4.6 Billion Year Symphony of Evolution

Vol 6 Chapter 866: Inconvenience

Connect the world... the edge of the plain of the mirror. Oh,

Scholars and brave people are standing in front of the camp at this time. Now the gates of the camp are tightly closed. The guards standing on the wall of the gate immediately said: "You are back! That...the worm that will be called Say you want to see you, come in soon!"

Said, the guards immediately went to open the door, and before they did this, the scholar suddenly shouted: "Wait, don't open the door first!"

“What happened?” the two guards said inexplicably: “Why don’t you open the door?”

"Because it has some... problems." After the lecture, the scholar turned to look at the brave, and the brave questioned it: "What? Go ahead, let them open."

"You are not it... I just noticed it." The scholar said: "Although we have been disturbed by the function and communication functions of the other location, I was able to distinguish it later."

"What are you talking about?" The brave man said: "Come on, let them open the door."

'boom! The scholar did not continue to speak, but took a weapon from his waist and immediately pulled the trigger. After a burst of fire, he saw that the shoulders of the brave were smashed.

The debris that was knocked out turned into black sand on the ground. These sands crawled up and down the ground, but there seemed to be no target, just turning around in place.

"...you are...saying..." The brave head turned slightly stiffly, looking at his broken shoulder: "Come on... let's open the door..."

“The appearance is very similar...” The scholar looked at the ‘Brave’ and said: “But because it’s a temporary combination, it seems like it’s easy to break a dozen, and it’s like a lot of lines...”

When the scholar approached the camp, he noticed that the brave was somewhat abnormal because its communication function was disturbed, so he could not know the location of the brave and the long-distance communication.

However, scholars still recognize that this brave man is not a brave person at all, mainly based on the voice of its walking, and the attitude of judgment.

This thing is micro-machined, and may be dragging them down or earlier. Micromachines tried to make a fake brave and ran with it.

Although the appearance looks almost identical, it is exposed as soon as it is attacked.

And this camouflage machine looks stupid, can it really act as a spy? However, scholars are more concerned about... What is the real brave now?

"It seems a bit troublesome." At this time. The sound of the camp wall was raised, and the scholar looked up and saw that the robbers were standing on the fence.

“Why are you coming back first?” the scholar asked the robber.

The robbers said: "I came back first because there are some things about our connection and the mechanical body to deal with... In short, I will grab it back and study it."

"...well." The scholar looked at the brave man who pretended to be a micro-machine. It is still standing still. There are all kinds of ambiguous sounds in my mouth, as if it is broken.

It seems that it is easy to get caught, just when the scholar took this idea and took the first step...

"Let them open the door!" The false brave suddenly yelled and jumped high from the ground and jumped directly across the wall to the camp.

“Well!” The scholar jumped up immediately. When it jumped over the camp, it found that the brave brave was quickly rushing to the largest building in the camp.

The surrounding virtual people just looked at it strangely, because they didn't know the relationship, no one was going to stop it.

"Come on! Use that!" The robber worm jumped to the shoulder of the scholar: "The last new weapon!"

"I... I know!" The scholar immediately remembered what it was, and it immediately reached out to the waist. Take out another weapon.

Now the brave man ran to the entrance of the building. Before the entrance, it trembled fiercely, and the mouth continued to make strange noises.

'boom! ’

After a burst of sound, the fake brave that was hit by the scholar stopped the weird behavior. It seemed that the whole body became as solid as it was solid and fell to the ground.

Then, the whole body trembled again and again, and with this tremor, the body of the false brave was scattered and turned into a black sand crumb.

"...has it solved?" Scholars and robbers came to the sand next to the land. Look carefully at the sand and it doesn't move, it looks like it's dead.

"Catch it up, this one and who! Take the microbial extraction device! Move faster! It's as fast as rolling!" The robbers shouted at the crowds around them, and they suddenly glimpsed . Then quickly ran to get a thing to come here.

This kind of thing is called a microbial extraction device, but the soldiers here prefer to call it a 'vacuum cleaner'.

Originally very popular in the virtual world, because there is too much dust, these things have been modified to capture the microbes here.

A soldier used a vacuum cleaner to quickly absorb all the black sand on the ground. After watching the ground clean and no dust was gone, the robbers said to the guards: "Get it to the underground laboratory. Then put it. In the isolation zone No. 1."

"Okay, I know." The guards quickly left.

After seeing the guards leave, the scholars squatted down and looked at the ground carefully with the microscopic model. After not seeing any omissions, they relaxed their breath: "At first I didn't expect them to be dressed as brave. ......"

"There are not many things that are known." The robbers said: "They are only interested in the 'civilization' here. They think that we are the original civilization here... It should not be that we have a relationship with Lin. When spying."

"Is it?" The scholar wondered. It suddenly said something like what he thought of: "Right, the brave man is now..."

"It's definitely okay, the body is still here." The robbers said: "In short, we must study the mechanics first. They seem to be a little wonderful. Do you want to study it? Or after repairing your communication function, continue. Go out and check them..."

"Then fix the function first..." The scholar said: "At least confirm the position of the brave first, but I also want to study first." The robbers said: "That's it... hurry into the lab. ”

"Well..." The scholar opened the door to the building, but it found that there was always a strange feeling in his mind, as if things had not been solved... as if... forgot something. (To be continued.)

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