4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 771: Observational study

'boom! ! ! ’

The explosion occurred in the center of the Atlante.

Most of the entire palace and most of the creatures inside died in the explosion. The initiator of the explosion... is the king of Atlan.

But the reason for its success in the explosion was because the lord, the most trusted killer of the lord, did not kill the king at the last moment.


"So far, you have witnessed all the history and completed all the content."

In an all-white space, two Atlan are standing, looking at the spheroidal sphere that is slowly spinning in front of the eye. The sphere is talking a series of words in a voiceless voice.

"What? I haven't finished everything yet!" an Atlan said: "The palace is not finished after it has been blown up! There should be more things to do."

"The history that you should be able to experience is only {no + so much." Another Atlan... is the role played by Lin said to it: "Your mission is over."


What Atlanta wants to say, when the ball is said: "You can choose to continue to observe what happens next, but you can't have any influence on them."

"What? Can you continue to observe?" Atlan heard the news and seemed happy, and it disappeared.

It turns out that I can continue to observe...

Lynn feels that this Ershi is indeed good for Atlan, can give them a complete history, and Atlan, who had come in with Lin, has indeed experienced all the history of its role.

The final fate of the character it played was that it was killed in the palace, and its success rate was always high when it performed its mission. And it shows a strong strength. Therefore, it is only trusted by the leader. Let it be the killer of the ambush.

Because the palace has almost no ambush, so only one ambush killer was arranged.

Maybe this role is also true in the real situation, there is no attack at the moment... but even if it attacks, it does not necessarily kill the king.

After the explosion of the palace, the latter situation is easy to guess, and those micro-machines should continue to make disasters like Atlan.

However, in this history, Lin found that the “direct influence” of micro-machines on Atlane does not seem to be very high.

They seem to seldom interfere directly with Atlan. Most of the things are called by the Order, so the Kings can do so much...

Why is this? Lin thinks that micromachines may not be very powerful? Or they are afraid of the stellar bus.

It's possible that it's possible... Ershi may be a lot stronger than Lynn's star bus.

Now, Lin has brought more Atlana and let them play a role after they have crystallized.

Lin found that the roles they played were not different, some were soldiers, some were fishermen, others were members of the Order, and there were also various members of the royal family.

Lin found that the same ‘world’ contained up to three Atlan, and their actions would image each other, and more words. It will open a new world to enter.

The setting of this crystallization is really rich... and it can hold quite a bit of Atlan, so Lynn is very curious about it. So Lynn did some research on crystallization.

Lin originally believed that crystallization is the use of dream energy and the like to reveal the rich world inside, which was not found after the research.

It has many very subtle structures inside it that look a bit like intracellular structures, and in general are a lot of complex structures that work with each other.

Of course, these are not cells, but they work automatically. Lynn finds that there is a lot of information in these structures that are stored and used to express and maintain the world of the past Atlan era.

It feels very interesting...

If Lynn can fully analyze them, then they can create something similar, such as a small, but able to accommodate the dream of a huge world.

This crystallization may be the most visible object that Lin has ever seen. After understanding it, Lin may also be able to modify some of the rules inside, or know the secrets that Ershi hides inside.

Lin first uses some 'micro-eyes' to monitor the structural changes inside the crystal. These eyes will continue to be recorded while Lin is in the dream. Lin will continue to explore in the dream, wake up and see what is recorded. .

This will make it possible to understand how the internal system of crystallization works...

At the same time, Lin also believes that this crystallization should not be left when Ershi just left, but only recently transmitted here.

Perhaps Ershi recently knew about Lin's situation, and specially modified the original crystal transmission... and it seems that there is no function to connect with other places.

Or there are some features that Lynn doesn't know yet, but the words of the heads of the heads that Lynn and Atlan look at are indeed well documented.

In any case, Lynn feels that its construction technique is very special, but it is not incomprehensible.

Thinking, Lin continues to enter the crystal world.

"Just now, shoot on the side of it!"

After coming in here, Lin saw the vast grassland and the group of elites who were hunting.

I have lived here for a few nights and nights. They set up simple wooden houses by the lake. Although the water is very abundant, the food source is unstable.

But now it seems that there is a creature that can provide a lot of meat. The star-tailed beast is a creature of four meters in length and seems to belong to the subspecies of the sculpt.

Compared to the eagle-toothed beast, the creature is more like an ankylosaurus. The tail of the star-tailed beast is like a ball with a large spike. At the same time, it covers the whole body from the end to the end. A layer of sturdy armor.

Lin feels that it is almost not afraid of any carnivorous creatures on the land of Ershi.


‘Hey! ‘A smashing arrow flew out and penetrated the head of the star-tailed beast from the side. The creature that looked like a chariot fell to the ground.

"Great!" The elite who shot it screamed and then they went up together and tried to drag the star-tailed beast back.

The armor of this creature is still not perfect. It removes those parts that cannot be eaten. It can provide hundreds of kilograms of meat.

Can eat for a long time... if it is not difficult to eat.

Thinking, Lin followed the elite and went back.

Elite set up a simple wooden house here, and then surrounded a circle of sharpened wood thorns, so that most carnivorous creatures, such as those without any destructive ability, are not easy to attack.

Of course, they won't attack here now, because they are full before.

Lin looked at the distance. The body of the ‘big monster’ was lying on the edge of the lake tens of meters away. The body could not see the original.

Most of the meat was taken as a bait, but it didn't catch much fish, and the rest quickly became stinky. When you saw a lot of fine microbes crawling on the meat... Lin and those elites I decided to throw it in the same place and then go to the other corner of the lake to build a house.

After leaving, a large number of carnivorous creatures around him madly smashed the body of the monster.

Looking at them, they don't feel bad at all. Lin feels that this role is fragile.

However, at least there are new things to eat now.

The elites are trying to open the outer shell of the star-tailed beast with stones, and then cut the meat, they are very skilled, and Lynn also notices that this creature like a turtle has a big difference between the inside and the turtle.

For example, their outer shells are not formed by bones like turtles, but by the hardening of the outer skin.

these are……

Lin found that there were some small black spots that wandered around the sharpness of the meat.

"Pay attention to these things." Lin walked over and waved away the small black spots that flew away.

These black spots are called 'spiral flies', mainly before them... Jean Lin and Elite don't want to eat the horrible meat that is hard to eat. Spiral flies can make hundreds of eggs, they will not only attack the bodies. It will also attack the wounds of living targets. A large number of larvae feed on flesh and blood, and may bite through key parts such as internal organs. It can be regarded as a terrible parasite for large organisms.

Lin has seen in the information kept by Mars that this spiral fly is not an extinct creature. The residents of Ershi seem to have been attacked by these spiral flies, but they are not widely distributed.

"Yes! We will pay attention!" An elite also reacted. It took out a piece of crystal in the air. This crystal gave off wonderful light and heat waves. The flying flies in the air seemed to be intolerable. They Spread quickly.

This crystal is really easy to use, which makes Lin think of the crystals on the pompons...

Slowly, the night came again, listening to the sound of the bonfire, Lynn took a bite of cooked meat.

This time, I can feel the feeling of being delicious...

The elites are also very happy to eat this time, and they think that they can use the outer shell of the star-tailed beast to do something. When the night slowly passes, when the day comes, the elites think that they should go back.

They now feel that they are very comfortable to live here, so the boat should be demolished, and the use of the ship's parts can make more houses here to do more things.

Lin thinks it can be the case, but most of the parts need to be kept intact and kept to the point where they can be put together back to the entire ship.

This didn't seem to be difficult, so the elites quickly decided to set off. At this time, Lin woke up a bit and looked at the record of the internal structural changes of the crystal... (to be continued...)

Ps: Thanks ~o Shangguan Phoenix o~ 1000!

Thanks~ no memories~de588~

Thanks ~200530481273~ big baby ~ two yuan 丶 萌 ~ old octopus ~ 15984567854 ~ monthly ticket ~

Chapter 771 Observational Study:

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