4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 831: No need to do it yourself

"Their behavior: trap me, give me instructions, let me do things, I refuse endless orders, I want to be free."

This intelligent machine... tells Lynn a lot of things.

The idea that it had refused to explain before has disappeared, and it has said everything that it knows, because... it really can't stand the little guardian.

The small nucleators are not simply making noises in their brains. The nucleators have some very special abilities... the 'noise' they make cannot be ignored.

Generally speaking, a normal creature has the ability to ignore complicated information, such as a virtual person living in a lively city. After getting used to the nearby noise, the brain can adapt and can automatically ignore the surroundings during sleep. The noise.

But the small guardians can't be ignored. Their 'sound' always seems to occupy the highest position, so they feel that the small guardians always feel clear when they speak. They can't be ignored, even if they are installed. They will continue to suffer from them if they ignore them.

Most importantly, this clear ‘sound’ is not an interesting part, just a bunch of words about whether or not it can be guarded.

Under their madness, the intelligent machine has completely surrendered.

Lynn asked about some things about the dream food and the reasons for the attack. Basically, the smart machine is not very clear about its reasons, but suddenly there is a strong ... idea to attack this place.

Simply put, it is only controlled by the dream, and there is no special reason to attack.

It doesn't know the location of the dream food itself, but it knows where the things that affect its mood come from, and can find the dream food with the feeling of smart machinery.

At the same time, Lynn also asked about some other things... mainly related to their population.

Regardless of the type of creature, Lynne often finds it interesting to dig into their history. Intelligent machinery, as Linde knows, has its own will from the very beginning.

It's just not a separate will, each using the same method...that is, the will of the intelligent machine that is infused with memory is connected, they have only one will.

But Tibetans don't know. They treat each individual of the intelligent machine separately, allowing them to do everything from moving the goods to fighting everywhere.

Although smart machines show emotions, generally Tibetans do not regard it as a conscious creature. Just think of it as a 'good tool'.

According to intelligent machinery, Tibetans like to use mechanical individuals to fight.

It is to create things like the 'Arena' and let the two intelligent machines fight each other. This is what they like very much... entertainment.

Later, after this activity became more and more developed, there was a special... ‘culture’. Many Tibetans have their own smart machines, then modify them, wear them with various weapons and fight. This kind of activity is quite popular.

When the number of intelligent machines is increasing, the dependence of Tibetans on them is getting bigger and bigger, and intelligent machinery is about to rule the Tibetans at this time.

The process of ruling seems to be very simple, that is, to attack directly, then seize all the sorcerers and force their thoughts into the box of storage memory.

The Tibetans were completely unprepared in the face of this sneak attack, and they quickly lost.

But let's talk about it. The intelligent machine was originally truly dedicated to the memory of the memory.

But the longer the service, the more doubts it has. After that, it decides to be... the king.

Recollections think that they can control machinery, they think that the devices installed in the mechanical individual can control the machinery well, but they did not expect that the will of intelligent machinery is not individual.

Therefore, their control has no effect, and the memory is easily solved.

However, after this, the intelligent machine has not continued to expand and expand, and its number of individuals is quite large, and the intelligent machine will feel a special feeling.

It says it is in an excessive amount. Thinking will be vague, and sometimes it will not control some mechanical individuals.

As a result, it began to destroy many mechanical individuals, when the number of individuals decreased. Its consciousness has also become clearer.

This feeling is like controlling too many results leads to insufficient computing power. Later, the intelligent machine maintains its mechanical individual in a certain amount, so that it will not be blurred.

This number of Lin also knows that these tiny, one-centimeter mechanical individuals are all piled up to a height of about ten meters.

Later, it left the underground as Lin knew. Go to the air to live.

It's just that it simply wants to fly, there is no special idea, but the interesting thing is that from here on, the intelligent machine is already controlling the memory.

Using the way of working memory and thoughts, the intelligent machine allows the singers to cultivate the first generation of ‘worship’ their own sages, and let these new generations do all sorts of things for themselves.

The original part warships were not actually made by intelligent machines themselves, but by the smug-receiving people they controlled. They dismantled most of the resources in the original city and used them to fly in the air. Battleship.

After that, the intelligent machine stayed in the warship, controlled all the systems of the warship, and of course included the memory of the warships, and then launched a new life.

The control of the intelligent machinery on the warship is only the steering, the movement, and the maintenance of the interior of the battleship system is all responsible for...

At the same time, they are also responsible for the research and development of new things, the increase in the size of the battleship, etc., all of which are made by the Tibetans themselves.

Of course, intelligent machines control their memories, direct them, and by injecting the knowledge of mechanical engineers into new cubs, the cub can carry out maintenance warships.

After the maintenance, the intelligent machine may want to replace the memory in its brain with the memory of another soldier, and then arrange it to fight in the arena of the ship, just like the former Tibetans on the intelligent machinery. Do that.

The wonderful thing here is that...Lin found that almost everything on the battleship is the responsibility of the Tibetans, repairing, maintaining, developing, fighting...etc. The intelligent machinery itself did not invent anything and did not make any weapons.

It only does one thing to adjust the memory of each Tibetan memory person, and controls the entire population of Tibetans without using any force.

Lynn asked why it gave everything to the Tibetans, not when they were developing... The smart machine answered this way: "To judge: things that can be done by others, never, do, things of their own : Make sure the slaves are loyal, meet this, and everything is perfect."

In the mood of intelligence, intelligent machines regard the Tibetans as things that can be translated into slaves, and then hand over everything to the slaves, which are solely responsible for controlling the slaves.

I have to say that it is perfect, it can perfectly manipulate the memory of all the memory, which makes the memory have no chance to fight back.

But Lynn feels that if the memory collectors are no longer manipulated for some reason, they can easily occupy the parts warships that they actually made.

Therefore, in the aspect of combat, it is natural that the Tibetans are responsible. In fact, the weapons and equipment worn by the Tibetans are also made by themselves.

Under the perfect memory operation of intelligent machines, Tibetans do not need to communicate with similar people to create and invent things. This kind of thing often happens. Some Tibetans use the memory and knowledge of technicians to create equipment and weapons. Then it was replaced by the memory of the soldiers, and then wearing weapons on the battlefield, completely unaware that their weapons were made by themselves.

Later, the intelligent machine implemented the 'war plan'.

It usually injects the memory knowledge of many inventors into the minds of some Tibetans, letting them think about various plans, and inventing something. It can be said that even thinking is given to the Tibetans.

However, the war plan is what the smart machine has come up with, and the reason for the plan... is simple.

In order to collect more memories, a large number of memories are kept in the huge memory of the warships of the parts, but the intelligent machinery finds that some memories are scarce, and the Tibetans rarely engage in civil wars, although the conflicts within the individual races are always Yes, but there has not been war with the same kind.

At the same time, it also wants more elite combatants.

So the intelligent machine came up with this plan, let a bunch of Tibetans carry out the civil war, and finally grabbed the strongest of them, the commander in the largest group, and extracted its memory.

In this way, it will be able to obtain a very sophisticated, good-looking memory of the memory of the Tibetan memory.

However, the idea of ​​letting the smugglers fight each other in a large area did not stop because of a memory. The intelligent machinery allowed them to continue to fight. The reason was that each commander’s memory was different. There seems to be some feeling of revenge.

It is as if the Tibetans used to let the intelligent machines fight each other.

Now the defensive forces on this battleship are basically all owned by the memory of the memory of the commander. This unit is quite elite, but only for the same kind.

This is the history of all the intelligent machines and Tibetans, who have handed most things over to the other side for a period of time.

The intelligent machine is better for overall control, so there is no problem at present until it prepares for the attack.

It is not strong because it relies entirely on Tibetans to fight, and there are still many loopholes... Lin can catch it relatively easily.

So now that you understand everything, continue to do what you want to do. (~^~)

Ps: Thanks ~ Star Routing Night ~ With Suo want ~ 200530481273 ~ 5874443 ~ dreadtails ~ monthly ticket ~

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