4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 819: Confirmed creature

Currently here... confirmed a lot of creatures.

In the camp connecting the world to the virtual people.

The construction here has been almost done, and there are many buildings standing inside the high walls of metal. Among the largest buildings in it, a ball of fluff is in motion in a room inside.

Although it seems that there is no activity, the pom is actually dealing with some... information.

This information is all about the various creatures here, and Lin now confirms some of the ecological aspects here.

In general, the biological relationships here are quite complex, and almost every creature has a complex group structure and lifestyle.

For example, scholars have encountered the 'ground mirrors' and 'spotworms' that they had before, and they have quite complicated living systems, but according to scholars' reports, these creatures occupy very small places.

Lynn also noticed that the creatures in this area are also similar. They are not as simple as pompoms or creatures seen in other places... simple.

Lin found that most of the cell organisms that are currently encountered here are not bodies made up of cells alone, and there are probably quite a few other things in their bodies.

It may be a civilization or a more complex group... the creatures here are basically like this.

However, this is only a phenomenon nearby, and it is not clear from a farther place.

Recently there have been some creatures from afar...that are those things.

Thinking, Lin looked at the corner of the room, where a large number of transparent jars were placed, each with a black... small particles.

These particles are constantly hitting inside the jar, as if they want to go out from there.

They are called 'skull scales'. They wanted to attack the scholars' bodies, but they were caught by the pompons. Then, Lin put each of its particles in a jar.

As a result, it is like this can't do anything, it just keeps hitting. As for the reason, Lin has already known.

Each particle has a certain 'thinking' ability, just like a single brain cell, when they are combined, a true mind can be formed. After combination, they can change shape regardless of how they are changed.

But if they are scattered, ‘黒鳞’ will not think, they will only perform the only action, that is, they will be combined.

The combination of scales is quite fast, but there are ways to prevent them from combining during the combination process. Then they will never think.

As it is now, because it is isolated by the can, all the particles are always on the way to combination.

Lin is here to test some of these scales. The structure inside these particles is very complicated... This makes Lin very interested, and Lin feels that she can make something similar and try it out.

For example, special arms can be made, and these types of arms can be used in many ways.

And the creature itself, Lin, feels connected to the dream, because they have a dreamlike energy like a dream.

And when they appear, they go after the scholars their bodies. This feels very suspicious, but there is no accurate evidence yet, and it needs to continue to probe.

In addition to these creatures, Lin also studied the latest creature a bit, and now Lin turned her attention to another pompon.

This pom-pom flying in the sky, in the sky in front of it, you can see a huge cloud...

It is it, this creature should be called... cloud combination.

This kind of living place seems to be erratic. This location is about one kilometer from the camp, which is above the Mirror Pit Plain.

I have never seen this creature before. But it is now here, and Lynn thinks it's also very interesting. It looks like a big cloud, but this ‘black cloud’ is made up of a lot of creatures.

It contains a variety of microorganisms. It seems to be mixed with some highly technical microbes like 'skins'.

Lin hasn't fully confirmed how many kinds of microbes there are, but Lyne has a certain understanding of their lives.

Their biggest feature is the 'combination'.

This microbe, which is clustered into a huge cloud, combines some large creatures. The combination is mainly made up of a large number of microbes that are originally very small, and a large creature can be combined in a short time.

At present, Lin confirmed that there is only one kind of creature that they can combine... This creature has four wings. The body is olive-shaped.

The cloud group itself usually does not go hunting, but will send these combined flying creatures to hunt or fight. If these combined creatures are killed, the black clouds will try to recover their bodies.

Maybe they will combine other creatures, but Lynn hasn't seen it yet.

This dark cloud usually uses this wonderful method to live, but they have some other features, such as the equivalent of the ‘door’ that protects the bus to another star.

It seems that I don't want any creatures to pass, which is what Lin knows from the Master.

Thinking about it, Lin Shun paid attention to the various explorations here. At present, two teams have been dispatched, one is the team of scholars and brave.

They mainly carry out a variety of things, such as touching the creatures connected to the world in various ways, and doing research by the way.

Also look at how far they can move, and also test their armor... performance.

Then another team is the instructor. It is mainly to explore on another star bus, and now seems to have successfully entered the 'door'.

I don't know what it will encounter there... but the Master himself is not in this place, so there will be no such situation as the original position of the found body...

In addition to their team, there are other teams that are also ready to go out and explore in this world.

Now, Lin is still interested in the exploration of the Master, because another star bus seems to be a completely different place.

There may be no cell-like creatures there, but there are also complex environments... In the first place, it seems to be the case, but the situation seems to be somewhat different.


“A lot here...”

In a cold environment with a cold wind, the metal spider of the Master is slowly moving forward.

It has been here for a while, the gravity of this place is relatively small, but the metal spider did not move forward so quickly, but cautiously... step by step slowly.

This is not because the captain wants to go so slowly, but that it is moving as slowly as the target is following.

Previously, the instructor discovered a lot of creatures that seemed to be 'skull scales'. They looked like black shadows on the ground, but after they saw it, they found out.

So what exactly are they? Of course... don't know what it is.

At present, the Master's understanding of this ... 'biological', that is, they are known as a round flat with a diameter of about three meters that sticks to the ground and can slowly advance.

They are also very suitable for being called 'black skin' rather than scales.

The Master did not let the spiders do something to them, but slowly followed the moving 'black skins' because the Master thought that these creatures could take it somewhere.

They do have some sort of goal, and the Master noticed that the surrounding black skin was moving in one direction. To say the speed, these creatures are very similar to the creatures living in this extremely cold place.

But the Master thinks that they should not be cell-like creatures, so they climb so slowly not because of the cold, but simply not fast.

Even so, they still took the teacher to see something special, some ... wreckage.

In this area, there are many wrecks on the desolate rocky ground. These wrecks are left by multicellular organisms. They are all broken skeletons. These bones are scattered here, which makes the chief think that there may be many cells. The creature came here through the door and then died here.

However, they have not completely died.

A metal spider of the Master approached a skeleton in front. This skeleton should have belonged to a creature that was more than ten meters long. The Master could see a small spot of light shining on the scattered bones.

If you look at it in a microscopic way, you can see that there are many holes in the bones that are shining brightly.

Occasionally, some miniature creatures will be seen crawling out of the hole and then drilling back.

These microbes are worn on the body like a transparent film and appear to be used for protection.

The instructor felt that the microbes might have lived in living creatures before, and when these creatures died in this place, they still struggled to live here.

The main concern of the Master is the direction of these wrecks, which are all aligned in the same direction as the surrounding.

The instructor looked at that direction. In the far darker distance, there seemed to be a huge cliff. Why did the wreckage point in that direction?

And these black skins crawling on the ground are also crawling in that direction.

Thinking, the Master let the metal spider speed up and ran towards all the creatures that yearn for it.

The process of running, continued and soon, the metal spiders of the Master stopped.

In front of them, there is indeed a huge rock wall. Looking at this rock wall, the instructor feels that his current position seems to be in a canyon.

There are also wrecks on this rock wall. Most of them are flying creatures. Unlike the bones that have been turned into bones before, these flying creatures are still relatively intact, but they are all lyophilized on the rock wall.

And it doesn't fall like it sticks to it.

The instructor plans to climb up and see.

‘Boom! Just as the metal spider touched the rock wall, the entire rock wall suddenly shook. (~^~)

Ps: Thanks ~ 1956~

Thanks ~ North King ~ Ikar ~ liuening ~ Feicheng socks demon ~ monthly ticket ~

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