"Now... they are about to be taken away."

"Let's get started, fluff."

In the creator's dream, Lin is doing some dialogue with the creator. This conversation is the same as last time, because it has become 'clean' without the harassment of the small nucleus.

Now, Lynn decided to let the small nucleators completely leave this place.

The creator seems to be ready to face the preparation of the creature called the dream food.

"So... just start."

After Lin finished speaking, she left the creator's dream. At the moment Lin Sai woke up, Lin put the visual attention in a cave.

Here is where the creator is in the real world, but it is not the same as before, the creator's 'root' is covered with the rock wall of the cave, and the entire cave is full of many... silk .

These threads look like they are very viscous liquids, they are criss-crossed throughout the place, and the threads are actually a large number of fungi that mix together to look like silk. And the mucus they secrete allows them to hang in the air.

When the creator made the world of dreams, his body began to construct the environment in reality. These threads were mixed with a large number of different kinds of fungi, which had interacted and maintained a balanced environment.

But there are no multi-celled creatures in it. It may be that the creator has not paid attention to the results of the real environment... but even if it does not pay attention, its body will construct the environment here.

"Look at these, fluff..."

The creator woke up, and the ‘trunk’ at the center of the cave shook slightly, and it caused the numerous wires attached to it to sway together.

"Compared to another world, things here look so fragile..." The creator said: "But I can feel that there is something that is not fragile here at speed... enhanced."

"It should be waking up very quickly." When Lin and the creator said these words, Lin's arms carrying the little nucleus had already flown beyond the atmosphere of the tumbling.

As the protector is getting farther and farther away, Lynn can feel that something is being active under the creator... The dream is waking up.

However, Lin could not find any direct connection between the small nucleus and its wake. It seems that there is no connection between information and information. It is more like a coincidence. It just woke up.

In this way, Lin and the creator are waiting.

The small nucleators have been carried out and flew out of the atmosphere. Fly fast into the void...

When they flew to a certain distance, Lynn felt that the dream energy here was constantly...shaking.

When the small nucleus flies to a distance of about 100,000 kilometers from the tumbling person, the sway of the dream energy also stops...

"Do you feel it? Fluffy, its emotions... its thoughts... its voice." The creator said: "It is... tell us that it is back."

As the creator said. This sloshing stops... it means it has woke up.

However, it is not as big as Lin’s thought before, but rather a comparison... calm.

The man who waited for the dream to wake up had been hiding beside the entrance to the cave above. It didn't fly over and didn't say anything, but its mood seemed quite exciting.

If this excitement is used as a metaphor, it is like the creator's feeling of a perfect world.

"...it doesn't seem to respond?"

After waiting for a while, Lin found that the dream food did not seem to do anything, and did not say anything.

But it is indeed waking up, this can be confirmed.

"What do you want to do now? Wake up? See the abnormal changes in your world. Do you have anything you want to express?" The creator sent some information to it first. Although the creator said that he was ready to fight before the dream was awakened, the creator apparently did not want to conflict with it, so it sent a message with a calm mood.

"..." Dream food still has no reaction.

This is a bit strange, because I can understand from the history of Seir, the dream food should be very good, and Lin wants to ask a lot of questions.

Suddenly, Lynn felt that the energy of the dream food suddenly became active. Although it still didn't want to communicate, it was... but it was moving out.

Its current position slowly moves from the bottom of the creator to the position of the creator and begins to fly towards the entrance to the top of the cave...

The original dream energy of the entire cave space was squeezed by the dream space created by the creator. Generally, dream creatures cannot enter this cave.

And the dream food seems to be unaffected... Thinking, Lin entered the creator's dream and looked at it.

I can't see the dream in the creator's dream...

The creator's dream world is much larger than this cave space, but the whole space does not see things like...dream food, and Lynn feels that the size of the dream food seen in the dream should be large.

That is to say, dream food is not a dream of entering the creator. Instead, I used another method to cross the cave.

Lin and the creators did not try to communicate with it anymore, silently ‘seeing’ it left the place.

Until the dream food slowly flew out of the creator's cave... Lin saw it through a rock spider that had been waiting at the entrance to the cave.

This dream... looks like a huge black fog.

It rises slowly from the cave and then floats into the sky.

From a distance, the creator's cave is like a crater, and the endless stream of smoke rises from it, and Lin has been watching it all the time.

This process... lasted for a long time. Lin has been watching here, one staying up late, two staying up late, three staying up late... The smog of the smog has continued, and neither Lin and the creator have done anything with it.

And that singer, just kept watching, it kept the excitement, but did not do anything.

Until the seven pompons stayed up late, the sky above the cave had accumulated a lot of smoke, and it looked like a black cloud, covering the nearby area in the darkness.

Its size is now far beyond what the cave can accommodate, but it continues to rush out from the middle.

At the same time, something happened around.

Lin found that there were many creatures gathered here, whether they were dream creatures or real creatures, they all gathered in this direction.

Even if they lived far away, they began to gather here, and they all seemed to feel the wake of the dream.

Indeed, Lin also found that the energy of the dream can be felt from a long distance, it covers almost the entire roll.

But not all creatures are gathering here, and many creatures still live a normal life.

And these gathered creatures are not so... united, they will fight each other, for example, the creatures that are originally the relationship between predators and prey will be very good on the way.

However, these creatures that have already been on the road do not seem to have returned.

As they gather, the smog of the dream food grows faster, its scope becomes larger and larger, and the mountain where the creator is located is completely covered by darkness.

Of course, this is a sight seen in a dream. If you change to a real perspective, the sky is still very bright.

Many creatures are gathered at the foot of the mountain. Instead of climbing up the mountain, they build settlements around them, such as digging holes or building buildings, as if they had restored their previous state of life.

However, because of the large number of organisms and the excessive concentration, they are not doing very well.

And some creatures climbed up the hill and gathered under the dark fog of the dream.

What are they going to do?

The creators believe that it is possible to dream of using these creatures to wage war against it, so it is ready to fight, whether it is the real aspect or the aspect of dreams.

Lynn has been trying to communicate with the dream food, occasionally sending out some information about it, but it has not responded.

Lynn doesn't think it wants to fight, it seems to want to do something else.

In this way, after twelve pompons stayed up late, Lin found that the growth of the dream food had finally stopped, and it felt like the volcanic smog was shining.

However, the dream food does not dissipate like smoke, but also gathers in the sky. It is more like a dark night without a starry sky than a black cloud.

That sheer black, surrounded the whole mountain...

It is much larger than the creator. There is no attempt to attack the creator at present, and no information about 'hostility' is felt from its energy.

After a few more days and nights, the creatures seem to have gathered together.

A large number of creatures gather around the mountain, and there are mountains at the foot of the mountain. In fact, compared to the whole world... The creatures gathered here are only a small part, but they still look very dense and spectacular.

It may be too dense, and their battles are much less. These creatures seem to be all, and there are no other creatures to gather here.

And the dream food has also undergone new changes. It slowly moves down and wraps up the entire mountain...

If you look at the dream, then the mountain has completely entered the darkness. After being wrapped, the dream creatures inside can't fly away. They will be blocked by the 'body' of the dream food.

But real creatures are not affected, although they still won't leave the parcel area.

After almost wrapping the whole mountain, Lin finally received a response to the dream. (~^~)

Ps: Thanks~ Decided to see the genuine ~ 1888~

Thanks ~ no memory ~ hollowing out the burning ~ Ye Yue smog ~ listening to the snow ah ~ big baby ~ the monthly ticket ~

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