4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 797: Exploration team

"This feeling is so special..."

A creature named Scholar is standing in the hot sun.

It is surrounded by steep rock walls, and at its feet is a huge...reflective light shining plane.

This means that this is a mirror.

But why do scholars stand on this huge mirror? This may have to start from a relatively early date.

Not long ago, scholars and robbers and a group of imaginary teammates came to this place called the connected world, and after going through some shocking things here, they built up in a seemingly safe place. Camp.

The camp is between two dangerous places, the front is a 'mirror pit plain' with numerous potholes, and the rear is a 'blue land' with a lot of blue tentacles hidden underground. The sky also has some large floating stones. And weird creatures that turn the entire area into night.

Scholars are ready to explore in this world, although it is almost time to travel, but it has not yet been dispatched.

The general has recently sent something, many of the construction mechs and imaginary people have started to build large camps here, and scholars are here to observe some creatures, which are very concerned about this creature...

These creatures are now called 'ground mirrors', that is, they form a whole mirror pit plain, the mirrors in these potholes burnt any close objects and then inhale the prey into the mirror.

Scholars are very curious about this process, so it has been observing them.

Although some of the mirrored lifestyles are currently known through observation, I don't know what it looks like.

recent. Scholars have learned how the mirror itself is. Because the Master sent a lot of... very small metal spiders, there are some other things.

These include a 'mini lab assembly room', several 'mental adapters', and an 'energy generator'. ’, as well as a manual, a brainwave interpreter, and a film by the scholar’s ​​movie “The Virtual Civil Warfare Team”.

After a little look at the 'instructions'. Scholars know how to use these things.

So it came here.

The scholar looked at his body, and it radiated the luster of the metal. The hand reached into the front and twisted, and the mechanical humming sounded.

This is not because the scholar wears armor, but because it is a machine in itself.

Through that pile of things, the scholar succeeded in connecting its ‘consciousness’ into this exactly the same machinery as its long.

To put it simply, the scholar's current 'ontology' is sleeping in the distance, and its will is still awake, and controls the machine to come here.

This technique sounds simple. But it is very complicated. Scholars have heard that it has something to do with ‘dream energy.’ This ensures that the connection will not be cut off. Scholars have not fully figured out these techniques... but learning to use it is not a difficult thing.

It is said that in this connected world there are many dangerous areas, when approaching such places, it is necessary to use this way to explore.

but. Although this machine looks like a scholar. But not one to one size.

It is much smaller than a scholar, only about three centimeters in size, and scholars who control this small body just want to control their true body, there is no sense of violation, but also feel that they are flexible, and at the same time, it You can also use some special abilities.

And it becomes more like a scholar.

The scholar turned his head and looked at the mirror on the side of it, standing a few machines of the same size.

"How? Haven't you started yet?"

The saying is a machine with only four limbs, which carries a very long one. There is also a jagged sword. Of course, this machine is also connected with the creatures of the scholars in the camp. Its name is... Beer.

However, it is said that it is generally called the 'Brave.'

"Is it dangerous to wait here? What will happen if this state is dead?"

This is a green machine with a long tail and a prominent face. Scholars are also familiar with it. Its name is Susumi.


This is a gnome, it is much smaller than the two next.

"This state is dead and will not die, but it will feel very uncomfortable, just like the feeling of eating excrement."

This is a machine for the robbers... It is also the one that is usually with the scholars, but when connected into the machine, it becomes as big as the scholar.

Of course, they are only three centimeters in size, and the gnomes are even less than a centimeter, but they are all assembled with precision mechanics. This is the expedition of scholars.

For other players, scholars don't think there is anything strange, but why is there a gnome here?

"I know, you are looking at it." The robbers suddenly went to the scholars and said to them: "But it is small, and there is no need to look down."

"...I am just a little strange, why is there a gnome..." The scholar said: "And the Master..."

"It's from the side of the dragon." Susumi's machinery said: "It is called the 'peace ambassador', which promotes the peace between the dragon and the gnome through communication with other... wild gnomes."

The scholar asked: "The wild gnome? On the dinosaur continent?"

"It seems that it is said that Xiaolong has dispatched the expedition to the other side to contact them. The local gnomes have great hostility to the dragon, but through this gnome and their exchanges, the hostility disappears." Susumi said: "So say It is an ambassador for peace."

"But..." the scholar wondered: "This does not seem to be the reason why it came here..."

Susumi said: "I don't know the specific reasons. I just came from there."

"Don't worry about it!" The brave man next to him forced the sword on the mirror under his feet. "I have been exploring the ball for a few years. Do you know what kind of place it is? What is there? None! It's all stone and stone! It's hard to come to this seemingly beautiful world, but why not start? How long do you want to stand here?"

"You don't want to be so violent." The robbers said to the brave: "Patience, justice, and firmness are not the actions that a brave person should have? Shouldn't you fight like a hero?"

The brave asked: "Where did you hear that the brave had these behaviors?"

The robbers looked to the scholars.

The scholar immediately said: "What does this have to do with me? The movies you watch are not taken by me!"

“And...” The scholar paused and said: “We are standing here waiting for this ‘ground mirror’ to eat us, and time cannot be accurately determined.”

The 'ground mirror' will immediately swallow the cooked things, and those that cannot be cooked will be taken away by the 'transparent spearmen' in the sky, but if it is less than ten centimeters, such as dust or Like a type of mechanic, the 'ground mirror' will still swallow it.

This is the conclusion that scholars have recently observed, but the time of this swallowing is not completely confirmed, sometimes very quickly, and sometimes very slow.

If this is the case, then why not take the block... If the meat is cooked here, can it be swallowed with the meat?

That's because even if you do that, the 'ground mirror' will eat the meat first, and leave these 'dust' in this position, and will not eat together.

So there is only waiting... Of course, you can break it down and go in, but scholars think it is better not to do this.

"Yes? That's really... Oh? Started?"

At this time, the voice of the brave rang again, and the scholars and the surrounding companions looked at it, only to see that the brave feet had fallen into the ‘mirror’ at the foot.

"It's also here!" The scholar noticed that his feet were also the same, as well as Susumi, the robbers... and the gnome.

"Wow, oh oh!" The gnome shouted excitedly, and the other players were motionless, and it was struggling there to escape from the fall.

"Hey... don't move!" The scholar quickly said to the gnome: "Let the ‘the mirror' think that we are dead things... can you understand?”

"Probably understand." The robbers said: "Your machines are equipped with brainwave translators."

"But why do I listen to it as 'wow'?" The scholar looked at the gnome: "And it didn't stop!"

"Because it would have been 'wow'." The robber said: "And it doesn't seem to want to hear from you."

"Why do you let it come..."

When the scholar's words have not been finished, it feels that the sinking speed suddenly increases, and the whole body of the companions and their bodies are caught in the mirror.

"Oh oh oh oh wow!"

While listening to the screams of the gnomes, the scholars felt that they were continually going down in a pipe-like place.

'Snapped! Suddenly, the scholar felt that he had hit something and stopped.

"It seems to be the end?"

This place is quite dark, but scholars can perceive that the players are around it. This machine has the function of perceiving companions, which makes them not lose the position of their companions.

Of course, there are also night vision functions, but scholars have not yet opened.

'Boom! ’

When the scholar wants to turn on the night vision function, the surrounding suddenly lights up. The scholars find that all the companions are by their side, and they are now in a ... room that should be spherical, all the surrounding walls. They are like mirrors.

"Is this the stomach?" The brave stood up and poked the wall with a sword: "Can you break it here?"

"Don't just attack." The scholar said: "We still have to observe the situation first..." (to be continued.)

Ps: Thanks ~ Rainbow Bear ~ River Crab can't eat ~kether~ monthly ticket~

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