4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 3 Chapter 108: communicate with?

Is ‘month’ coming now? Looking at the special glory of the stars, Lin remembered that she had seen this ‘star’ before, but it was not that big before, but now it is getting bigger and bigger enough to let Lin pay attention.

But nothing happened here, it shouldn't have arrived yet. According to the brain worm, the moon is almost as big as the sun.

If it is true, it is quite huge, but now that time has not yet arrived, there is no special impact. Lin does not think it is a disaster, because the brainworm does not feel the crisis at all. Now, Linde Pay attention to the activities of the Inca group.

There are three shadow monsters, one is killed by Lin, and now there is one on the ground, and there is one in the ground. The action on the ground begins to change when Lin kills the first shadow monster. Instead of slowly looking for a target, it rushes through the jungle.

It runs in the direction of...the desert.

The other shadow monster under the ground stopped moving, and it was as if it was in a daze.

I don't know what it is doing? Lin let the pilots monitor it all the time. Now, Lin is more concerned about the shadow monster running to the desert on the ground.

Lin's flightman followed, and the shadow monster arrived at the edge of the desert.

Before entering the desert, the shadow blame hides in the branches and leaves of the twisted tree, and explores the head and looks around. It seems to be uneasy about the large open space ahead, making it hesitant.

Suddenly, Lynn felt that the emotion of this dark shadow changed instantly, and it rushed out of the twisted bush. Going in the direction of the desert!

This is the full speed sprint of the Shadow Monster. Lin's flighter followed closely behind the night sky. The Shadow Monster seems to notice that something is following it. It suddenly takes a momentary turn and tries to get rid of the pilot.

Although that is impossible, it is too easy to keep up with the speed of the flight.

Shadow blame rushed out for about three kilometers in the desert, during which time it turned indefinitely to get rid of the flight, and finally the shadow screamed stopped by a sand dune.

While Lin's flighter is still following it, the Shadow Monster is actually just feeling and doubting. It doesn't know where the flying man is. I don't even know if there is anything to track it.

Now the Shadow Monster seems to be resting, or looking for something, and Lin found it crawling over the sand dunes.

The night sky slowly subsided, and the radiance of the white radiant slowly spread. At this time, the temperature of the desert was relatively cold. Lin felt that there would be no creatures at this time, except for... a creature.

Lin doesn't know what the shadow blame is looking for, but definitely not looking for it.

In the sunlight, a bright light flashed in the sky, accompanied by a special roar. The reaper's figure appeared above the desert.

The reaper's bladed wings reflect the dazzling silvery luster at a distance. Shadow blame does not seem to notice, until the reaper is very close, the shadow geek found the sky is not good.

The shadow blame was filled with panic in this moment. It turned and rushed down the sand dunes to escape in the distance, but in this empty desert, nothing could cover it.

The reaper relied on rapid jets and explosive worms to accelerate, and the distance between the two hundred meters was pulled in a second, but when the reaper was about to cut the body of the shadow grotesque, there was a sudden rumble in the sand. Loud.

this is……

'boom! ’

The sand under the shadows suddenly burst open, and a huge creature rushed out of the desert. It smashed into the sky, and Lin immediately let the reaper turn and avoid. Under the sharp turn, the reaper’s wingtip Wiping the carapace of this creature, it made a sharp sound that irritated the auditory organs.

This is the deep sand bus. Lin hasn't seen this creature for a long time. How can it suddenly pop up from here?

The shadow monster that was hit by the deep sand bus fell on the sand in the distance. It struggled to climb up and ran towards the deep sand bus.

Inca insects... Is it really related to Aztec?

The reaper flew high in the sky and swooped down again. The deep sand bus also rushed out of the sand and ran in the direction of the shadow blame, but the speed of it was very obvious.

After a flash of silver light, the reaper's bladed wings instantly cut the shadow blame from the middle of the body into two segments, and the shadow of the head and tail separated on the ground. At this time, the deep sand bus was late, it was directly Open the double eyes and swallow the remaining two shadow monsters directly.

As a result, the deep sand bus began to excavate on the sand and planned to re-drill back into the sand. Before that, the reaper cast some deformers in the air, they stuck to the carapace of the deep sand bus and drilled into the scales. Between the gaps.

The deep sand bus has completely sneaked into the sand at this time, and the reaper can no longer cause any harm to it.

However, this is what Lin thinks. Lin wants to see what is going on in this deep sand bus. Is it the creature of the Inca ‘resurrection’? Or is it Aztec? Also, what is the purpose of the shadow blame? Spread the virus? But why did this only run to the desert?

Lin deliberately only let a reaper attack the shadow monster, if it can kill it, it will be killed, but if it can not be killed, it can also create an illusion of 'killing failure', let the Inca worm lay down doubts, so Lin Lin Only then can they see their true purpose.

The behavior of the Inca group is really very strange to Lin. The behavior pattern of this insect makes Lin difficult to predict. Lin found that even if the computing power is strong, there are many things that cannot be learned in advance. The most important one is... In order to understand this more, it is necessary to read the brain.

However, the study of the brain reader seems to be difficult to progress. Reading the thoughts is a very difficult thing. Lin feels that she should study the brain worm and see how it is read.

Lin tried to let the brainworms read some of the brains of the creatures. Lin found that the basic way of reading the brainworms is to directly extract some of the substances in the brain. Lin speculates that these substances are used to store memories.

This process is slow and complicated, but observation is difficult to understand.

And Lin found that the method of brain worms is not for the Inca worms...

In fact, Lynn tried to let the brain worms read the brains of some Indo-Insects. Each Indy worm group and even the blaster had a complete brain, but after the brain worm read it, it said: The memory is full of impurities, no detailed information, only chaos, can not be read."

Indeed, the Inca genus is full of secrets, and even the brain worms can't read their information, so Lynn still intends to study them in an observational way.

Now the deformer is in the body of the deep sand bus. The deep sand bus is empty and can't see anything. It moves at high speed under the desert, while the flying man flies over the desert to the deformer. As the positioning follows the movement of this deep sand bus.

Until the night again, Lin found that the deep sand bus had drilled the sand. In front of it, it was an open rock area. The desert was not all sand, there were many such dry rock areas, and in this area. A considerable amount of Aztec insects have gathered.

Does this deep sand bus really belong to the Inca group, but is it Aztec? Regarding Aztec, Lin has not studied their activities for a long time.

The deep sand bus climbed into the rocky area, and the Aztec insects in front gave it an empty road, while at the end of the road there was a special bug.

Lin called it "Montezuma II", referred to as Monte II.

The deep sand bus climbed to the front of Monte II, and the pilots were watching them in the air. They saw the deep sand bus moving their mouths and spitting out two dark things.

It was the shadow monster that was cut into two upper and lower bodies. Was it not crushed? And actually still alive.

The upper part of the Shadow Monster climbed to Monte II and gave a sound containing a variety of tones, and then Monte II gave a similar voice response, and Lin speculated that they must be communicating.

The original Montezuma can be signaled to the Inca swarm. Why do shadow monsters need to meet to communicate? And Lynn doesn't understand their communication content.

The brain worms are also unaware of the vocabulary they use. It seems that the Inca worms also have their own vocabulary composition. Lynn thought they were a race that would not communicate.

After a moment of exchange, the Shadow Monster died. After all, it was good to be able to live for a long time after being cut into two paragraphs. Then Monte II climbed onto the back of the deep sand bus and opened the scales and drilled in. The deep-sand bus went out of the rocky area and got under the desert, while the other Aztecs stayed in the rocky area. Lin found that they had done strange things, and the worms began to smash the surrounding rocks.

What are they doing? Lin found that there were no bite marks on these rocks, which means that Aztec is just beginning to smash stones? So what about the previous exchanges? What did the Shadow Monster say, let the Aztec bug start to rub the stone?

And where is Montenegro going?

What they do is really hard to understand...

Is it necessary to continue to observe? Still have to kill them? Lin's metamorphosis is still parasitic near the brain of Monte II. Lin can solve the Aztec bug at any time. After killing the leader, it is only necessary to kill the deep sand bus before the next generation of the leader. Aztec The worm is not a threat to Lin.

The Inca group seems to have begun the same move as the Aztec, and the underground people who observed the Inca group found that a large number of black bees excavated the stones on the ground, and they dug the stones out. together.

What are these bugs doing?

For Aztec, Lin intends to take a research attitude and observe their behavior, and as for the Inca group, Lin feels that it should be over.

Under the ground, Lin’s army is advancing. Lin is not a sneak attack this time, but brings all the troops. This is a comprehensive...war (continued to search for astronomical literature, the novel is better updated) fast!

Ps: Thanks ~ Long Haoyue ~ 10000~! ! !

Thanks ~ Long Haoyue ~ Ice Feather ~ Soul Guard ~ Moon Pass ~

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