restaurants.

Lin also found a small box called ‘mobile toilet’ with a wreckage... It must have been quite tragic at the time.

Now, there is another large building that appears before the pompoms. This building is called... ‘supermarket’.

It was the place where they bought daily necessities and food. Thinking, Lin let the pompom fly to the side of the 'super market', stretching a lot of fluff into the broken window for inspection...

... It seems that the things inside are very interesting. It is not that everyday items are interesting, but there are many... creatures inside.

These creatures should be used for food. They are made into goods all over the place. Lin finds hundreds of creatures in it.

It seems that I can confirm the biological state of Ershi through this. Lin also found many similar creatures to the pompon. For example, fish.

There is also a kind in the pet area. A creature called ‘Lebby’. It is similar to Maoyu, although they are all wreckage, but there are quite a few of them... the statue remains.

Apparently, the residents of Ershi also liked furry things, and there are a lot of items called dolls.

Through these, you can know how their living conditions are. In short, it is a feeling better than the virtual people.

Although the food of the virtual people seems to be a wide variety, in fact, it is basically made of 'algae meat', but as for entertainment products... like games, the virtual people are richer.

Probably because of the pressure.

After leaving the building. Pompon found no more buildings nearby... but Lin thought that the building was not so much, so the pompoms continued to fly forward.

After flying for almost a distance of 100,000 kilometers, Lin saw the building again.

These buildings seem to be far away. Is the location of the transmission scattered?

When Lin delivers the stellar bus, it leaves almost nothing on the surface of the bus, but if the energy is not enough... it should be possible.

When the energy is barely enough to transport the entire tumbling person, it will be transmitted immediately, and the surface may be left behind, or there may be a similar loss of transmission.

Some things will go to a completely strange place... There was a similar phenomenon in the past.

Lin felt that there was such a possibility that Ershi might want to send its satellite ‘wood’ with himself, which led to some problems with energy allocation.

It is said that the quality of Ershi is dozens of times that of the satellite. Then it is very difficult to transfer yourself with such a large object.

If the energy light of the stellar bus is to transmit itself, the consumption is very small, but it has a huge consumption to transmit the other tumbling. It takes one hundredth of an object of its own size to transmit once, which consumes more energy than sending it twice.

It seems that there is a great energy loss in the process of transferring something.

So when the energy was unstable, it was possible to leave some of the buildings on the body, but Lynn also thought that these buildings might have been thrown away after Ershi left.

Because Lin tested the buildings and the wreckage inside... I found that they did not appear here at the same time.

In short, let's take a look at these buildings. The pompoms have now flown to a new pile of buildings... these buildings are...

There is a text that Linde doesn't know. It seems that it belongs to a group that Lynn has not met before.

However, those groups do not include all the residents of the entire Ershi, so there may be some Ershi resident buildings that cannot be met from Mars.

These buildings...it seems to be similar to the previous ones. They are small buildings. It seems that the building is rare. Lin feels a bit strange because the building on Ershi should be more complicated.

There are still a lot of transportation here, most of them are... vehicles.

Their vehicles and virtual people are also very similar, but they are much smaller. It is estimated that the things like the chairs inside will be lighted into a virtual people.

But there are also some big cars, like cars that transport goods.

I didn't see any aircraft, and it seems that the aircraft is not a very common tool.

There are also fewer buildings here. After the fluffy ball flies for a while, it will be completely complete. So where is the next building?

Lin has already discovered that it is probably 300,000 kilometers away from here.

Obviously, their distance has far exceeded the size of a tumbling person, so these buildings are more likely to be thrown here later.

The pompoms continue to fly forward, close to the target... Lin found that the building seems to be a lot of buildings.

And it seems to compare... old.

They are different from the buildings that have been seen before. These buildings are made of stone, and the style is very special, more like... some of the ancient buildings of Ershi.

Lin has seen some information about ancient architecture from the information of Mars's groups. Some of them are indeed similar, but they are similar and not exactly the same.

The pompoms flew over and continued to test these buildings.

Most of these buildings are broken, but many statues have been preserved.

Not the figurines made according to the moving paintings, but the large stone statues, about the creatures, and the statues of the inhabitants of the time. These stone statues and figurines are more 'real' than they are completely It is made according to the normal proportion of the creature, and there is no case where the eyes are too large and the nose is too small.

There are some slate here, and there are some words on it. Lin doesn't know the words, so I will continue to test...

After testing these buildings, Lin felt that there was such a possibility.

These are... the ruins of Atlan's building. (To be continued...)

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