4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 792: Connected world

"Your strength is probably a few times before. The strength of your muscles, the immune system has been greatly enhanced, and the resilience has become stronger. For example, if your hand is broken, you may be able to grow again. (Net) [There are almost all the books you want to read. It is much more stable than the average station. There is no advertisement for the whole text.]

“At the same time, you can live in an environment without oxygen... for a while, there are some other changes in general, but you need to understand it yourself.”


"Do you know it yourself..."

The scholar is now walking on a piece of blue earth. It looks at the dazzling light of the sky. Suddenly it rubbed its legs and jumped on the ground.

The jump reached a height of more than three meters, and when it fell back to the ground, the scholar looked at his body in an incredible way.

This is not because the gravity here is relatively small, but it is indeed... it has become much stronger than before, which seems to be mainly due to the ‘Jelly’ that the robbers gave it.

The jelly also has a name, called 'Hirsh's modification fluid'. Why is the name so weird?

But its main function is to let a group of different kinds of microorganisms parasitize in the scholars to strengthen its body function. Now scholars think that they are much stronger than the general virtual people, and become the heroes like the film and television works. Character.

"Captain, what are you doing?"

The scholar's actions also raised doubts. Behind the scholars are following twenty-two virtual people. Some of them are staring at the wonderful scenery around them, some are holding instruments everywhere, and others are collecting samples on the ground. In the end, some soldiers armed with various weapons were watching the surrounding environment with all their guard.

However, these are the actions of a few seconds ago, and they all looked at it doubtfully because the scholar suddenly picked it up.

It’s not surprising to see that it’s so high, because scholars wear armor, and the imaginary people are subconsciously acting as the function of the armor, but in fact the scholars rely on their own strength to jump so high.

"Nothing, just test it." The scholar said: "Let's go, it's still far from the target location."

Said. It took another step and stepped on the blue ground.

Scholars have now crossed the gate with this team to this place called ‘Connecting the World’, when it first arrived. Scholars believe that this place is a very good place, temperature and gravity are very suitable for the growth of multi-cellular organisms, there are many wonderful things.

It's like the things at the foot of the moment.

The ground of the scholar's feet is covered with dense blue dots. It feels very soft when you step on it. I don't know what it is. But it does not seem to be a dangerous thing.

Looking up into the sky, I saw a lot of floating objects in addition to the dazzling stars.

That is a lot of... stone.

The diameter is more than ten meters, and most of the surface is covered with green weed like weeds. These spherical stones are slowly floating in the air.

It is said that this area was originally surrounded by a large number of such stones, but now the stone has risen, I don't know why, but they are said to be a kind of creature, and they will also attack the virtual people.

But for now, scholars and members of its team have not been attacked. Even so, they still want to leave this place quickly.


When the scholar passed under a stone, the stone suddenly shook and made a strange sound.

"Captain! Be careful!" A group of soldiers immediately raised their weapons to the stone, but the scholar quickly stopped them: "Stop, don't attack."

Looking up at the stone, I saw it slowly stopped shaking, and it seemed that there was nothing unusual.

The scholar breathed a sigh of relief and continued to move forward and walk. It said to the players behind him: "You should pay attention, don't attack at random here, or it may cause more serious..."

‘Hey! ’

The voice of the scholar did not fall, and the voice rang again. This time it is from the ground.

I saw that the blue spots on the ground suddenly rose, and they seemed to be a tentacle... shaking in front of the scholar.

"This... Captain, what should we do?"

Other similar situations are similar around the virtual people. These strange spots stretch out from the ground, forming a creepy tentacles that surround all the virtual people.

"These things... shouldn't be very dangerous." The scholar said: "Maybe they will be drilled back after a while..."

Scholars remember that the general said. From the entrance all the way to the target position, there will be no overly dangerous creatures, mainly because the generals often use the remote control machine together with the patriarch to detect this.

However, the remote control can do very little, and it is often damaged. Therefore, after confirming the safety, the general decided to establish a camp here to continue to observe and study this aspect.

Scholars came here not just to help the generals establish a camp. After the camp was established, it decided to go to the depths of the world and explore the world.

At the same time, the robbers also told it that there would be some special 'companions' to travel with scholars at that time.

Although the goal seems to be very ambitious, but now I have a problem and can't move forward.

"Oh, they will do." When the imaginary people did not know how to be good, the robbers suddenly climbed onto the scholar's helmet and screamed at the creeping tentacles around them.


At the moment the screaming sounded, all the tentacles suddenly shrank back and turned back to the ground covered with blue spots.

"It would be like this..." The imaginary people were surprised to see the retracted tentacle. Several imaginary people stepped on the ground and stepped on the ground. The blue spots looked like they were painted on the ground. They are not the tentacles that were drilled before.

"How do you know... can this scare them?" When the robbers drilled back into the scholar's helmet, the scholar asked him questioningly.

"It's the material that won't roll over." The robber said: "That is called the Master, it has studied some of the creatures here, and then I have read the relevant research materials."

"But there is not much information. I don't know what to do when I encounter another kind of creature. In the end, let's move on."

"...It seems that there are too few preparations when you come..." The scholar said: "Forget it, exploring the unknown is called exploration, then... is it dark?"

Scholars and the surrounding imaginary people discovered at the same time... The light in the sky suddenly disappeared, and the whole area became as dark as the night. (To be continued.)

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