"Do you know? Our race used to be... marine life!"

"What are you talking about? How is it possible? Right! We are not like the creatures of the 'original'! Then it was the legendary..."

"Oh... I tell you, it is indeed this possibility!"

Here is a dark place, the crystal light illuminates a part of the area, in the light range, standing... many Atlan. ●⌒,.

Most of them have incredible expressions, except for the only one, which is a smug expression.

"You think about the 'original' so many hairs, we have no hair, they are not like us..."

"Do you know why? That's because we used to live in the sea! In order to adapt to life in the sea, our hair has disappeared! Now we can return to that state and be able to live in the sea again!"

“Is this true? This is great! Can we swim like a fish?”

"So..." said Atlan, who took out a jar and said: "There is a ‘return medicine’ that allows us to change back to the past. Who are you coming to eat now?”

"..." The crowd that was still cheering suddenly suddenly quieted down.

"Don't be afraid! This is not a poison... It may be a little bit hard to drink..." Atlan looked at the crowd, then reached out and slammed: "It's you!"

"Hey? Wait! I don't want to eat first!" The one that was pointed out was terrified, but the other party had already taken the jar to it...


"Do you really get into the sea?"

After listening to this paragraph, Lin left the pure white space.

The Atlantians think they were originally marine creatures, so they want to use some methods to 'change back', but this method does not seem to be very reliable.

Because this plan is mainly responsible for an Atlan, known as the 'Royal Refining Pharmacist', which has produced many drugs, most of which have eccentric effects, such as allowing others to Turner went crazy, or fell in love with the head shark. Some Atlane laughed after taking the medicine, and finally laughed and died like a miserable.

Lynn thinks it might put a lot of psychedelic materials in the medicine.

So no one dares to take it, but Atlantians like to see what happens to the character being fed.

This time, the refining pharmacist created a drug called ‘returning sea medicine’, and the first one was fed. It is the Atlan who played the role of Lin, who played the role.

After it is finished, it can only go back with a look of disappointment, and experience what will happen after eating the medicine.

Because everything here is real, so the pain will be truly felt.

The situation on the side of Lin... does not seem to be very good.

After opening your eyes. Lin looked around and the ground was rocky, and Lynn's role was leaning against a large rock.

Before being chased by the mammoths, they escaped from the grass, and at the same time they were separated from the elites. Now, there is only one elite left in Lin.

"Are you okay?" It was sitting in front of Lynn, who had been slammed by a mammoth and was slightly injured, but it seemed to be no big problem.

"You pay attention to yourself." Lin stood up and said: "The group of mammoths have gone, wait a minute and go back."

"Yes. I think so too, but..." Elite stood up and said, "Do you know that they are called 'mammoth'?"

Atlan seems to have no specific name for many of the creatures here. Lynn does not only know the name, but also sees some mammoth information.

The mammoth population is mainly composed of females. The oldest female leads the group. The males live alone and only gather together during the breeding season.

That is to say, it is a group of female mammoths who destroy the original ethnic group, but they ran to find the male mammoth revenge of living alone, and they could not even figure out the objects to be revenge? Or think that a group can't beat, just kill a single...

"Let's go." Lin looked at the grasslands in the distance. After discovering that there was no movement, I decided to go there.

‘Hey! Suddenly, Lynn heard the sound behind her and turned and found that the big rock had moved.

How does the stone move?

Just as Lin thought so, behind the stone came out a creature with black fluff. It seemed to be shocked when I saw Lin, and it stood up directly in place.

The creature stood up to four meters high and almost had the same height as Mammoth. Lin found it had the name 'short-faced bear'.

But apparently its face is much longer than Atlan, and its mouth is covered with sharp teeth, which is obviously a carnivorous creature.

Lin stood still and did not move. Because Lynn feels that she can't run it, this time should not have any fear, so it will hesitate, then...

‘Hey! ‘Lin saw a smashing arrow and flew it on the left shoulder of the short-faced bear.

I almost hit the neck... It’s a pity.

The short-faced bear immediately moved his eyes from Lin's body to the elite body behind him. It screamed and slammed down and rushed over to it.

"You are running fast!"

Elite also shouted, leading the short-faced bear to flee in the other direction, but it only took two steps to be chased by the short-faced bear, and then Lin heard its screams, Lin looked over there. Go, the blood has been stained with a large piece of ground.

They are really quite... loyal.

Although watching, but Lin's movements did not stop, but fortunately the short-faced bear did not catch up, but was there to eat on the spot.

Lin continued to run to the place where she couldn't see it. She felt very tired and stopped.

But running away doesn't mean safety... Looking at the strange grassland plains around, Lin feels that the possibility of surviving is getting smaller and smaller.

Although Lin also holds a shackle and wears armor, she is vulnerable to various attacks.

So now... Lin feels that she should learn some special life skills.

Thinking, Lin looked at the grass around.

... that should be.

Lynn saw a group of creatures rolled together, and Lin immediately walked over, but Lin stopped just one step.

Because, in the grass behind the creature, there is a figure similar to the color of the grass, look carefully to see ... that should be ... bladed tiger?

I feel like I have to come back.

However, it does not have to be repeated. It is not that the role played by Lin is not easy to die, but that Lin has already learned a lot about the structure of the record of Ershi. (To be continued.)

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