4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 839: Its idea

long long ago……

In the void, there are many legends.

In a certain legend, a creature called ‘energy’ is described.

They suddenly appeared in the void at some point, and initially no creatures noticed their existence.

But as time goes by, the impact of energy biology is getting bigger and bigger, so the original species have to pay attention to them.

Energy creatures also interact with real creatures. They sometimes work together, sometimes they fight each other.

They have not been noticed from the beginning, and their influence has become stronger and stronger. In some worlds, the original environment has completely changed due to the emergence of energy creatures.

For these energy creatures, many creatures with certain intelligence will try to understand what they are.

Some creatures think that it is not right to call them 'energy' because they differ from the usual energy. They think... energy creatures may actually be another 'dimension' creature, or they are in another A space and so on.

There are many other kinds of arguments, but in the end, these studies have no results, what is the energy creature... almost no creature can know.

In fact, even the energy creature himself does not know where he came from.

They only know that they should adapt to the environment they can perceive and then work hard to live.

The first energy creatures, they usually live in the 'dream world', just as cell biology usually lives in the atmosphere.

In addition to the dream world, there are many other names.

The composition of the dream world itself is similar to the 'energy'. They are like the air, pervading the earth. The original energy creatures can only live in the dream world, so they are also called dream creatures.

However, the dream world on which dreaming creatures depend for their lives is not “naturally formed” like the atmosphere, but is created by...

but. The dream creatures themselves are not aware of this. They think that the edge of dreams is the end of the world, so... they have always lived in their own world.

Except for a creature.

This creature is also an energy creature, but it is different from other energy creatures. It has a high level of intelligence, which allows it to understand what its living environment is like.

It is quite doubtful about its living environment...

It has enough intelligence, but it doesn't have enough knowledge. It doesn't know what to do or what it can do.

So...it didn't do anything. In fact, it can't do too much because it doesn't move, and it doesn't have any special ability.

It stays where it is, looks at the surroundings and sees how other creatures are active.

This period of time lasted for a long time... very long.

In the process of observation, it has learned a lot of things. It understands the world in which it is located. It is a world dominated by gray and covered with dense fog. And there are countless creatures living here.

The world is marginal. It is dark outside the edge of the world. Nothing can enter the darkness. Darkness is like a cliff for all it and the creatures it has seen. It is absolutely impossible to cross. of.

From this point on, it thinks that its own world is so big, and nothing goes out.

All the creatures it sees live in this limited space.

It also noticed. These creatures are very different from it.

All creatures use various methods to obtain nutrients, some from the surrounding environment and some for hunting. There are many other ways.

Either way, it takes a lot of effort.

Therefore, it is very puzzled...

Because it does not need to work hard to get nutrients.

It has seen many creatures suffering and even dissipating because of lack of nutrients, but it does not... It has never felt the pain of lack of nutrients.

It doesn't know what's going on. So, it continues to observe.

It also found a point. The scope of its observation is very broad. The scope of other creatures is very small. It is probably only around itself, but it can observe the whole world. From its own position to the edge of the world, there will be no The place that was missed.

It feels that you are really different, but what can you do differently?

In the course of life, its knowledge has slowly enriched.

It notes that instead of needing nutrients, there is a special way to get nutrients, and when other creatures are active, they will be given some nutrients ‘automatically’.

Whether it's moving, eating, or doing anything, the various creatures here are losing some of the 'energy' on the body.

And it can recover this energy as its own nutrients, so it does not need to eat.

It suddenly knew this at some point, and it also knew... and grew up bit by bit.

By recovering energy, its 'body' is slowly growing up, which is what it suddenly knows, and as the body grows, it finds itself slowly moving.

It was slow to move initially, and it only crawled on the ground of this world.

This makes it quite happy, no matter how slow the speed is, it also begins to try to move forward and get in touch with other creatures.

However, other creatures don't pay much attention to it, but do their own thing.

It doesn't care too much, and starts to explore in this world of limited size, although... it can see all the places, but the feeling of moving past is still very different.

In this slow movement, it slowly reached the edge of the world.

In front of it is a huge darkness.

No creature can pass through the darkness, it is very clear about this, but because of curiosity, it drives itself to move forward and touch this dark area.

It... passed this darkness.

It found that its own 'body', some of which reached out into the darkness, which made it feel extremely surprised. It once saw many creatures trying to pass this darkness, but no matter how they hit, how to advance, they could not enter the darkness. Among them.

Isn't this the edge of the world? Is darkness a new world?

When it comes to these ideas, it also feels a special emotion, that is... ‘sleepiness’.

Under the sudden and intense sleepiness, it entered a deep sleep.

Then, how long has it been? It didn't know that when it woke up again, it found that everything around it had changed a lot.

The surrounding terrain and creatures have all changed, and the most surprising change is that it finds its own world...grown.

The original dark edge has become farther. In general, the world has almost doubled, and it has found that its speed has become even faster.

It remembered the reason for all of this, so it moved on, and soon it reached the edge of the darkness and touched it.

As before, it felt a sense of drowsiness and quickly entered a deep sleep.

When it woke up, it noticed that the world around it became bigger, and it itself became more...vibrant.

It can even float a little bit off the ground.

So, it re-launched the previous action.

For a long time, it was doing this, touching the dark edge, sleeping and continuing to touch.

As a result, its world has become larger and larger, and the creatures living in the world have become richer, both in type and in quantity.

It has also become faster and faster, and it has also found that its perception has been limited, and now its scope of perception can no longer cover the world after the enlargement.

It doesn't matter, it's more aggressively touching the edge, and it's always trying to expand the world to a huge extent.

However, its actions have not continued.

It's not because it stops, because every time the world gets bigger, it feels quite happy, so it keeps the world growing.

However, it suddenly discovered that the world could not grow.

Because the world has become...spherical.

It notices that if you keep going in one direction, it will wrap back to its original position after a long time.

Yes, the world has become a ball, there is no dark edge, and there is no way to continue to expand it.

However, it believes that there is still a margin where it is not touched, for example...

In the sky.

The sky is always incomparable, and there is no dark edge. Even if it is explored with powerful perceptive power, it can only see a flaw, but it feels that if it is always flying, it will definitely encounter the edge. .

It is now flying, so it starts to fly into the air.

It thought it would take a long time to touch the edge, but in fact it didn't take long to find the edge of the sky.

This edge is different from what I have seen before. It is not a dark one, but it seems that there is a transparent wall that blocks it and cannot pass.

But it did not give up.

It keeps trying to use any method to pass this wall, the most common way is to squeeze forward.

It found that as long as it was squeezed forward, it did move slowly, but when it squeezed to a certain extent, it suddenly felt a special feeling.

It felt that its body was cracked, and the split part was sucked into the wall, and its original part was bounced back by the wall.

It was afraid of this situation, so it no longer tried to squeeze the transparent wall of the sky, but returned to the ground... (~^~)

Ps: Thanks ~ Guanshu Zhixing~ The dead will come ~ o Shangguan Phoenix o~ monthly ticket~

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