4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 821: Can't stop

War... The war has never changed.

My population, every creature I know, has been continually engaged in war since the beginning of life, and constantly fighting, and occasionally we will face alien creatures, but usually fight with the same kind.

Our ethnic group consists of many different groups, and then these groups will fight each other, solve a group... and solve the other, and continue to grow.

When the group is too big, it will split into multiple small groups and then continue to fight each other.

What is the significance of this kind of battle? I don't understand... my group is now a small group that is not so big, maybe soon...may be destroyed after this battle.

This is my first time on the battlefield? Every time I go to the battlefield, I will record it a little bit, then put on equipment that I don’t know where it came from, and it’s probably the last battle.

It doesn't matter whether the battle is victorious or not. I just want to know... what is the meaning of all this.


"Their records are like this..."

In the connected world, the dense, weird jungle, scholars and brave, and their partners, gnomes and robbers, are simultaneously staring at a region...

This area is more than a hundred meters in diameter and it is very different from the jungle ground that is covered with various colors like moss or other plants.

The whole area is not long, it looks like ordinary rock land, and there are many gravel.

Therefore, this area is also like a huge open space. There is a kind of creature in this area. Their bodies are generally half a centimeter to one centimeter. The shape looks like a virtual creature and is a kind of six-limb creature.

They move with four feet, and the rest of the limbs can grab things. This creature seems to be the first time a scholar has encountered here... a creature that can analyze the language.

The characteristics of this type of creature are... war.

They don't leave this 100-meter-diameter area, perhaps because the edge of the area is more than a metre of 'cliffs'.

It is indeed a cliff for them, and then these creatures have been living in this place, fighting constantly.

They are usually in groups of tens of hundreds. Occupy some gravel as a base, and then attack nearby similar groups.

They wear some equipment, they also use weapons like weapons, and many of them are equipped with close weapons to fight. They continue to fight in this way. After they defeat, they will eat the body, then absorb the enemy who surrendered, and then the group will attack other groups.

After a group wins several times, they will roll like a snowball. It can easily destroy all the nearby groups, but when it reaches a certain level, it will split into smaller groups and then continue to fight each other.

What is the significance of this kind of battle that does not end?

This even the creature itself raised this question...but they did not end the battle.

This is what the scholars have discovered during the research... The 'personality' of these creatures is quite obvious, and scholars have found that they often have some records of the 'diary'.

Scholars have discovered this behavior and then began to try to interpret their diaries. The way they record diaries is to use some dyes to write ‘text’ on stone or on the ground.

Compared to the various creatures encountered before, the text of these creatures is clearly the best understanding for scholars.

As a result, scholars tried to understand their words, and it unexpectedly found that the words were easy to understand.

Scholars and robbers then translated some of these creatures and recently translated some complete diaries.

It is clear. These creatures have a lot of doubts about their situation...

Why are they fighting?

That is certainly not for themselves.

Although they use all kinds of equipment in battle, they don't make equipment. All of these equipments are... suddenly they pop up.

This is mentioned in some other diaries. All equipment and weapons are like this, they will be added continuously, and those that are damaged will disappear.

The wonderful thing is that they don't have the idea of ​​making equipment themselves, they are constantly using these equipment to fight.

Scholars have found that many creatures have doubts about this constant battle, but these individuals have doubts. They are all located on the edge of the group.

The group's commanders seem to have not had any doubts, but constantly command the group to fight... If any member has the idea of ​​not wanting to fight, then kill it directly.

Scholars have also discovered another thing if foreign creatures invade them. Those creatures will stop immediately and attack the alien creatures no matter how fierce they are playing.

At the same time, exotic organisms are also their main source of food. Although they will eat each other's bodies, it is obvious that this method is impossible to maintain the entire race.

Scholars also try to communicate with them, but they completely ignore all communication... even scholars describe their words in front of them. They don't care, they attack directly.

However, scholars have noticed that some individuals will show doubts and try to reach out to scholars. Of course, they quickly give up this behavior because they are marginal individuals.

Therefore, scholars have not yet stopped their constant war. The brave man has tried to forcefully stop the method and see what will happen.


"Well, we have confirmed the next destination." The scholar stood up and pointed to the distance: "Now I have detected, sending equipment and weapons to these war creatures... another creature is from that direction, Maybe they are manipulating the creatures here."

"Then before we went there..." The brave man bowed his head and it went further into the area, where there were two groups of creatures fighting.

They are playing very fiercely. The brave picks up the sword on the back and slowly extends between the two creatures...

Suddenly, they all changed their goals and began to attack the brave swords madly, while many creatures climbed up the sword.

They know that this is the sword of the brave, so they have to climb up to attack the body, but the brave only needs to shake the sword a little, and all these creatures fall.

They look very weak, but they actually drive away most of the creatures that are close to them, making the entire area almost all of them.

'boom! The brave raised his sword and struck heavily on the ground, and there was a crack in the place where the ground was hit.

This rift also separated the creatures that were in war, and the brave took the sword out. These creatures continued to fight like they had not happened before.

"These creatures are really weird." The brave backed the kendo: "Let's go, I don't have much interest in what they do."

"Well..." The scholar seemed to be thinking about something. After the brave said it, he reacted and said: "That... let's go."

"What are you thinking about?" The brave man said: "It seems that there are many questions."

"It’s mainly thinking about the creatures we encountered along the way." The scholar said: "The original ground mirror to the present... 'war creatures', they all have in common, that is, they are not big, but they have quite The intelligence, but also the development of civilization, although the war creatures here should be a enslaved civilization."

"What is the purpose of their enslavers?" The scholar said: "There are creatures here, what they may have in common..."

"It may not be anything." The brave man said: "Similar creatures can be seen everywhere, not just here, but let's move on."

"makes sense……"

After that, the scholars left the place and left behind the creatures that still fight here.

However, some of these creatures do not have crazy battles. They look at the direction in which scholars and brave people leave, as if they are thinking about something.

However, in the next second they are once again put into battle, their commanders look at them... they can't stop the battle they also feel meaningless.


"Just in front of this..."

Scholars and brave quickly moved through the jungle, and they stopped when they felt a strange noise at their feet.

"It seems like we have got to a more fun place."

They are now standing on a stone, and the surrounding area of ​​the stone is like a muddy environment. There are always large bubbles coming out of the turbid liquid, and then a burst of bangs, a lot of scholars and brave people feel very fragrant... the taste of.

"It's like a swamp." The brave man said, "Where are you talking about the creatures that are equipped?"

"According to the tracking of the signal..." The scholar looked around and finally locked his eyes on a bubble that was constantly expanding from the swamp in front of it.

"Maybe they are hidden under this," the scholar said.

"Do we want to jump?" When the brave man said this, the gnome suddenly yelled and climbed to the head along its foot. This obviously meant not to go down.

“They used to send equipment to war creatures using something like a 'transporter’.” The scholar said: “We may wait here to see it.”

"Yes? Then..."

‘咕噜咕噜......’ The voice of the brave did not fall, and the mud in front of them rang a continuous bubble. As this sound became more and more, a huge black shadow appeared in the swamp.

"It seems that something terrible is about to appear." The brave clenched the kendo in his hand: "I have been looking forward to... such a battle!" (~^~)

Ps: Thanks ~ Nightmare Air ~ ~ rewards ~

Thanks ~rv~ big baby~ no network, please re-login~dgdhum~ white clouds fluttering wkx~ monthly ticket~

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