4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 790: Communicative

"Great! I didn't expect you to find me!"

The ball in front of Lin was once again 'opening', this time is completely different from before.

It has been using fixed mechanical discourse to describe various things, but this time Lin knows... it is truly communicating with Lin.

And, it feels like it’s...joyful,

"You can actually find my existence, can you analyze this crystallization? Is it like it is completely broken down? It feels terrible!"

The Ershi ball, which suddenly became happy, did not stop waiting for what Lin said. "Yes, I have to express my own identity. I am from a distant place, Ershi... ...the artifacts, there are no special names and names, and my task is to show them when you or some other thing finds me, and then blew it!"

"It's just that simple, are you listening? Or do you think there is nothing to say... I want to know that it is impossible, right? So hurry up! If you ask questions quickly, you can reward some extra... No Tell you."

"...you should know, what do I want to ask." When Lin said so, she went out and looked at the inside of the crystal.

This part of the intelligence and communication with Lin is formed by the operation of some structures in the deep crystal.

When these structures went through history before Lynn, Lynn noticed that they were acting in a strange way, they did not work in a fixed way like other devices.

At that time, Lin suspected them.

Later, Lin tried directly to 'stimulate' these devices. When Lin returned to this space, she found that the ball was... it became like this.

"What? You don't say how do I know what you ask?" It looks very surprised now: "Don't you say that you want to know my self-destruction time? That is my biggest secret, so I can't tell you! But you I can know by other means, such as breaking me down, but before that I will blew myself... really!"

Lin asked: "Why are you blew yourself?"

"Of course, in order to prevent something else from using this crystal, but I personally rate it, I think this method is too simple. You think so." Ershi said: "And you think I am embarrassed, Because my character is mainly from some of the residents of Ershi...they are more 'happy' in their emotions."

"Then, let me know what you still want to know. There is still a period of time from my explosion... your wish. Let me come to that!" said the ball: "Why, not..."

"The location of Ershi." Lin said: "Where is it now?"

"It's in this position." It immediately responded to Lin, and she felt that it sent out a lot of... information.

"Do you know how to use them? Ah, what am I thinking about, how can I know if you know. But... I know the 'method of telling the location' is this one!" said the ball: "If you don't know how to go there by this method, then I have no way."

"I know."

Lin answered this question. This information cannot be translated into language or something. However, Lin knows that the purpose of this information is basically to use the nervous system of the stellar bus for analysis.

"So, I will continue to ask you some questions." Lin said: "How much do you know about me?"

"This is a very difficult question..." Ershi said: "I really know what you actually know...so you will not believe me, but what should I say? In the end, it still needs to be like this. Say, I don’t know you very much at all."

"My understanding of you is limited to knowing that you can know me through analysis and crystallization... It's that simple." Ershi said: "I don't know much."

Lin asked: "There are only so many?"

"Of course it's just that much." Ershi said: "Yes... there is some information attached, I know from it... some of your personalities, like knowing to explore things."

"However. I know about it from the information about you." Ershi said: "It is the one who made me."

"Do you mean Ersh?"

"Yes, it has a lot of names. Ershi is the name of the group. I said it before I said it. Now I also call it Ershi." Ershi said: "But actually it is My manufacturer, I don't know what to call, in short, it is very familiar to you."

“Is it very understandable?” Lin questioned: “Why?”

Ershi said: "It has seen a lot of things, it has lived for a long time. It is said in the simplest way! This is also it... I said it, it is very familiar to you, knows a lot of your situation. So I always want to see you. Although there is a problem now, it is not here, but it is also looking forward to you passing it there... probably."

"...why is it probably?" Lin asked.

"Of course, because I am not sure." Ershi said: "What problems are there next? I can answer, before... self-destruction."


Lin then asked a lot of questions... Most of these questions are about Ershi, as well as some things and creatures that Lynn has seen in history.

As it is said, it answers all of Lynn's things, but does not know about some things.

At last. Lynn asked why Ershi had to leave, and the main purpose of the 'rock plan', and it also said that it was not clear about the specific situation.

Lynn found out...it doesn't actually know a lot of things, or that these things can't be said.

But on the way to the conversation, it will often mention Ershi, and if there is anything, it would be nice to ask Ershi directly. In general, it seems to be of little use except for the location of Ershi.

Then, it means that it is close to the time of self-destruction.

Although it can't be said that it is self-destructive, it can describe the process of self-explosion to Lin. Simply put, all the structures in the crystal will collapse to a state that cannot be reorganized in any way.

It comes with a sentence: any way is any way it knows.

In this way, Lin made some hesitation.

Lin wants to try to stop this self-destruction, and then continue to ask it more things, but also want to observe the whole process of self-explosion.

So Lynn still decided... keep it. (To be continued.)

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